
  • 【辩证法】scientific intuition
  1. 但正如他所说,他不满足于保持科学和直觉井水不犯河水。

    But he was not content to keep ' science and religion in watertight compartments ' , as he put it .

  2. 科学发现中直觉与灵感的模拟性

    Simulation of Intuition and Inspiration of the Scientific Discovery

  3. 凭着他的知识、经验和科学上的直觉,他可以清楚地看见它们。

    With his knowledge , experience and scientific intuition , he could see them clearly .

  4. 科学需要美感直觉

    Science Needs Intuition of Aesthetic Perception

  5. 本文在创造性的直觉和灵感可否模拟,科学发现中直觉、灵感的可模拟性的心理学分析方面,从认知科学的角度给出了独到的分析。

    This article attempts to make a thorough analysis from the perspective of cognitive science on whether the creative instinct and inspiration can be simulated and how psychology has to be used in simulation of intuition and inspiration in scientific discovery .

  6. 从目前状况来看,认知科学有可能为直觉的可靠性提供判据。

    The cognitive science can offer ultimate criterion for the reliability of the intuition .

  7. 对应于人类历史活动的辩证逻辑,高素质的人才就是科学理性与审美直觉完美汇聚一体的人。

    In the light of the dialectical logic , a talent with high quality is the one who embodies the combination between rational sense and aesthetic intuition .

  8. 除了功利价值的直觉认识,科学审美价值的直觉认识也是科技编辑价值直觉审稿的一种方式。

    In addition to the intuitive cognition of utility values , the intuitive cognition of scientific aesthetic values is also a form by which scientific technological editors revise the manuscripts or drafts intuitively .