
  • 网络Stifler
  1. 栽培葡萄最简便的方法就是硬条扦插。

    The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings

  2. 可能会出深绿色、亮黄色、卡其色、深蓝色、黑白等色系,材质有蛇皮革、印花、人造皮、硬条棉等。

    Colors will include dark green , bright yellow , khaki , dark blue , black and white , while materials will include snakeskin prints , fake patent leather and stiff cotton .

  3. 3C154型硬条包装机的原电气控制系统采用的是分立元件构成的逻辑控制器,成本高,可靠性差,维护和维修困难,影响了生产的正常运行。

    The logic controller in original electronic control system of 3C-154 cartoner was made up of discrete components , it was high in cost , poor in reliability , hard for maintenance , and affected regular production .

  4. 硬连条内采用高品质的铜条。

    We use high-quality copper to make the core of cable .

  5. 围绕支点转动的硬金属条。

    A rigid bar pivoted about a fulcrum .

  6. 同时,工人们绕着塔系上了坚硬的钢索,围绕支点转动的硬金属条。

    Also , workers tied strong steel cables around the structure . a rigid bar pivoted about a fulcrum .

  7. 矮的硬的多枝条多刺的灌木,通常分布在美洲西部的碱性土壤中。

    Low hardy much-branched spiny shrub common in alkaline soils of western America .

  8. 36臂井径通过独立臂的硬接触提供36条井径测井曲线,提供套管的质量状况,成果图图象直观、准确,可形成立体图、井壁展开成像图、井壁截面图。

    Based on forcedly contact , 36-finger image caliper can offer 36 curves of well diameter , so the effect of casing damage is given . Interpretation figures are nice and vivid , including solid figure , image figure of well wall , section figure of well wall .