
qiú yú
  • armadillo
犰狳 [qiú yú]
  • [armadillo] 哺乳动物,全身大部生鳞片,腹部多毛,爪锐利,善掘土,属犰狳科(Dasypodidae),头部和躯体包在由骨质鳞片构成的甲胄内,昼伏夜出,吃昆虫、鸟卵等

犰狳[qiú yú]
  1. 我从来没有看过犰狳。

    I have never seen the armadillo .

  2. 南美洲犰狳,有三节鳞片。

    South American armadillo with three bands of bony plates .

  3. 犰狳和树懒化石让他获得了灵感。

    He was inspired by fossils of armadillos and sloths .

  4. 在CommedesGarçons发布会上,模特身穿类似犰狳的一层层盔甲面料装以及撑裙(外用复古风格的漂亮织锦覆盖)。

    At Comme des Gar ç ons , the models wore armadillo-type layers of material body armour and panniers all covered in beautiful , antiquey brocades .

  5. 对犰狳接种麻风菌后眼内病变为何不同的探讨

    Severity of Leprosy Eye Lesions in Armadillos Infected with M. Leprae

  6. 鼠妇身形娇小,貌似犰狳,有时也会被当作宠物来养。

    Woodlice are small , armadillo-like bugs sometimes kept as pets .

  7. 犰狳或海龟身上大的骨质或角质的板。

    Large bony or horny plate as on an armadillo or turtle .

  8. 犰狳在水里亦非常活跃。

    The armadillo , too , is very competent in the water .

  9. 我就知道你能理解,艾萨克·牛顿犰狳。

    I knew you 'd understand , Armadillo Isaac Newton .

  10. 犰狳喜欢在地上打洞找臭虫。

    Armadillos love to dig the soil looking for bugs .

  11. 其中我最喜欢的动物是哺乳动物被称为犰狳。

    One of my favorite animals is the mammal called the armadillo .

  12. 食蚁兽、豪猪、负鼠、犰狳则一路向北。

    Anteaters , porcupines , opossums and armadillos moved north .

  13. 犰狳生活在美国南部和中美洲地区。

    The armadillo is found in the American South and in Central America .

  14. 艾萨克·牛顿爵士在相信自己是犰狳时才写出了《自然哲学的数学原理》。

    Sir Isaac Newton wrote his Principia while convinced he was an armadillo .

  15. 服装租赁店里的圣诞老人服装早已没有存货了,罗斯租了一件犰狳服装。

    The rental shop is all out so he rents an Armadillo costume instead .

  16. 南美洲热带尾巴无毛的犰狳。

    Naked-tailed armadillo of tropical South America .

  17. 好了,我们已经设法避开犰狳,到了绿洲餐馆了。

    Well , we 've managed to avoid the armadillos and now we 're at the oasis .

  18. 牙齿很少或没有牙齿的哺乳动物;包含北美食蚁动物;树獭;犰狳。

    Order of mammals having few or no teeth including : New World anteaters ; sloths ; armadillos .

  19. 鼠妇身形娇小,貌似犰狳,有时也会被当作宠物来养。但有一点,它们根本不是虫子。

    Woodlice are small , armadillo-like bugs sometimes kept as pets . Only , they 're not bugs at all .

  20. 南美洲灭亡的动物包括大型地懒和一种犰狳科动物,足足有汽车大小的雕齿兽。

    The die-off in South America included giant ground sloths and armadillo-like animals the size of cars known as glyptodonts .

  21. 考古学奖:阿斯托尔弗·高密斯·德·梅罗·阿罗约和约西·卡洛斯马西里诺,证明犰狳会搅乱考古学挖掘出土的东西。

    Archaeology : Astolfo Gomes de Mello Araujo and Jose Carlos Marcelino for showing armadillos can scramble the contents of an archaeological dig .

  22. 此处已发现八百五十多种鸟类以及罕见的巨型水獭和庞大的犰狳等动物。

    Some 850 species of birds have been identified and rare species such as the giant otter and the giant armadillo also find refuge there .

  23. 这位前总统表示,巴尼曾是“凶猛的犰狳猎犬”,它在戴维营最喜欢的活动就是在修整的绿草坪上追逐高尔夫球。

    The former president said Barney was a " fierce armadillo hunter " whose favorite activity at Camp David was chasing golf balls on the chipping green .

  24. 这是迄今为止头一个已经完成12项飞行使命的商业太空港,入驻这里的是世界著名太空飞行公司,如美国犰狳航空航天公司、UP航空航天公司、维珍银河太空旅行公司等。

    This is the first commercial spaceport that has launched 12 missions so far . The tenants are the worlds famous spaceflight companies , such as Armadillo Aerospace , UP Aerospace and Virgin Galactic .

  25. 他们的一些啤酒有着古怪的名字,比如“坏青蛙”、“死犰狳,”及“哭泣萝卜琥珀啤酒”等已经吸引了酒吧,餐馆和零售店啤酒买家们的眼球。

    The wacky names of some of their beers - such as " Bad Frog , " " Dead Armadillo , " and " Weeping Radish Amber Lager " - have caught the attention of beer buyers at bars , restaurants and retail checkout stands .
