
  • 网络Fox Broadcasting Company;Fox Network
  1. 福克斯广播公司记者柯雷顿莫里斯亦声称这场发布会的焦点将是iTunesU(网络名校公开课)和可能的教科书项目。

    Also , Clayton Morris of Fox News , claims that the event will focus on iTunes U and possible textbooks .

  2. 柯尔尼-福克斯广播公司总裁,也是最早加入这于六年前成立的广播网的高层职员之一-昨天辞职。

    Jamie Kellner , president of Fox Broadcasting and one of the firstexecutives to join the6-year-old network , resigned yesterday .

  3. 就在上个月,他们刚听审完针对其他两个广播网络公司福克斯和美国广播公司的控诉,指责他们触犯美国联邦通信委员会对粗鄙行为的禁令。

    Last month they heard arguments in cases involving two other broadcast networks , Fox and ABC , which are challenging the Federal Communications Commission 's restrictions on indecency .