- collect manure;manure accumulation;store compost;lay in manure

[collect manure;lay in manure;manure accumulation;store compost] 把各种肥料收集、积攒起来
These school children regularly help the production teams collect manure and do weeding ; they often do good deeds like this .
Enclosing pigs to collect manure has proved to be an effective way to control and eliminate leptospirosis .
Then they could burn it , to power and heat the compostfacility .
Cedar Grove has gotten a million-dollar grant from the state government to pursue its food-to-fuel plan .
The people who work at Cedar Grove talk about compost the way chefs talk about food .
Before turning banana peels and bread crusts into compost , the company wants to use them to create alternative energy .
Turning food waste into biogas would make food recycling more profitable-especially because the food could still be used for compost after the gas-extraction process .
Turning food waste into biogas would make food recycling more profitable - especially because the food could still be used for compost after the gas-extraction process .
Instead of letting that methane escape into the atmosphere , where it could contribute to global warming , Cedar Grove would suck it up and store it .
Every day , at Cedar Grove Composting north of Seattle , truck after truck pulls into this huge warehouse to dump loads of food and yard waste .
Lawrence Klein , technology and development planner for Cedar Grove , says they could also convert the gas from the food waste to compressed natural gas , to fuel their trucks .