- Short-term borrowings;short term loan;short loan

The TAF provided one - or three-month loans to banks from December 2007 until it closed this year .
Now the biology industry is going through the same early developing stages with 3C industry , the number of companies is increasing as well as the risks . So the raising of expanded capital has to depend on short-term debts . 3 .
Furthermore , we compare the debt structure between 3C industry and biology industry , and find out that the short-term debt ratio of 3C has an upward trend , while the long-term debt ratio has a downward trend . However , the situation of biology industry is reverse .
Short-term borrowing is the main section of bank loan .
The Influence of Short-term Loan and Trade Credit Enterprise Operation
Generally speaking , nowadays Chinese List Company favors debt financing , especially on short debt .
You should note , however , that bad credit cash advance services are short-term borrowing .
Credit cards are not money-they are short-term loans which must be paid off using money .
For many corporations , borrowing short-term money from banks is often a labored and annoying task .
Why should large systemically critical financial institutions be allowed to heavily leverage themselves with short-term borrowing ?
America 's biggest banks now boast liquid assets of three to11 times their short-term borrowings , according to Moody 's.
This part includes : the accounting of short-term loans , accounts payable , taxes payable , other current payables ;
The study found that effect of endogenous financing and short-term borrowing on governance performance is first increase and then decreased .
Both made the fatal mistake of relying on short-term borrowing to fund their rapidly expanding and increasingly risky loan books .
The moves led to sharp falls in money market interest rates , which determine short-term borrowing costs for companies and banks .
They are considering proposals to prevent banks from growing overly dependent on short-term borrowings as was the case with Bear and Lehman .
With the development of capital market , companies can finance with commercial credit , short-term loan , long-term loan , bonds and stock equity .
Equity financing includes placement , private placement , public offering ; debt financing includes long-and short-term borrowings , issuance of corporate bonds , enterprise bonds .
The various maturities of bank borrowings have different impact to the conservatism . The higher the proportion of short-term loans , the accounting conservatism is stronger .
Moreover , since China has special ownership structure and soft budget constraint problems , inhibitory effect of short-term borrowings on asset substitution and underinvestment remains to be further inspection .
Total debt in the sector has jumped 280 per cent over the past five years , according to RGE research , with an increasingly large portion of it short-term borrowing .
As a result , they attempted to hoard cash in any way they could : they slashed order books , ran down inventories at an unprecedented pace and cut short-term borrowing .
Empirical results show that : the correlation between changes in fair value and long-term loans was significant positive ; change in fair value included in capital reserve and short-term loans are related .
The effect of equity financing and long-term borrowing to governance performance is also shown a form of curve , first fall and then promote . The long-term bond is reverse impact of performance .
One ratio would compare a bank 's assets to its stable sources of funding , such as deposits or longer-term unsecured debt . This would help regulators determine whether a bank is too dependent on short-term borrowings .
It is found in the study that : The relevance of endogenous financing cash flow at ultra-low growth is higher than that at ultra-high growth , while it is opposite of short-term loan , the biggest financing method in exogenous financing .
Again appealing to my work with MS Reinhart , both theory and history tells us that any economy that is excessively leveraged with short-term borrowing be it government , banking , corporate or consumer is highly vulnerable to crises of confidence .
Combined with the special background of China , the state-owned holding undermines the accounting conservatism . The private enterprise with a high proportion of short-term loans shows higher accounting conservatism while the state-owned enterprise with a high long-term proportion shows lower accounting conservatism .
The results show that the listed companies prefer endogenous financing , and in the external financing the listed companies are more preferred equity financing , followed by the issuance of bonds , again for short-term borrowing , the last for the long-term borrowing .
In the meantime , common sense dictates the need for stricter controls on short-term borrowing by systemically important institutions , as well as regularly monitored limits on oversized risk positions , taking into account that markets can be highly correlated in a downturn .