
  • Scientific authority;【辩证法】prestige of science
  1. 但SSK较默顿学派而言,由于研究视角和方法的不同,其更加注重社会因素与科学权威的互动关系。

    However , compared with Merton school , SSK pays more attention to the social factors and interaction with scientific authorities due to the different research angles and methods .

  2. 二者对科学权威都持肯定态度。

    Two schools all hold the affirmative manner to scientific authorities .

  3. 欧洲的科学权威机构没有发现关于(转基因生物的)环境或健康问题的证据。

    Europe 's scientific authorities have found no evidence documenting environmental or health risks .

  4. 是的,他认为我就是个科学权威那种让他敬仰的人

    Oh , yes . In his eyes , I am the Scientific Authority of everything he admires .

  5. 这类世界一流的科学权威机构双双向我们保证:万事皆安,这种事你多久赶上过一回?

    How often do you have a pair of such blue-ribbon scientific establishments assuring us that everything is fine ? 8 z.

  6. 如果见到貌似在质疑进化论的科学权威人士的引文,一定记得要查找上下文。

    When confronted with a quotation from a scientific authority thatseems to question evolution , insist on seeing the statement in context .

  7. 加强科学权威控制力,有利于防止外界因素对核心科学的干扰,有利于科学的正常发展和保证科学传播内容的准确性。

    Strengthening the control of science authority , prevention the external factors interference to the core science are the ways to guarantee the sound development of science and the accuracy of scientific communication content .

  8. 没有科学权威的水资源规划,就没有科学合理的初始水权分配。3.节水型社会建设的关键,是运用市场手段建设节水运行机制。

    Without the scientific and authoritative water resource program , the scientific and rational preliminary distribution of the water rights will not exist . 3 . The key to building a water-saving society is to make use of the market mechanism to develop the water-saving operation system .

  9. 而资信评估就是专业的机构采用公正、科学、权威的资信考核标准,对市场参与主体的各方面进行综合评价和分析,测定其履约能力和可信任程度。

    While credit rating means evaluating credit for market participants in all respects according to specified criteria .

  10. 包括权威,在这个实验中,耶鲁是权威,科学是权威。

    It includes authority , in this case the authority of Yale and the authority of science .

  11. 科学中权威的存在是一个不争的事实,权威的科学成了一个默认的预设。

    It is a fact that authority exists in science , while authoritative science is an acquiescent presumption .

  12. 采用软件根据这些运行信息,进行数据分析使车辆行驶状态再现,为交通事故的分析处理提供科学、权威的依据。

    According to the operations , software analyzes the state datas of vehicle to provide scientific and authoritative basis .

  13. 他与亚伯拉罕马斯洛交情甚厚,在其影响下,麦格雷戈成为这种思想的一位重要反对者和科学管理权威。

    Close to Abraham Maslow , and greatly influenced by him , McGregor became a significant counter to the thinking and influence of scientific management .

  14. 建议通过立法创新政府效绩评价机制,为政府行为设定科学、权威的目标,消除短期性、盲目性的政府行为;

    I propose to set a new evaluation mechanism of the achievement of the government and then we should make scientific and powerful target to get rid of the short-term and blind government acts .

  15. 众多研究者认为马太效应符合科学共同体权威主义的要求,能激励竞争,淘汰弱者,能加速信息的流通和社会承认,能合理地分配资源。

    Many studies suggest that the Matthew effect consistent with the scientific community authority requirements , can stimulate competition , weeding out the weak , can speed up the circulation of information and social recognition , and can reasonably allocate resources .

  16. 与金融中心理论体系相伴而生的,是对金融中心的竞争力评价体系,对此国内外学者也进行了大量的理论与实证研究,但缺乏一个统一、科学、权威的指标体系。

    Attendant with financial center theoretical system is a financial center competitiveness evaluation system , which domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of theoretical and empirical research , but the lack of a unified , scientific and authoritative index system .

  17. 国内CA建设的探讨科学中的权威与权威的科学&默顿传统科学社会学中的科学权威问题述评

    On the construction of Chinese Certification Authority Science and Authority

  18. 科学界最权威人士发出警告后,该产品被取消了。

    The product was withdrawn after warning from the most eminent scientific quarters .

  19. 建立公共文明指数的评估机制,加强公共文明指标体系的科学性、权威性。

    To establish evaluation mechanism of public civilization index , strengthen the scientific and authoritative of public civilization indicator system .

  20. 为保证事业单位改革方案的科学性和权威性,建议制定相关的法律或行政法规。

    In order to ensure the reform program is reasonable and authoritative , it is necessary to make the related law and regulation .

  21. 城市规划的发展史是进一步强化其科学性和权威性的历史,其科学性要求规划师加深理论修养,充分认识城市这个经济-社会-自然复合生态系统的复杂性,掌握其发展演变规律。

    The scientific nature has been enhanced by theoretical studies of the complexity of city as a social , economical and natural compound system .

  22. 科学中存在权威结构,科学家因其对科学的突出贡献得到承认而成为科学权威。

    There is authoritative structure in science . Scientists are universally recognized as authoritative in the field of science because of their outstanding contributions to science .

  23. 因此,规范政府征地行为,允许集体土地直接入市,在此基础上,强化规划的科学性、权威性,严格土地用途管制,构筑起有效的农地非农化外在的制衡机制;

    Therefore , the government shall be responsible to regulate the land acquisition , allow the collective land entering into market , and strengthen the scientific and authoritative planning , control the land-use purpose , establishing the effective overall restriction mechanism of land purpose conversion .

  24. 以国民经济发展规划为基础,以土地利用规划指导城市总体规划的编制,实现两个规划的协调统一,可以提高规划体系的科学性和权威性,弥补两规脱节的漏洞。

    Based on the national economic growth and the guidance system of land utilization plan on urban construction plan can realize the coordination of the two plans , and this could improve the scientific level and authority of planning system and make up to the disjunction between the two plans .

  25. 在中国,无论是为了提高英语水平,还是为了出国留学,托福考试一直受到广大师生的关注,其作为语言测试的科学性与权威性是不容置疑的。

    In China , regardless of whether or not it is for the sake of improving English or studying abroad , TOEFL has always received the considerable attention from teachers and students . There is no doubt that TOEFL , as a language test , is extremely scientific and authoritative .

  26. 除非附有证据,科学不承认任何权威者的意见。

    Science refuses to accept , unless accompanied by proof , the dicta of any master .

  27. 在如今这个低信任度的世界,科学与其他多数权威都已被打入冷宫。

    In today 's low-trust world , science is in the doghouse with most other authorities .

  28. 目前为止中国房地产市场还没有一个科学、客观、权威的评价体系。

    Nowadays , China 's real estate market is no scientific , objective and authoritative evaluation system .

  29. 康德的思想主旨是树立理性科学和自由的权威。

    The main idea of Kant is to set up the authority of ration science and freedom .

  30. 英国杰出的生物化学家、研究中国科学文化史的权威和中国人民的忠实朋友李约瑟(1900-1995)博士最近逝世。

    Dr. Joseph Needham ( 1900-1995 ), an outstanding British biochemist , authority in the research field of the history of scientific culture in China and faithful friend of the Chinese people , had left us recently .