
jī lěi jī jīn
  • accumulation fund
  1. 而积累基金存在的必要条件就是开征社会保险税,保证社会保险的资金来源。

    And the social insurance tax , which ensures the source of accumulation fund , lays the foundation for it .

  2. 随着社会保障制度的发展,逐步形成结余基金和积累基金,基金监管被提上议事日程。

    With the development of the social security system , the concepts of balance fund and Accumulation fund generally came out , and the supervision to funds are being raised on schedule .

  3. 该制度在实施过程中最大的困难是改革时已退休和已参加工作的职工的养老金个人账户没有积累基金。

    The most serious difficulty of the system is that there is no accumulated pension for those people who had retired or worked when the system began to reform .

  4. 我国养老保险基金历经了十多年的改革,已实现了从现收现付制向部分积累基金制的转换。

    Old Age Insurance Funds in China has been reformed for more than ten years , with the transition from the system of collection followed by payment to the system of accumulative funds .

  5. 养老保险可持续发展的核心是财政的可持续,一方面要提供即时的财政基金支持,另一方面要有强大的基金积累与基金增值机制。

    The core of the sustainable development of old-age is sustainable financial support . In other words , it needs in-time financial support and strong foundation accumulation and increment mechanism .

  6. 鉴于此,我国应该大力发展开放式投资基金,一方面适应国内对证券投资基金的要求,另一方面尽快的积累投资基金管理经验和人才培养,以应对入世后的国际竞争。

    So our country should develop open investment funds energetically : on one hand , we should meet the needs of investment funds at home ; on the other hand , we should accumulate the experiences in management as soon as possible in international competition .

  7. DC型积累制社保基金的优势与投资策略&美国TSP模式的启示与我国社保基金入市路径选择

    Advantages of Social Security Fund Based on the DC Type Accumulation System and Investment Tactics - Revelation of U. S. " TSP " and option of ways for China 's social security fund to enter the market

  8. 多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。

    We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds .

  9. 提出未来城乡一体化社会养老保险模式应是个人积累的完全基金制。

    I propose that the future rural-urban integrated pension system should be Fund .

  10. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。

    The factory has built up reserve fund .

  11. 论持续、稳定积累养老保险基金的基本对策

    On the Basic Countermeasures against Durability , Stability and Accumulation of the Endowment Insurance Funds

  12. 而它对部分积累制下基金收支平衡的影响则是前两者的综合。

    However the effect will be the integration of them under the part - funding scheme .

  13. 指的是我们该如何正确运用积累的养老基金社会财富,实现基金的应有价值。

    This question refers to how we properly use the accumulated social wealth under funded system , and to realize its intrinsic value .

  14. 随着我国人口老龄化问题的日趋严重,研究如何持续、稳定、积累养老保险基金问题已迫在眉睫。

    With the population 's aging problem being serious day by day , it 's extremely urgent that we study how to deal with the problem of durability , stability and accumulation of the endowment in-surance funds .

  15. 在全面建设小康社会时期,必须加快社会保障立法进程,多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金,积极推进农村社会保障制度建设。

    So it is imperative , in the period of building a well-off society in an all-round way , to speed up legalization of social security , raise and accumulate social security funds from various channels and actively build the social security system in the countryside .

  16. 首先介绍了目前世界上养老保险的三种筹资模式,现收现付模式、部分积累(半基金制)模式和完全积累(基金制)模式。

    In this chapter , the author introduces three basic modes of raising pension funds across the world , namely , the cash-in and cash-out mode , the partially accumulate fund mode ( quasi-fund system ), and the completely accumulated fund mode ( fund system ) .

  17. 但是,如果合资公司的经营、利润状况良好,合同各方原则上同意再适当增加注册资本,即按经营发展状况和稳妥的股本筹措原则使用积累的储备基金。

    Nevertheless , if the joint venture performs well in respect of its operation and profitablity , each party hereto in principle agrees to increase registered capital as appropriate , i.e.to use the accumulated reserve fund in accordance with conditions of operations and principle of raising capital prudently .

  18. 尽管两家公司都表示他们计划减少支出,但双方新近积累的这些备战基金可能会让他们难以收手。

    Although both companies have said they plan to dial back spending , the new war chests accumulated by each may make that hard .

  19. 随着我国社会保险制度的逐步建立和发展,越来越多的劳动者被纳入到社会保险体系中,积累的社会保险基金累计结余规模也日益庞大。

    During the establishment and development of the social insurance system , more and more people were brought into the system and the accumulated balances of the social insurance fund were increasingly hugeness .

  20. 近年来,随着中国基本养老保险制度从现收现付制向部分积累制转换,基金的积累周期变长,基金规模日益增大。

    In recent years , with basic pension system in china shifting from the pay-as-you-go system to the integration system , the period for accumulation becomes longer and the scale of fund expands continuously .

  21. 世界各国纷纷对本国的养老保险制度进行改革,引入基金积累制,将积累的养老保险基金投资于资本市场。

    Countries had to reform their pension systems , so funded pension system was born . The pension fund was invested into capital market .