
  1. 获得德国蓝天使低碳环保认证、联合注册供应商、中国驰名商标等荣誉。

    Access To Low-carbon German Blue Angel Environmental Certification , The United Registered Suppliers , The Chinese Famous Trademark And Other Honors .

  2. 在一封信中回应CDM表,E。在还说,联合国碳监管部门认证的过程,是“较好的鲁棒性。”

    In a letter responding to CDM Watch , E.ON also said UN carbon regulators have a certification process that is " very robust . "

  3. 虽然将气候变化目标与抗击贫困、艾滋病和生物多样性减少等方面的努力混杂在一起,会使碳排放信用的认证更为复杂,但可能也会吸引渴望提高社会责任声誉的企业。

    While mixing the climate change goals with efforts to fight poverty , AIDS and the loss of biodiversity will make the certification of the credits much more complicated , they may appeal to companies keen to polish their reputation for social responsibility .