
  1. 俄罗斯科学哲学的兴起

    The Rise of Philosophy of Science in Russia

  2. 随着历史学派、认知科学和心灵哲学的兴起和蓬勃发展,人们对科学知识的本质的认识有了实质性的改变。

    With the booming of historical school , recognition science and soul philosophic , there are material change of people 's congnition to the hypostatic of science knowledge .

  3. 随着近现代科学技术发展的不断检验与科学哲学形态的兴起,这场争论不仅没有消失,反而愈演愈烈,成为当今科学技术哲学领域中的核心论题。

    With the test of development of modern science and technology , and the rise of philosophy of science , the debate is not only disappeared , but also become the core topics of the field of contemporary philosophy of science and technology .

  4. 不论是科学知识社会学的研究,还是科学实践哲学的兴起,都对传统科学哲学视野中的科学形象给予了重新描绘。

    Both sociological research of scientific knowledge and the practice-philosophy of science reshape the image of science to distinguish it from the one in the perspective of traditional scientific philosophy .