
chuān shān jiǎ
  • pangolin;Manis pentadactyla
穿山甲 [chuān shān jiǎ]
  • [pangolin] 鳞甲目穿山甲科(Manidae)穿山甲属( Manis )有胎盘哺乳动物

穿山甲[chuān shān jiǎ]
  1. 目的研究中国穿山甲消化道5-羟色胺(5-HT)免疫活性细胞的分布和形态。

    Objective To investigate the distribution and morphology of the5-hydroxytryptamine ( 5-HT ) immunoreactive cells in the digestive tract of Manis pentadactyla .

  2. 穿山甲化学成分的研究

    Studies of chemical constituents of manis pentadactyla

  3. 这份120页的报告称,病毒最有可能来自动物,可能是蝙蝠或穿山甲,经由未知中间宿主传播给人类。

    The 120-page report said the virus most probably jumped from an animal , potentially a bat or pangolin , to an unknown intermediate animal host and then to humans .

  4. 穿山甲煎液诱导HL-60细胞凋亡的研究

    Studies on the HL-60 Cell Apoptosis Induced by Pangolin Extracts

  5. Annexin-PI双染色法检测凋亡率进一步证实了穿山甲蛋白提取物诱导K562细胞凋亡的作用。

    Annexin V-PI double staining further confirmed pangolin protein extract can induce apoptosis of K562 cells .

  6. 建立大鼠阑尾脓肿模型,通过检测超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量及观察白细胞的吞噬功能,比较猪蹄甲和穿山甲消痈作用的异同。

    In the model rat appendicitis abscess , the eliminating carbuncle effect of the sus scrofa domestic brisson and the manis pentadactyla linnaeus was compared by determining the activity of SOD , the level of MDA and the phagocytosis of leukocytes .

  7. 结果:穿山甲浓度在2.5~10mg/ml范围内可抑制HL-60细胞生长,并诱导其发生凋亡;并激活Caspase-3酶活性,下降bcl-2基因表达。

    Results : Inhibiton was observed when the pangolin extracts were at the concentration between 0.0025 to 0.01 g / ml and apoptosis was also observed with the activation of caspase 3 and lowered expression of bcl 2 gene .

  8. 本文采用XPS、SEM技术分析了穿山甲鳞片的化学成分,用氨基酸分析仪测定了鳞片的各种氨基酸含量,用XRD方法测定了鳞片的X射线衍射谱。

    Chemical constituents of pangolin scales are analysed by applying techniques of XPS and SEM . X-ray diffraction spectrum of the scales is tested and the Kinds of amino acids in the scales are detected by the technique of XRD with an analyser of amino acids .

  9. 据世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)的数据显示,在过去的十年间,超过100万的穿山甲被杀害贩卖。

    According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ) , more than 1 million of them have been killed or sold in the last 10 years .

  10. 结果:猪蹄甲、穿山甲均有消痈作用,猪蹄甲高剂量组和穿山甲组作用最强,2者比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Results : The sus scrofa domestic brisson group with different doses all had the eliminating carbuncle effect . The sus scrofa domestic brisson high-dose group and the manis pentadactyla linnaeus group had the strongest effects , and there was no significant difference between the two groups ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 采用15名冠心病患者的静脉血制备富血小板血浆和贫血小板血浆,每一标本分成三部分供三组使用:穿山甲组、阿司匹林组和对照组,以ADP诱导血小板聚集。

    Rich platelet plasma and Poor platelet plasma were centrifuged from the blood of 15 patients with coronary heart disease . Each sample was divided into three parts for use by three groups : control , group of S.M. and group of aspirin .

  12. 将Jcl-lcr系18日龄雌性小白鼠28只分为4组,从20日龄时摘除卵巢,28日龄开始,第1组连续给穿山甲、王不留行煎液,每天口服0.2ml(相当于生药0.1g);

    28 18-day-old Jcl-lcr female mice , which were ovariectomized at the age of 20 days , were divided into 4 groups . 0.2 ml of Squama manitis and Semen vaccariae solution were given orally every day in group ⅰ;

  13. 复方穿山甲口服液的抗炎及镇痛作用

    The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Chuan Shan Jia drinking liquid

  14. 穿山甲胃癌及其病因的研究

    Study on gastric carcinoma and its etiology in Chinese Pangolin

  15. 中国穿山甲资源现状及保护对策

    The status and conservation strategy of pangolin resource in China

  16. 全球共有7种穿山甲。

    There are 7 species of pangolin in the world .

  17. 中国兽类一新纪录&爪哇穿山甲

    A new record of mammalia in china & manis javanica

  18. 穿山甲及其混淆品鉴别与质量研究

    Identification and Quality Studies on Pangolin Scales and its Adulterants

  19. 对穿山甲鳞片的形态和组成进行了分析。

    The morphology and composition of the pangolin 's scale were analyzed .

  20. 山羌和穿山甲栖息在森林之中。

    Taiwan muntjac deer and pangolin inhabit the forests today .

  21. 甲梅油由穿山甲、梅片、青草配制。

    A-mei oil from pangolins , Mei-chip , grass preparation .

  22. 非洲和亚洲南部能见到各类穿山甲。

    A variety of Pangolins can be found in Africa and Southern Asia .

  23. 穿山甲很快就会灭绝了,他说。

    Pangolins will be extinct soon , he said .

  24. 还有更多的穿山甲被猎杀。

    Many more pangolins have been hunted or killed .

  25. 今年的世界穿山甲日是2月18日。

    This year , it fell on Feb 18 .

  26. 每年二月的第三个星期六是世界穿山甲日。

    World Pangolin Day is on the third Saturday of February each year .

  27. 人工饲养穿山甲行为的观察

    Behavior Observations of the Chinese Pangolin under Artificial Rearing

  28. 其它4种穿山甲生态学研究未见任何报道。

    There is no report on ecology study of the other 4 species .

  29. 中国政府现在禁止购买及食用穿山甲。

    The government now stops anyone from buying and eating pangolins in China .

  30. 穿山甲公司是主要从事白蚁防治、城市害虫的专业性公司。

    Pangolins company is mainly engaged in termite control , urban pest professional company .