
  • 网络amlivalencce
  1. 确立务实的教育教学观,更新通识教育与专业教育矛盾的观念;

    Form a pragmatic educational and teaching idea rethinking the paradox of liberal education and special education ;

  2. 两书都表现了红颜祸水和德欲矛盾的观念,尤其都设置了一组对立的类型,表现了对女性的轻视和不平等。

    In particular , the pair of contrasting images of women set in the books shows that women are being looked down upon and unequally treated .

  3. 这种矛盾的观念表现在他的创作中,就使得作品中的主人公既有具有觉醒意识的女性,又有具有男权意识的男性。

    The conflict idea made the leading actors in his works concluded some women who have awakening consciousness and some men who have rooted patriarchal consciousness .

  4. 科学是暂时性的,它从一个假设发展到另一个假设,总是在验证,抛弃那些不对头的观点,那些与新的证据相矛盾的观念。

    Science is provisional ; it progresses from one hypothesis to another , always testing , rejecting the ideas that do not work , that are contradicted by new evidence .

  5. 这是一个矛盾的国家观念和历史条件。

    It is a country of contradictions in terms of ideas and history .

  6. 西方近代哲学对人与自然关系的理论把握,是古希腊自然哲学对人与自然矛盾关系的观念的进一步发展。

    Modern Western philosophy on the relationship between man and nature is the development of the ancient Greek philosophical idea about the contradiction between man and nature .

  7. 非体制性制约因素表现突出的主要有主体素质与现代化的矛盾、传统观念与市场化的冲突、客观自然条件的制约;

    The non-system factors are the contradictory between the people 's quality and modernization , the conflict of the traditional ideas and market economy , the restriction of objective natural condition .

  8. 当前,少数民族地区农村消费市场的开拓,还受到预期收入和预期支出、消费能力和购买欲望、基础设施、市场建设、供销矛盾、消费观念等因素的制约。

    At present , the rural consumer markets are bound by some factors , such as expectable income and expenditure , capabilities and ambitions of consumption , foundational installations , market construction , contradictions between supply and marketing , and ideas of consumption .

  9. 要改变过去国内安全保卫工作只局限于搞对敌斗争、解决敌我矛盾的传统观念,主动承担起维护本地区社会政治稳定的职责;

    Change the traditional concept that the work of domestic security and safeguard was confined to the problems of fighting against enemies and resolving contradictions between ourselves and the enemy , bear on their own initiative the duty of social and political stability in the local places ;

  10. 所以,要想完成一幅比较好的矛盾空间作品,观念非常重要。

    Therefore , conception is quite significant to accomplish a piece of relatively nice work of contradiction space .

  11. 世界观教育基本矛盾表现在思想观念、思维水平、意识形态、历史发展和认识价值等诸多层面上。

    The basic contradiction of world outlook education is reflected in such aspects as ideas , thinking levels , social ideology , historical development and cognitive value .

  12. 信仰(确定性)和理性(不确定性)的矛盾并不因无限观念的感性基础而得以消解。

    Although the infinite ideas base on the perceptual knowledge , the contradiction between faith ( determination ) and reason ( undetermination ) has not gotten resolved .