
  1. 濒临灭绝物种的名单中列有将近600种鱼。

    The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes .

  2. 世界上约有3万种鱼。

    There are about 30 000 species of fish in the world .

  3. 水库里放养了许多种鱼。

    Various kinds of fish are being bred in the reservoir .

  4. --世上哪种鱼最坏?

    I don 't know Y. 2 、 -- What is the worst kind of fish ?

  5. 15种鱼转铁蛋白cDNA序列密码子使用比较分析

    Comparative analysis of codon usage of 15 fish transferrin cDNA sequences

  6. 在尼罗非鲫代谢水中,3种鱼的耗氧率均无显著变动(P>0.05)。

    In the Nile tilapia " metabolic water ", the oxygen consumption rate of the 3 species did not change significantly ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  7. 三种鱼mtDNA的限制性内切酶分析

    Study on restriction endonuclease map of mtDNA of three species in Cyprinidae

  8. 在两种鱼中均未见到Ag-NORs联合现象。

    There was no Ag-NORs combination in both fishes .

  9. 4种鱼中DFF基因的检测

    The Detection of DFF Gene in Four Species of Fish

  10. 石首鱼科(Sciaenidae)三种鱼耳石CaCO3晶相结构分析

    The studies on otolith caco_3 crystal structure of three species of fishes in Sciaenidae

  11. 等电聚焦电泳表明该种鱼GH由等电点分别为6.3和6.6的两种形式的分子组成。

    Isoelectric focussing showed that sGH consisted of two protein bands having isoelectric points ( PI ) of 6.6 and 6.3 , respectively . These values has been compared to the corresponding data of GHs from other fishes .

  12. 本文对四种油脂(大豆油脚、鱼油、新鲜豆油和熟豆油)和五种鱼用颗粒饲料(市售)进行了过氧化值和硫代巴妥酸(TBA)值的分析测定;

    The values of peroxide and 2 & thiobarbituric acid ( TBA ) is analyzed to four kind lipid ( Soya offal , Fish oil , Fresh soybean oil , Hot soybean oil ) and five kind grail diet of fish ( Shop sell ) .

  13. hira基因在两亲缘种成熟卵子受精前后表达情况不同,可能与两种鱼不同的生殖方式有关。

    The different expression characters of hira gene in these fish species may be related to the different reproduction models . The research on Drosophila has indicated hira gene related to sperm nucleus decondensation during fertilization .

  14. 冻藏还导致2种鱼糜蛋白凝胶性能的下降,冻藏63d后,罗非鱼鱼糜和鳙鱼鱼糜的凝胶强度依次降低了65.1%和62.3%。

    Frozen storage also induced the deterioration of gel-forming ability of both surimi . The strength of tilapia and bighead surimi gels decreased by 65.1 % and 62.3 % respectively after 63 days storage at - 18 ℃ .

  15. 其生长率第一年大于1.16g/d,第二年大于2.14g/d,第三年大于3.97g/d,该种鱼在我国是一种有发展前途的新品种。

    Its growth rate is 1.16g/d for the first year , 2.14g/d for the second year and 3 . 97g / d for the third year . It 's a new breed and has a very bright future in China .

  16. 松花江几种鱼体中汞含量水平的分析

    Analysis of Mercury contents in some fishes from the Songhua River

  17. 扫描种鱼以方便记录是一般做法。

    The usual practice to scan the brooder for record purposes .

  18. 嗜水气单胞菌对三种鱼血红蛋白的影响

    Effects of Aeromonas hydrophila On haemoglobin of several kinds of fish

  19. 这几种鱼是用专门的钓具钓的。

    These kinds of fish are caught with special tackle .

  20. 利用新的扫描器来扫描这尾新种鱼。

    Using a new scanner to check this new brooder .

  21. 这条河里有许多种鱼。

    There are many kinds of fishes in the river .

  22. 东半球热带水域长有嵌入式细鳞的几种鱼。

    Any of several New World tropical fishes having tiny embedded scales .

  23. 四种鱼肝线粒体热谱田各异,但与细菌热谱相似。

    The thermograms of their fishes are different and similar to bacteria .

  24. 六种鱼大侧肌的比较解剖

    Comparative anatomy of lateral muscle in six species of fishes

  25. 六种鱼占了总获量的一半以上。

    Just six species make up over half the total fish catches .

  26. 在鱼市上你可以看到很多种鱼。

    You will see many kinds of fishes in the fish market .

  27. 几种鱼肝线粒体基因组的研究

    Study on mitochondrial genome from three species fish liver

  28. 10种鱼和2种蛙表皮的显微观察

    Observation of Scarfskins of 10 Fish and 2 Frog by Scanning Electron Microscope

  29. 世界海洋中有许多种鱼正在逐渐消失。

    Many kinds of fish are vanishing from the oceans of the world .

  30. 这两种鱼精子对这三种单糖的吸收、利用存在差别。

    Absoption and utilization of the spermatozoa to me three monoses have difference .