
  • 网络SDMA
  1. 基于部分随机波束选择的机会式空分多址技术

    Partial Random Opportunistic SDMA with Beam Selection

  2. 空分多址技术在未来的民用或军用移动通信系统中具有很大的应用潜力。

    The SDMA technique has great potential to be applied in the future civilian or military mobile communication system .

  3. 空分多址技术中的一些关键技术研究

    A Study on Some Key Technology in Space Division Multiple Access System

  4. 移动通信中的空分多址技术

    Spatial Division Multiple Access Technology in Mobile Communication

  5. 本论文主要讨论个人通信系统中的位置信息和多址技术,特别是空分多址技术。

    Thus , the dissertation chiefly deals with the location information and multiplex access technology , especially with the novel SDMA ( space division multiplex access ) technology applied to the rural .

  6. 多用户MIMO系统下行链路的空分多址发送预滤波技术研究

    A Transmit Preprocessing Technique for Downlink SDMA in Multi-user MIMO Channels

  7. 在基于码分多址(CDMA)和空分多址(SDMA)技术的联合多址系统中,扩频码的分配应根据移动用户空间向量的正交性来进行。

    In the joint multiple access systems , which are based on the CDMA and SDMA techniques , the assignment of spreading codes should be based on the orthogonality of the spatial vector of the mobile users .

  8. 空分多址(SDMA)技术,即在基站安装多个天线阵元以便从期望用户接收或向期望用户发送数据信息,是有效抑制干扰的技术之一。

    Spatial-division multiple access ( SDMA ), by which a plurality of antenna elements are equipped at the base station in order to receive and transmit data information from and to the desired user , has been proposed as an effective technique to suppress interferences .