
  • 网络propagation by seed;seed propagation;Seed reproduction
  1. 寻找出最佳的种子繁殖方法和扦插繁殖方法,提高其成活率。

    Seeking for optimal seed propagation and cutting propagation methods and raising the survival rates of cultivation .

  2. 种子繁殖、扦插繁殖苗木成活率均在85%以上,其主梢每年有2个生长高峰;

    The survival rates of seedlings by seed propagation and cutting propagation all reach over 85 % , and its apical shoots have two growth peaks in a year .

  3. 这种植物可由种子繁殖。

    The plant can be propagated from seed .

  4. 多数植物靠种子繁殖。

    Most plants reproduce by seeds .

  5. 药用作物黄精种子繁殖技术研究

    Study on the Seed Reproduces Technology of Medicinal Crop Rhizoma Polygonati

  6. 基因库大豆种子繁殖更新阈值研究

    Studies on Viability Threshold of Regeneration of Soybean Seed in Genebank

  7. 入侵的植物繁殖快(不管是营养繁殖或通过种子繁殖)。

    Invasive plants reproduce rapidly , either vegetatively or by seed .

  8. 稀有植物矮杨梅种子繁殖试验

    Propagation experiment of the seeds of rare plant Myrica nana Cheval

  9. 生长过程中,种子繁殖苗的生长速率大于球茎繁殖苗。

    The growth rate of seed shoots is higher than corm shoots .

  10. 稀有树种任木种子繁殖试验

    Propagation experiment of the seeds of a rare tree & Zenia insignis

  11. 基因库中多花菜豆种子繁殖更新方法

    A Study on Renewal Method of Multiflorous Bean Seed Regeneration in Genebank

  12. 远志种子繁殖实验观察

    Observation on the Propagating Experiment of Polygala tenuifolia Willd Seed

  13. 异花授粉作物大白菜和荞麦基因库种子繁殖技术研究

    Studies on the Regeneration of Brassica pekinensis and Fagopyrum esculentum Seed in Genebank

  14. 种子繁殖是菊科植物延续后代的主要途径。

    It is main path that the seed reproduction is offspring of asteraceae .

  15. 改进和完善种子繁殖制种技术,建立健全优良杂交种推广体系。

    Six , improving the technology of seed multiplication and advanced extending system .

  16. 目前生产上以种子繁殖为主。

    Mostly , it produces by the seed multiplication .

  17. 可以吃的、能再生产的、用种子繁殖的植物体,特别是有甜美的果肉。

    Edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh .

  18. 天女花种子繁殖及其在园林中的应用栽培

    Application and cultivation of Magnolia sieboldii in gardens and its propagation by seed

  19. 种子繁殖香根草植株的生物学特征及其病虫害初报

    A primary report on biological characteristics and insect pest of seeding reproductive Vetiver grass

  20. 种子繁殖易成功。

    Success ③ Easily reproducting with their seeds .

  21. 种子繁殖和体细胞突变是芦苇种群遗传多样性产生的主要途径,杂合子的选择优势可能是遗传多样性维持的重要机制之一。

    The selection advantage of heterozygotes maybe is the important mechanism of maintaining genetic diversity .

  22. 采用种子繁殖、扦插繁殖和分株繁殖试验对白花败酱的繁育技术进行研究。

    The propagation techniques of seeding , cutting and tillering were studied on Patrinia villosa .

  23. 大多数植物靠种子繁殖。

    Most plants propagate by seed .

  24. 取材于有特殊经济价值、常异花授粉作物多花菜豆,研究基因库中种子繁殖更新方法。

    It was conducted to study the renewal method of multiflorous bean seed regeneration in genebank .

  25. 树木藉着种子繁殖。

    Tree propagate themselves by seed .

  26. 主要原因是采用传统的种子繁殖方式需较长的生长发育周期、结实晚。

    Main reason is that traditional seed reproduction method need long time to growth and develop .

  27. 栒子主要用种子繁殖,也可以无性繁殖。

    The propagation of Cotoneaster should be seeded mainly , and it can be also clonal propagation .

  28. 研究结果如下:1.栝楼种子繁殖优势大于分根繁殖。

    Research results are as follows : 1 Trichosanthes seeds breeding has greater advantages than root breeding .

  29. 种子繁殖是其中一种繁殖方式,而无性繁殖是获得新植株的另一种方法。

    Seed production is one way of reproduction , vegetative production is another way to get new plants .

  30. 蜜蜂授粉在甘蓝种子繁殖上的应用研究

    A Study on Employing Honeybees For the Pollination of Cabbage to Increase the Seed Yield of F_1 Hybrid