
  1. 第二,对社会主义初级阶段的基本政治纲领进行了新概括。

    Secondly , giving a new summary of the basic political program in the primary stage of socialism .

  2. 中国特色社会主义的经济、政治、文化的基本目标和基本政策的有机统一构成了社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领。

    The organic unity of the basic policy and the basic goal in economy , politics and culture of socialism with Chinese features is the basic programme in the primary stage of socialism .

  3. 在经济领域,把社会主义与市场经济结合起来,是中国人民的伟大创举,是社会主义初级阶段的基本理论和基本纲领之一。

    In the economic field , the Chinese people did the pioneering work of combining socialism with market economy , which consists of part of the fundamental theories and basic principles of the primary stage of socialism .