
zhònɡ zhí yè
  • planting;plant-products industry
  1. 第十四条农民集体所有的土地由本集体经济组织的成员承包经营,从事种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业生产。土地承包经营期限为三十年。发包方和承包方应当订立承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。

    Article 14 Land collectively owned by peasant shall be contracted out to members of the collective economic organizations for use in crop farming , forestry to define each other 's rights and obligations .

  2. 第四十条开发未确定使用权的国有荒山、荒地、荒滩从事种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业生产的,经县级以上人民政府依法批准,可以确定给开发单位或者个人长期使用。

    Article 40 For developing waste hills , land or beachland whose use rights have not been ascertained , animal husbandry or fisheries , the use rights may be given to developers or individuals for long-term use with the approval of the people 's government at and above the county level according to law .

  3. 加入WTO后福建种植业结构调整的战略思考与对策探讨

    Strategy and countermeasures for structural adjustment in Fujian planting industry after entry into WTO

  4. 并对我国加入WTO后,河南省水果种植业的可持续发展提出了合理化建议。

    Putting forward the rational advices on the sustained development of fruits planting after joining WTO in Henan province .

  5. EM在我国种植业中的应用

    Application of EM in china 's farming

  6. 这是我国今后应对加入WTO,实施种植业结构调整对策的基本保证和重要依据。

    Also , this is the basic guarantee and important basis for the strategy of adjusting the structure of planting industry to face with China 's entering WTO in the future .

  7. 但在新的发展形势下,尤其是加入WTO后,吉林省的玉米产业遇到了前所未有的挑战,种植业结构调整势在必行。

    Facing with the new situa-tion , especially after China has joined WTO , maize industry in Jilin province will meet the huge challenge and must be adjusted to adapt to market change in the future .

  8. 在其种植业不断的发展过程中,农业生产使用的化肥、农药用量呈逐年加大的趋势,并且农田排水中N、P净流失已超水环境负荷。

    In the process of the development of the planting industry constantly , agricultural production use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides usage is more and more of the trend , and farmland drainage of N , P has the net loss of water environment load .

  9. 本文的主要研究内容和结论有以下几个方面:(1)种植业用地的TN、TP非点源污染负荷比例均占总负荷50%强。

    The main conclusions of this article are listed as follows : ( 1 ) Crop production lands ' TN and TP nonpoint source pollution occupies 50 % of the total pollutions .

  10. 特别在目前,中国加入WTO,黑龙江省处于种植业结构调整的关键时期,以及回归自然的服装潮流,使黑龙江省亚麻业面临着前所未有的发展机遇。

    Especially at present , China has entered into WTO , Heilongjiang Province is in a critical period of adjusting planting structure , and the clothing market regresses to nature , which all make flax industry of Heilongjiang Province in face of unprecedented developing opportunities .

  11. 新古典生产函数是建立在f(x)连续基础上,就劳动要素投入必须连续来说,边际分析对中国小农家庭种植业不适用。

    The neo-classical production function is built on the basis that f ( x ) is continuous . With regard to continuity of the labour factor input , the marginal analysis is not adaptable to the family cropping of the small-scale peasants in China .

  12. 根据各区的农业生态经济特点,综合治理和开发,A区以种植业为主,B区农林牧综合发展,C区以林牧为主。

    In accordance with the characteristics of each region of agroecological economy , the comprehensive control of the watershed was carried out with priority given to crop growing in A region , comprehensive development of agriculture , forestry and livestock to B region and forestry and livestock to C region .

  13. 针对加入WTO给福建省种植业带来的机遇与挑战,分析当前种植业结构面临的问题及有利因素,提出在WTO框架下福建种植结构调整的战略思考与对策。

    In view of the opportunities and challenges brought to Fujian planting industry after entry into WTO , the issues and favourable factors in the present structure of planting industry are analyzed , meanwhile the strategy and countermeasures for Fujian planting structure adjustment under WTO framework are proposed .

  14. 利用1986~2001年农村固定观察点数据,采用柯布-道格拉斯(C-D)生产函数定量模拟分析了鲁西北地区农户种植业收入的各影响因素。

    Utilizing data from the fixed observation spots at rural areas from 1986 ~ 2001 , adopting fixed quantity imitation of C-D production function , this paper analyzes various factors that influence the income of agriculture households in plant industry at Northwest part of Shandong province .

  15. 延津沙地种植业栽培模式试验研究

    Study of Planting Patterns in the Sandy Land of Yanjin County

  16. 福建农户采用种植业技术影响因素分析

    Analysis on Plant Technology Demand Influence Factors of Farmers in Fujian

  17. 甘肃省种植业资源配置优化模型

    The Optimal Model on Disposal of Resources for Planting in Gansu

  18. 引黄灌区农业水资源利用效率低,种植业节水潜力大。

    The water using efficiency of the irrigation area was low .

  19. 黑龙江省种植业技术推广体系现状分析

    Analysis on the Current Situation of Heilongjiang Planting Technology Extensive System

  20. 调整农作物的品种结构,提高农产品质量等合理调整种植业结构的思路。

    Adjust variety structure of crops , raise agricultural product quality .

  21. 绿色种植业经济发展系统评价指标体系研究

    Research on Evaluating the Target System of Green Agriculture Economic Development

  22. 播种是种植业重要的作业环节之一。

    Seeding is one of the important work in the planting .

  23. 焦作市种植业结构调整对策研究

    The Research of the Planting Structure Adjustment in Jiaozuo City

  24. 中国农业(种植业)的历史发展和地理分布

    Historical development and geographic distribution of agriculture ( farming ) in China

  25. 农场种植业农业机器优化系统研究的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospects of Farm Machinery System Optimization Based on Crop Production

  26. 江津县种植业生产结构模型

    Production structure models in the field of crop farming in Jiangjin County

  27. 绿洲灌区节水型种植业结构优化对策研究

    Strategy for optimized water-saving agricultural structure in oasis irrigation area

  28. 宁南旱作农区种植业结构调整研究

    Studies on Cropping Structure Adjustment in the Dry-land Region of South Ningxia

  29. 种植业生产与技术进步研究的综合报告

    Comprehensive report on research of crop production and technology progress

  30. 沙区产业结构单一,种植业多样化指数在1.5&1.8之间;

    Simple production structure with planting diversity index from 1.5 to 1.8 ;