
  • 网络offshore service outsourcing;offshore outsourcing;off-shore service outsourcing
  1. 离岸服务外包已成为跨国公司新一轮全球产业转移的重要形式。

    Offshore outsourcing has become a critical form that TNCs take the new round of global industrial transfer .

  2. 因此,本文首先从比较优势理论、规模经济理论、离岸服务外包模型理论、内部治理理论等方面对金融外包的理论支持做出了相关阐述。

    Therefore , the paper will make a discussion from Comparative Advantages Theory , Scale Economy Theory , Offshore Outsourcing Models Theory and Internal Management Theory .

  3. GATS框架下我国发展离岸服务外包的法律问题

    The Legal Issues of Offshore Outsourcing Services for China under the Framework of GATS

  4. 离岸服务外包:成因、发展前景及承接策略

    Offshore service outsourcing : reason , development foreground and relating strategy

  5. 离岸服务外包接包方竞争力影响因素研究

    Study on the Factors Influencing Competitiveness of Service Offshoring Host Country

  6. 离岸服务外包的动因及经济效应分析

    The Reason and Economic Effect Analysis of Service Offshoring

  7. 接着通过此经济模型评价城市离岸服务外包产业的支撑环境。

    Then this economic model evaluates the supporting environment of service outsourcing industry .

  8. 离岸服务外包快速增长已经成为全球化的最新趋势。

    The rapid growth of offshore service outsourcing has become the latest trend of globalization .

  9. 我国发展离岸服务外包业的宏观影响因素分析及对策研究

    The Research on the Macro-contributors and Strategy of Developing Offshore Service Outsourcing Industry in China

  10. 中国承接离岸服务外包的经济效应和影响因素分析

    Analysis on Economic Effects and Influencing Factors of China 's Undertaking of Offshore Service Outsourcing

  11. 将营业税免税政策扩大到示范城市所有离岸服务外包业务。

    Extending the business tax exemption policy to all offshore service outsourcing businesses in exemplary cities .

  12. 同时,他们预测离岸服务外包将持续增长。

    At the same time , growth of offshore outsourcing in services will continue , they predict .

  13. 因此,很多发展中国家将吸引离岸服务外包业务作为促进经济增长的一项重要举措。

    Therefore , many developing countries consider undertaking outsourcing business as an effective strategy for boosting economic growth .

  14. 中国应抓住服务业国际转移的机遇,促进离岸服务外包产业的发展,加快由中国制造向中国服务的进程。

    China should catch the opportunity of international transfer in service industries to promote the development of offshore service outsourcing .

  15. 离岸服务外包,尤其是面向欧美市场的离岸服务外包,是目前全球信息技术领域炙手可热的课题之一。

    Offshore service outsourcing , especially offshore service outsourcing for American and European markets is one of the hottest subjects in the global IT fields .

  16. 国外有学者对离岸服务外包的知识产权保护和其交易过程中的信息安全,引起了复杂的关切。

    Overseas has the scholar to the offshore service outsourcing intellectual property protection and its transaction process information security , has caused the complex concern .

  17. 第三部分是离岸服务外包影响因素分析,本部分把影响离岸服务外包接包地选择的影响因素分为两个方面即宏观因素和微观因素。

    The third part is the selection and explanation of the factors which is divided into two aspects , namely , macroeconomic factors and microeconomic factors .

  18. 就服务外包的承接国而言,印度是世界上最大的软件与服务外包产业的离岸服务外包承接国。

    For the undertaking countries of service outsourcing industry , India is the largest software and service outsourcing industry off-shore service outsourcing undertaking country of the world .

  19. 类似于工业外包,服务外包也可给接包国带来诸多有益的经济效应,所以以发展中国家为代表的接包国都在采取适当的措施争取成为具有吸引力的离岸服务外包接包地。

    Similar to the industrial outsourcing , Service Outsourcing can also bring many countries beneficial economic effects . So developing countries take appropriate measures to attract Offshore Outsourcing .

  20. 当前,离岸服务外包正在全球范围内快速发展,它将在世界贸易和生产新格局的形成、世界经济结构的调整和优化等方面发挥巨大作用。

    It plays an important role in the formation of the new world trade and production patterns . And it helps to adjust and optimize the structure of the world economy .

  21. 2008年全球经济遭遇自1929年经济大萧条时代以来的最大危机,中国的离岸服务外包业也因此受到影响。

    In 2008 , global economy has been suffering from the greatest crisis since the great economy recession in 1929 , which has severe impact on the offshore service outsourcing business in China .

  22. 跨国公司开始将非核心的服务职能业务发包给境外国家以提高核心竞争力,离岸服务外包是此次产业转移浪潮中的重要形式。

    Multinational corporations start to make their non-core businesses outsource to outside borders in order to enhance the core competition , service offshore outsourcing becomes an important form of this industry transfer wave .

  23. 目前,全球一千强企业中,已有95%制定了离岸服务外包战略,而中国作为接包方,服务外包产业也必将得到更迅猛的发展。

    At present , 95 % of the top 1000 world companies have formulated the offshore outsourcing strategy . We can foresee that service outsourcing industry will get swift and violent development in China .

  24. 此外,采取了比较分析法,以离岸服务外包承接政策为切入点,通过对主要承接国家的服务外包促进政策进行国际比较,力求从政策层面找出影响我国竞争力的原因。

    In addition , paper adopts a comparative analysis , taking undertake offshore outsourcing policy as the starting point to compare with major countries and seek to the reasons influencing the level of our competitiveness .

  25. 仅2010年上半年,江苏全省离岸服务外包协议金额23.8亿美元,服务外包离岸执行总额17.5亿美元,服务外包产业已经迅速进入千亿元俱乐部产业。

    Only in the first half of 2010 , Jiangsu province of offshore outsourcing in services agreements amount 2.38 billion , service outsourcing offshore execution , total $ 1.75 billion , and service outsourcing industry has moved quickly to enter " club " industry trillion Yuan .

  26. 对于中国来说,吸引离岸服务外包业务,不仅有助于发展该产业,提高本地服务提供商的竞争力,也有助于开发中国外包市场潜力,甚至有助于带动整个服务业的发展。

    For China , to develop its offshore service outsourcing business will not only benefit the outsourcing industry and improve local service providers ' competitiveness , but also will help to explore the potential of outsourcing market and contribute to the development of the whole service industry .

  27. 随着信息技术的发展,服务的跨国贸易也变的越来越频繁,加之全球化的不断加深,企业之间的竞争也更加激烈,离岸服务外包作为企业降低成本和提高竞争力的一种手段也越来越流行。

    With the development of information technology , cross-border trade of services has become more and more frequently . Combined with the deepening of globalization , competition among enterprises become more intense . Offshore Service Outsourcing as one method for enterprises reducing costs and improving competitiveness are becoming increasingly popular .

  28. 第二章分析了全球离岸金融服务外包市场的发展情况,同时分析了中国承接离岸金融服务外包的发展现状以及发展特点。

    The second chapter analyzes the current situation of offshore financial service outsourcing about world and china .

  29. 第四章分析了中国承接离岸金融服务外包的优势与劣势。

    Chapter four analyzes china undertaking offshore financial service outsourcing , which has the advantages and disadvantages .

  30. 分析离岸金融服务外包竞争力需要考虑多方面因素。

    To analyze the competitiveness of Dalian in the area of offshore financial services outsourcing , we need to consider kinds of factors .