
kōnɡ jūn shào jiànɡ
  • air vice-marshal;major general of the air force;major general
  1. 退休的空军少将、杜克大学(DukeUniversity)法学院教授邓拉普(CharlesDunlap)说,战争行为是政治词汇,不是法律术语。

    Act of war ' is a political phrase , not a legal term , said Charles Dunlap , a retired Air Force Major General and professor at Duke University law school .

  2. “联合国军司令部欢迎与朝鲜的这一会谈,它带来了双方建立互信、防止误解的前景,”联合国代表团团长、美国空军少将约翰尼达(johnnyweida)说。

    " The UN command welcomed this discussion with North Korea which holds the prospect for building trust and preventing misunderstanding between the two sides , " said major general Johnny Weida of the US air force , who lead the UN delegation .

  3. 中国空军少将马健还保证说,灾区的所有核设施都是安全的。

    Air Force Major General Ma Jian also made reassurances that all of China 's nuclear facilities in the area are safe .