
  • 网络social sports;sport for all;Popular sports
  1. CBE在社会体育专业课程体系构建的应用研究

    Application Research of CBE Used in The Curriculum System Construction of Social Sports Major

  2. 体育价值观念的嬗变与社会体育发展

    The Sports Value Conception Change and the Development of Social Sports

  3. 优化社会体育专业方向的课程设置。

    Optimization the social direction of physical education curriculum . 4 .

  4. 浙江省社会体育指导员培训的研究

    On the Training of Social Physical Education Instructors in Zhejiang Province

  5. 构建和谐社会体育社团大有作为

    Building Socialist Concordant Society , Sports Associations Can Play Important Role

  6. 小康社会体育管理体制改革的对策

    The Countermeasures of Administrative Systems of Physical Education of Well-off Society

  7. 日本社会体育场地设施概述

    Brief state of fields and facilities for social sport in Japan

  8. 南昌航空大学社会体育专业课程体系的研究与实践

    Study on Social Sport Specialty Course System of Nanchang Aeronautical University

  9. 社会体育专业实习实训教学模式的构建

    Construction of Practice and Training Teaching Modes for Social Sports Majors

  10. 辽宁小康社会体育特征及可持续发展

    Characters and Continuous Development of Well-off Society Sports in Liaoning Province

  11. 中国社会体育现状调查结果报告

    Findings Report on a Present Survey of Social Sport in China

  12. 我国城乡社区社会体育组织调研报告

    Investigation Report on Community Sport Organization of Cities and Villages in China

  13. 社会体育心理与新世纪体育事业的发展

    Social physical education psychology and the PE development in the new century

  14. 武汉市社会体育篮球运动活动形式调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Social Basketball Activity Forms in Wuhan

  15. 上海市健身中心社会体育指导员情况调查与分析

    Investigation on Social Sports Instructors in Fitness Centers in Shanghai

  16. 从人口结构变化看我国社会体育产业的开发热点

    On social sports industrial development focus through the change of population structure

  17. 江苏目前有近14所高校开设社会体育专业,其中本科院校9所。

    There are about 14 universities which set the social sports subject .

  18. 对社会体育指导员与私人教练职场竞争的思考

    Consideration on the Career Competition between Social Sport Instructor and Private Coach

  19. 关于我国两种社会体育指导员制度的比较研究&兼论构建中国社会体育指导员制度体系的设想

    Comparative Research on Two Kinds of Social Sports Instructor System in China

  20. 建立我国社会体育评估制度的构想

    Consideration on the Establishment of the Social Sport Evaluation System in China

  21. 三维社区视野下的中国社会体育研究走向

    The Study Trend on Sports For All of China Under Three-dimension Views

  22. 我国社会体育指导员现状调查

    A Survey of the Present Situation of Mass Sports Instructors in China

  23. 社区体育设施建设与社会体育发展

    The Facility Construction of Community Sports and the Development of Social Sports

  24. 广东省人口健康问题与社会体育发展战略思考

    Cantonese Health Problems and Strategic Thinking on Social Sports Development in Guangdong

  25. 重庆市现代化社会体育发展的政策思考

    Reflection on the Sports Development of the Urban Modernized Community

  26. 小康社会体育人才需求趋势与培养对策研究

    Demand trend and cultivation of sports talents in well-off society of China

  27. 非体育院校办社会体育专业存在的问题与应对策略

    Non-sports Institutions ' Exist Problems and Coping Strategies for social Sports Specialty

  28. 社区体育是我国现代城市发展中的一种新兴的社会体育发展形式,《全民健身计划实施纲要》提出了城市全民健身计划工作的开展应以社区为重点的战略。

    Community sport is a new developing form of social urban sport .

  29. 健康促进与小康社会体育的发展

    Health Promotion and the Development of Sports in well-off Society

  30. 宁波大学社会体育专业就业现状及对策

    Factors in Employment of Social Sports Professionals and Countermeasures of Ningbo University