
  • 网络Quota;disk quota
  1. 首先,在NFS服务器上配置磁盘配额。

    Start by configuring disk quota on an NFS server .

  2. RHELServer5中的磁盘配额管理

    The disk quota management of RHEL Server 5

  3. 与本地文件系统一样,为NetworkFileSystem(NFS)设置磁盘配额也很重要。

    Like the local file system , setting up disk quotas for the Network File System ( NFS ) is important .

  4. 本文详细介绍在NFS中设置磁盘配额的方法。

    This article explains a step-by-step method of setting disk quotas in NFS .

  5. WINDOWSnt3x,40操作系统无磁盘配额功能,无法有效控制服务器磁盘空间的使用。

    Since Windows NT3 x , 4 0 operating system has no disk-quota capability , it can not control effectively the use of disk space of server .

  6. inf文件,本文通过三种不同的方法:关闭移动硬盘的自动播放功能、给移动硬盘加上软件写保护、利用磁盘配额的功能等来介绍如何预防移动硬盘感染病毒。

    Inf documents , Through three different methods : Mobile hard disk capacity to shut down automatically , Mobile with software written to the hard disk protection , use functions such as disk quotas Mobile Disk on how to prevent Virus infection .

  7. “确定并管理磁盘配额限制和属性。”

    " Determines and manages disk quota limits and properties . "

  8. 我们已经看到一些情况下是和“磁盘配额”有关的。

    We have seen some cases regarding " disk quota " .

  9. “将磁盘配额策略应用于计算上固定的和可移动的媒体。”

    " Apply disk quota policy to fixed and removable media "

  10. 修改用户邮箱大小和服务器磁盘配额。

    Modify users ′ mailbox size and server disk quotas .

  11. 最后警告磁盘配额的日期和时间。

    Date and time of last warning about disk quota .

  12. 用户参考代表与一磁盘配额相关联的用户帐户。

    The User reference represents the user account associated with a disk quota .

  13. 设置卷的磁盘配额信息。

    Setting information for disk quotas on a volume .

  14. “超出磁盘配额限制时将事件记录到日志中”

    " Log event when quota limit exceeded "

  15. 在此服务器上使用磁盘配额跟踪并控制磁盘空间使用。

    Use disk quotas to track and control disk space usage on this server .

  16. 为远程文件系统配置磁盘配额的整个过程可以划分为以下步骤

    The overall process of configuring disk quota for remote filesystems can be partitioned as follows

  17. 然而,如果启用了磁盘配额,那么就有一种更简单的方法。

    There is , however , an easier way , if you enable disk quotas .

  18. Windows2000虽然内置了磁盘配额系统,但本身有许多限制。

    Although Windows 2000 has an internal disk-quota system , it has a lot of limitation .

  19. 右键单击待设置磁盘配额的分区,然后单击“属性”。

    Right-click the partition on which you want to set disk quotas , and then click Properties .

  20. 可以基于每个文件系统为单独的用户和组设置磁盘配额。

    Disk quotas might be set for individual users or groups on a per file system basis .

  21. 如想让用户自定义磁盘配额,单击“配额项”。

    If you want to set a custom disk quota for a user , click Quota Entries .

  22. 磁盘配额限制了程序集的当前用户可以存储的数据量。

    The disk quota limits the amount of data the current user of an assembly can store .

  23. 这个文件显示分配磁盘配额和自由磁盘配额的号码。

    This file shows the number of allocated disk quota entries and the number of free disk quota entries .

  24. 若用户磁盘配额被启用,该值可能小于总空闲空间容量。

    If per-user quotas are being used , this value may be less than the total number of free bytes on a disk .

  25. 如果自由高速缓冲存储器磁盘配额非常低,你有一些系统用户的号码,你要加个限制。

    If the number of free cached disk quota entries is very low and you have some awesome number of simultaneous system users , you might want to raise the limit .

  26. 文章介绍了实施磁盘配额的必要性,实现磁盘配额的条件,以及如何实施磁盘配额和配额管理,从而能够实现对用户空间的限制,避免硬盘空间的浪费。

    In order to maintain a good control of customer space and avoid the waste of hard drive space , the author discusses the necessity , conditions and ways of assigning disc quota .

  27. 基本思路是在保持用户磁盘配额大小不变的情况下,根据各存储结点的数据量差异,按需分配用户在服务器上实际占用的存储空间。

    Basic idea of this policy is that it can maintain the size of the user disk quota unchanged , and allocate the actual storage space for user on demand according to the difference of data amount in each storage nodes .

  28. 为此服务器的新用户设置默认磁盘空间配额

    Set up default disk quotas for new users of this server

  29. 选择“拒绝将磁盘空间给超过配额限制的用户”。

    D.Select the'Deny disk space to users exceeding quota limit'check box .