
  • 网络method in social anthropology
  1. 本文对武夷山茶文化进行整体梳理的同时,运用社会人类学方法对当地茶文化事件进行分析,试图揭示出当地的空间结构与文化结构之间的关系。

    In this paper , I comb the tea culture in Wuyi Mount systematically , using methods of social anthropology and cultural practices of the local tea , trying to reveal the spatial structure of the local relationship between the structure and culture .

  2. 文摘:对民居研究的两种方法,即文化人类学方法、社会人类学方法作了分析与比较,认为两种方法的学术取向各有侧重、各具特色,互为补充。

    Abstract : the thesis analyses and compares the two methods of researching vernacular architecture , namely method of cultural anthropology and that of social anthropology , thinks that the two methods possess their own characteristics of academic tendency and is complement each other .

  3. 本研究利用心理学与社会人类学研究方法,采用文献分析法、量表测量法、问卷调查法、数据统计法和个案访谈法等;

    The research adopts on psychology and social anthropology research technique , such as document analysis , questionnaire investigation , clinical interview measuring scale method , data statistical and so on .

  4. 跨越人文类型的空间阻隔&社会人类学的观察方法与互联网时代的文化沟通

    Across the Spatial Obstruct between Cultures & The Method of Observation in Social Anthropology and the Cultural Communication in the Age of Internet

  5. 本文旨在通过查阅文献资料,同时以田野考察作为最核心的资料收集手段,配合社会学和人类学的方法对浙江地区海宁皮影戏的历史与现状进行梳理研究。

    The purpose of this paper is to study the history and current situation of Zhejiang Haining shadow play by means of literature collection and field investigation , coupled with the knowledge of sociology and anthropology .