
  • 网络Technology and Management
  1. 科技与管理在工业企业发展中的作用

    The Action of Science and Technology and Management in the Development of Industrial Enterprises

  2. 中外古建筑保护及现代防灾规划的科技与管理

    Urban disaster planning and protection of ancient architecture in world

  3. 我国工厂化农业的科技与管理创新机制研究

    Research on the scientific technological and management innovations mechanism of industrialized agriculture in China

  4. 中国城市综合减灾科技与管理的实施策略研究

    Strategy and Method for Management of Scientific and Technological on China Urban Comprehensive Disaster Decrease

  5. 徐工集团这艘巨舰正挺起科技与管理创新的强大引擎,向着更加绚丽和充满希望的明天扬帆远航!

    XCMG is on its way to the bright and promising future with its high technology and innovative management .

  6. 针对新世纪食品安全管理部门面临的挑战,系统总结并分析了国际食品安全科技与管理研究的进展情况。

    Based on the challenges which food safety management departments faces in the newly century , the development of food safety management and sci-tech.

  7. 公司拥有高素质科技与管理人才,具有丰富的油田服务经验,可为客户提供高效、专业的服务。

    With the high-level employees and abundance experience in oilfield service , we believe that we can provide high efficiency and professional service to client .

  8. 加强两国农业科技与管理人员的交流,进一步探讨扩大农业合作的具体途径和方式。

    The two sides will enhance exchanges between technical and managerial personnel of agriculture , and further explore the specific ways and means of expanding agricultural cooperation .

  9. 目前共有设立海洋专业的高等院校37所,中等专业学校29所,不断为海洋事业输送大批科技与管理人才。

    Oceanography as an area of study is taught in37 institutions of higher learning and29 secondary specialized schools in China , training large numbers of technical and managerial personnel .

  10. 从知识产权管理角度,加强培养科技人才与管理人才;

    Enhance the training of qualified scientists and administrators from the angle of IP management ;

  11. 为了提高人事办公整体的科技含量与管理效率,加快人事管理的信息化建设,设计并实现了城市商业银行人事考核系统,本系统能够全面、高效地进行银行内部人事考核管理。

    In order to improve the overall efficiency of management , and speed up the information construction , a personnel evaluation system was designed and implemented for city commercial banks .

  12. 中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所的研究员李真真在接受SciDev.Net采访时表示,“增加中国女科学家的数量绝非易事。”

    Increasing the number of practising female scientists in the country will not be an easy task , according to Li Zhenzhen , a researcher at the Institute of Policy and Management

  13. 在接受科学与发展网络采访时,中科院科技政策与管理科学研究所的朱孝民表示,胡启恒的讲话强调了重要的,但是经常被忽略科学传播这样一个领域。

    Hu has highlighted an important but often neglected aspect of science innovation , says Zhu Xiaoming , a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences 's Institute of Policy and Management .

  14. 科技人才研究与管理

    On the study and management of S. & T. talents

  15. 生态省建设中科技创新与绿色管理

    Science and technology innovation and green management in constructing the ecological province

  16. 市场经济、科技进步与整体管理

    Market Economy , Development of Science and Overall Management

  17. 直属单位科技管理与系统管理的关系。

    Between units directly under the department scientific and technological management and systematic management .

  18. 医学科技创新与医院管理方式变革的关系研究

    On the Relationship between Innovation of Medical Science and Technology and Hospital Innovative Management Mode Research

  19. 科技项目决策与管理支持系统的研究

    The study of the supporting system of the management and decision of scientific and technical projects

  20. 科技、教育与管理成为现代生产力的三大智能要素,智能化成为现代生产力的最显著特征;

    Science & technology , education and management have become the three big modern intelligence elements , and intellectualization has become the most prominent feature of productivity .

  21. 本课程主要在探讨科技创新与知识管理对价值创造的冲击和影响,及其和产业生产力与国家竞争力间的相互关系。

    This course aims to study the impact of technology innovation and knowledge management in the creation of wealth and the relationships with industry productivity and national competitiveness .

  22. 电子政府是现代科技与现代公共管理理念的结合,是改善政府效率,提高政府管理水平及提高国家竞争力的最有效手段之一。

    Electronic-government is the combine of modern technology and modern administration idea , which improves governmental efficiency , enhances the governmental administration level , and increases the national competition ability .

  23. 经过项目研发与实施部署,完成了网上科技计划申报与管理一站式信息平台的构建,初步实现了科技计划项目的网上运作。

    The construction of the " one-stop " information platform for technology plan applying and management online has been implemented and the technology plan projects online operations have been realized , after the system completion .

  24. 民营科技企业发展模式与管理风格研究

    Research on Private Technological Enterprises ' Development Modes and Management Styles

  25. 文章系统地论述了科技人才的流动与管理。

    This Paper systematically discusses on the movement and management of set-tech talents .

  26. 大学生科技创新与开放实验室管理模式

    Exploration of Scientific and Technological Innovation of Undergraduates and Management Modes of Open Laboratory

  27. 科技人力资源开发与管理策略研究

    About the Strategy of the Development and Management of Human Resources of Science and Technology

  28. 本文就我国科技人才资源开发与管理的问题进行理论探讨。

    The thesis discussed the development and management of resources of scientific and technological intellectuals .

  29. 小型科技项目预算与财务管理探讨

    Inquire into The Budget and Finance Management of the Mini-typ e Science & Technology Project

  30. 科技创新能力低与管理水平滞后是制约广西中药产业发展的主要因素。

    Poor scientific and technological innovation ability are the dominating restricting factors in Guangxi'TCM industry .