
kē jì wén xiàn
  • Scientific and technological literature;technical text
  1. Internet上科技文献的在线检索与利用

    Online Retrieving and Utilizing of Scientific and Technical Literature on Internet

  2. 其次,进行了基于WEB的科技文献中心服务系统管理系统的详细设计。

    Secondly , a detailed design of the web-based service system is displayed .

  3. 基于WEBService的吉林省科技文献信息共享系统研究

    Study of Science and Technology Literature Information Resource Sharing System Research Jilin of Province Based on Web Service

  4. 随着Internet和个人计算机的普及,科技文献的数量以指数的速度激增。

    With the popularity of Internet and personal computers , the number of scientific literature has been growing exponentially .

  5. 应用ASP技术实现对科技文献数据库的动态查询

    Implementation of the Scientific and Technological Literature Database Dynamic Search Based on ASP

  6. CTX格式的科技文献在WINDOWS系统下最佳编辑方法EditPlus+MikTeX

    The Best Editing Approach of CTX Format 's Scientific Documents under WINDOWS OS : EditPlus + MikTeX

  7. 在对科技文献数据库的分类特点及其存储方式进行分析的基础上,主要阐述了如何利用ASP技术,采用三层结构来实现对科技文献数据库的动态查询,以满足用户的检索需求。

    This paper mainly introduces how to use the technology of ASP based on three-layer structure to design a dynamic search interface of the Scientific and Technological Literature Database .

  8. 通过阅读与综合大量相关科技文献,总结和分析了当前国内外对于CRM理论的研究现状,在此基础上建立了系统概念和总体框架;

    After reading and integrating lots of correlative science and technology books , the domestic and international research on CRM is summarized , and then the system frame is built .

  9. 当前的OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition,光学字符识别)技术虽然对中英文字符和数字符号都能获得较好的识别效果,但还无法准确识别科技文献中的数学表达式。

    The current OCR ( Optical Character Recognition ) system shows high accuracy in recognizing both English and Chinese characters and symbols in printed documents , but still unable to identify exactly the scientific literature in the mathematical expressions .

  10. 本文在查阅大量与蜗杆和CNC齿轮测量中心有关的国内外科技文献的基础上,利用微分几何和空间立体几何的相关知识建立了多种常用圆柱蜗杆的理论模型。

    In this paper , referring to great lot of scientific and technical literatures about worm and CNC , establish mathematical model of cylindrical worm on the basis of the differential geometry and three-dimensional geometry of space-related knowledge .

  11. 关于科技文献老化B-K方程的多项式回归分析

    Polynomial Regression Analysis of the B-K Equation of the Aging of Sci . - Tech. Documents

  12. 介绍了OAI-PMH协议,论述了科技文献资源平台联合目录系统的实现。

    This paper introduces the OAI-PMH protocol , and discusses the realization of union catalog system of sci-tech literature resource platform .

  13. 通过对科技文献中的科学数据特性的分析,采用B/S数据库体系结构以及合理的安全和用户管理策略,应用Oracle数据库系统,建立了面向用户的数据查询和用户自主管理数据的网络数据库管理平台。

    Network database system with data inquire and consumer self-determination function were built by analyzing data characteristic from technological literature , using B / S database system configuration and its rational safety and consumer management strategy , and applied Oracle database system .

  14. 汉语科技文献自动标引系统CADAIS

    Automatic indexing system of the Chinese sci-tec document ── cadais

  15. 通过研究OAI协议和Arc项目,在Arc项目源代码的基础上构建一个农业文献信息的OAI服务提供者,提供农业科技文献资源的检索服务。

    And Arc , an OAI Service Provider for Digital Library Federation , provided an open source realization of OAI services provider . Based on the research of OAI and Arc , The research established Retrieval System of Agricultural Scientific and Technical Literature .

  16. NSTL在国内科技文献服务领域具有重要的保障和支撑作用,但仍存在服务深度和广度的问题。

    Although NSTL plays an important role in guaranteeing and supporting the scientific and technical literature services in China , the depth and the breadth of its services still stand some improvement .

  17. 提出了一种新的概率主题模型:Topic-Author模型。该模型对科技文献的文本信息和作者信息进行联合建模,深入对文献的分析。

    The thesis proposes a new probabilistic topic model : Topic-Author model , which jointly model information of literature content and authors .

  18. 统计分析了2001~2006年国外三大农业数据库CAB、Agris、Agricola中收集的911篇有关香蕉的科技文献的专业领域、国家、原文语种和来源。

    From three agriculture-based largest databases CAB , Agris and Agricola , 911 documents related to banana studies were collected from 2001-2006 , and analyzed statistically in terms of research fields , countries , languages and sources .

  19. 科技文献全文获取的方法与途径

    On the Methods and Paths for Acquiring the Full-text Sci-tech Literatures

  20. 机关干部利用网上科技文献情况调查

    A Survey on the Officials ' Usage of Internet STM Literature

  21. 科技文献老化半衰期的计算方法

    On Half Obsolescence Life Calculation Methods of Science and Technology Documents

  22. 科技文献经典老化模型的新修正

    A New Amendment to the Classical Obsolescence Models of Scientific Literature

  23. 科技文献检索课网页制作谈

    The Web Page Creation of the Course-Scientific and Technical Document Searching

  24. 科技文献出版延迟对文献时效规律的影响

    The Influence of Publication Delays on Aging Distribution of Scientific Literature

  25. 科技文献绩效定量评价与可比性研究

    The Quantitative Evaluation of Performance and Comparative Research of Sci-Tech Documents

  26. 机器翻译与科技文献翻译有着非常密切的关系。

    Machine translation is closely-tied with the translation of Sci-tech document .

  27. 科技文献资源系统的能量

    The energy of resource system about literature of science and technology

  28. 中文科技文献计算机自动标引系统的研究

    Study of Automatic Indexing System of Chinese Scientific and Technological Document

  29. 关于科技文献检索课程教学的探讨

    A Discussion about Teaching the Course of Scientific and Technological Document Retrieval

  30. 科技文献老化的灰色预测与分析

    Grey Forecast Analysis of the Obsolescence of S T Document