
  • 网络TRUE COLOR;True Colours
  1. 史书似乎常被赋予几分不真实的色彩。

    History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality .

  2. 史书似乎常被赋予几分不真实的色彩。地理分布:香港特有种。仅见于歌赋山。

    History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality . Distribution : Endemic to Hong Kong , only known in a few localities in Mount Gough .

  3. 而西方风景画遵循的则是真实的色彩观,重光谱色,讲明暗阴影对照等。

    While the Western landscape painting follows the real color view , putting the emphasis on the spectral color , and advocating the comparison of light and dark shadow and so on .

  4. 当同一物象在不同时间条件下,调性在悄然发生着变化,变化会刺激画家产生不同的反应,而捕捉对象真实的色彩。

    When the identical physical image under the different time condition , adjusts the nature to occur quietly is changing , the change can stimulate the painter to have the different response , but catches the object real color .

  5. 捕捉真实生活的色彩,适切而不做作。

    For its realistic and colorful depiction of life , that is appropriate and unfeigned .

  6. 与真实的主观色彩相反,真实的价值奥妙在于它在深层对创作规律的契合,以及对生活客体的尊重。

    The value of truth lies in both its echoing to literary creative law and its respect for life objects .

  7. 一些真实存在的动物色彩艳丽,长相奇异,就如同出自某位寓言家之口。

    Some are so colorful and bizarre that they almost seem as if some overeager fabulist made them up .

  8. 用本身的颜色制造平面,使感觉真实起来,这样的色彩区分来自于大自然给我意向和印象。

    With the color of the manufacture of flat , so that the true feeling up , so that the color distinction from the intentions and impressions of nature to me .