首页 / 词典 / good


zǔ mǔ
  • grandmother;grandma;grandparent;paternal grandmother;gogo
祖母 [zǔ mǔ]
  • [paternal grandmother] 父亲的母亲--亦称奶奶

祖母[zǔ mǔ]
  1. 我们以婴儿祖母的名字给婴儿取名“埃娜”。

    We named the baby ' Ena ' after her grandmother .

  2. 他们给大女儿取了祖母的名字。

    They called their first daughter after her grandmother .

  3. 世易时移,现在已不是祖母年轻时那会儿了。

    Times have changed since Grandma was young .

  4. 他经常给他的祖母跑腿儿。

    He often runs errands for his grandmother .

  5. 我父母外出的时候,总是祖母照看我。

    When my parents were away , my grandmother would take care of me .

  6. 人们可能会翻着白眼谈论那些溺爱儿孙、样样都要插手的祖母。

    People may roll their eyes and talk about overprotective , interfering grandmothers

  7. 我的祖母和姑妈将代替我的父母出席。

    My grandmother and aunt will be there in my parents ' stead .

  8. 在祖母的看护下,他第一次学起了钓鱼。

    He first learnt to fish under the watchful eye of his grandmother .

  9. 祖母在她看来是个可怜的人。

    Her grandmother seemed to her a pitiable figure .

  10. 她总是在为她不方便外出的祖母跑前跑后。

    She was forever running errands for her housebound grandmother

  11. 我们屏住呼吸听祖母讲述她的游历故事。

    We listened with bated breath to Grandma 's stories of her travels .

  12. 是他的祖母和父亲把他养大的。

    His grandmother and his father brought him up

  13. 我的曾祖母年纪很大,看上去像个巫婆。

    My great-grandmother was old and witchy looking .

  14. 祖母身材圆胖,整天乐呵呵的。

    Grandma was plump and jovial .

  15. 随着时间的流逝,我的祖母变得日益伤感和虚弱。

    My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years went by .

  16. 她祖母含混不清地说着梦话。

    Her grandmother mumbled in her sleep

  17. 报纸联系了他祖母,查到了他现在的住址后便前往登门采访。

    The newspaper contacted his grandmother to trace his present address , and later doorstepped him at his home .

  18. 他强烈渴望拥有一个属于自己的家,因为他一直和我祖母住在一起。

    He had a great desire to have a home of his own for he had always lived with my grandmother .

  19. 我祖母对现代生活的看法落伍了。

    My grandmother has an antiquated idea of modern life .

  20. 她帮助照料他年迈的祖母。

    She helped take care of his aged grandmother .

  21. 他的祖母活到105岁。

    His grandmother lived until she was 105 .

  22. 那个年轻的女孩坚持要听祖母一生的经历。

    The young girl insisted on listening to the life story of her grandmother .

  23. 我爸爸常常提起我的祖母。

    My father often speaks of my grandmother .

  24. 祖母下午常常打瞌睡。

    Grandmother often nods off during the afternoon .

  25. 下雨了,那个小女孩扶着她的祖母艰难地向前走着。

    It raining , the little girl helped her grandmother along difficultly .

  26. 这枚戒指是我曾祖母传下来的。

    The ring has descended from my greatgrandmother .

  27. 眼看着祖母那些可爱的东西全都被拍卖掉,心里真不好受。

    It was sad to see all grandmother 's lovely things being auctioned off .

  28. 他小的时候母亲去世了。他是由祖母抚养成人的。

    His mother died when he was young , and his grandmother brought him up .

  29. 今天是祖母八十岁寿辰。

    Today is grandma 's eightieth birthday .

  30. 她的祖母仍然健在。

    Her grandmother is still alive .