
  • 网络Sense of technology;science and technology feeling
  1. 犀牛小子则会以较具科技感的机械造型捏塑,象徵对未来的展望。

    Rhino Boy will be made in a mechanical shape to symbol the look into the future .

  2. 如果你对科技感兴趣,日本可能会是个很有趣的国家。

    If you 're interested in technology however I still think Japan would be the most interesting country .

  3. 她指的是对科技感兴趣,但又对整天呆在农场里工作不感兴趣的年轻人。

    She means young people who are more interested in technology and less interested in working all the time on the farm .

  4. 设计的取材,形式,效果更多样化,同时也要求设计更具时代感,科技感,人机界面更加人性化,人机对话更加亲切。

    The way of obtaining materials for design and the effect of the design is more diversified ; it also requires greater sense of the times , a sense of science and technology , human-computer interface more humane .

  5. 出版商则普遍地认为,人们对在线阅览报纸这样的新科技很感兴趣。

    Publishers then generally believed that people interested in technology would read a newspaper online .

  6. 他们一个是退休教师,另一个是一位对科技非常感兴趣的保险代理人。

    One of them was a retired teacher and another was an insurance agent who had a lot of interest in technology .

  7. 与欧洲的主题乐园游客相比,中国游客对最新的科技潮流更感兴趣,这促使主题乐园的管理层引入更多新科技。

    Compared with their European peers , Chinese theme park visitors are more interested in the latest technological trends , prompting the park 's management to introduce more new technology .

  8. 她说:“我以前在一家营销机构工作过,也在一家小型电商网站做过些事情,但是我想做些不同的工作,而且我一直对科技和网站感兴趣。”

    I had worked in a marketing agency before and did stuff with a small-scale e-commerce website , but I wanted to do something different and I had always been interested in tech and websites , ' she says .

  9. 她说:我以前在一家营销机构工作过,也在一家小型电商网站做过些事情,但是我想做些不同的工作,而且我一直对科技和网站感兴趣。

    ' I had worked in a marketing agency before and did stuff with a small-scale e-commerce website , but I wanted to do something different and I had always been interested in tech and websites , ' she says .

  10. 埃森晢咨询公司分析师库兰认为,政府对科技展越来越感兴趣是必然的,因为科技已经成为我们生活中的一大部分。

    Curran , the Accenture analyst , said that increased government interest in the show makes sense as technology becomes a larger part of our lives .

  11. 我对科技创新总是很感兴趣。

    I 've always been really interested in technological inovation .

  12. 现在人们指望科技能成为满足感的另一个来源。

    Nowadays people look to technology as an alternative source of satisfaction .

  13. 但我却对科技的另定义感兴趣。

    But I was interested in another definition of technology .

  14. 陆学森表示,台湾科技界缺乏紧迫感这一点正在有所改变。

    Mr. Luke said Taiwan 's lack of urgency around tech was receding .

  15. 有时候,人们误以为这种冷静是缺乏紧迫感,而在瞬息万变的科技业,紧迫感至关重要。

    That calm can sometimes be taken for a lack of the urgency that is vital in the fast-moving tech industry .