
shěnɡ wěi shū jì
  • secretary of a provincial party committee
  1. 那么给一位有权有势的省委书记搞特殊当然不合适。

    It was certainly inappropriate to make an exception to this powerful Secretary at provincial level .

  2. 广东省委书记表示,该省的代课教师今后的道路将是喜忧参半。

    Substitute teachers will have a mixed future in Guangdong , the provincial Party secretary said .

  3. 有了郑的牵线搭桥,陈林得到了和省委书记交好的机会。

    With the match Zheng , and the Provincial Party Secretary Chen Lin has been paying good opportunities .

  4. 这三位省委书记均要与本地人的省长协同工作,但定调子的是省委书记。

    All three were paired with local governors , but it is the party secretary who call the shots .

  5. 我们开国时的好多部长、省委书记,也就是这个年龄。

    In the early days of the people 's republic , many of the ministers and provincial Party committee secretaries were of that age .

  6. 用户们也可以看到他2002年到2007年在浙江省当省委书记的时候出版的书。

    It also gives users access to two of Xi 's books published when he was Party chief of Zhejiang province from 2002 to 2007 .

  7. 这次增选的中央委员,新近上任的部长、省委书记,都比较年轻。

    The members newly elected to the Central Committee and the ministers and provincial Party committee secretaries who have been appointed recently are comparatively young .

  8. 县委书记、地委书记一大堆,为什么连个省委书记都找不出来?

    There are plenty of county and prefectural Party committee secretaries . Why , then , is it so hard to find a provincial Party committee secretary ?

  9. 我知道不仅是因为对方申诉,更是因为省委书记那个批示起了作用。

    I know that not only because of the other complaints , but because the instructions of secretary of the province party committee that have a role to play .

  10. 前陕西省委书记安启元表示:这个大坝确实是一个愚蠢的错误。陕西省是三门峡工程及其后果最为直接的受害者。

    This dam was really a stupid mistake , says An Qingyuan , a former Communist party boss of Shaanxi province , the region most directly affected by the project and its aftermath .

  11. 迪亚斯-卡内尔是一名电子工程师,曾担任省委书记达15年,随后成为一名部长,最后去年晋升为部长委员会副总统。

    Mr D í az-Canel is an electrical engineer who spent 15 years as a provincial party secretary before becoming a minister and , last year , vice-president of the Council of Ministers .

  12. 而辽宁省委书记最近透露,中国正在大连港建造第一艘国产航空母舰。此前中国从乌克兰购买了首艘航空母舰,并将其命名为辽宁号。

    And the top Communist party official in Liaoning province recently revealed that China was building its first indigenous aircraft carrier at the port of Dalian – to follow the Liaoning , which it bought from Ukraine .

  13. 山西省委书记王儒林说,除了加强打击腐败的力度,还要关注山西经济结构调整,研究清洁能源的使用,降低煤炭使用比重。

    Wang Rulin , Party chief in Shanxi , said apart from enhanced efforts to fight corruption , attention will be paid to making adjustments to Shanxi 's economic structure and researching the use of clean energy over coal .

  14. 当地一名不愿透露姓名的公司股东表示,他怀疑湖南(远大集团总部所在地)省委书记周强是否会批准摩天大楼的建造计划,因为发生事故的风险过高。

    One local investor , speaking on condition of anonymity , said he doubted that Zhou Qiang , Communist Party chief of Hunan Province where broad is based , would sign off on the skyscraper plans because the risks of a disaster were just too great .

  15. 省委副书记梅克保参加会见。

    Governor of Hunan Province Mei Kebao also attended the meeting .

  16. 强化农业基础地位积极推进农村改革&访山西省委副书记郑社奎

    Strengthening Fundamental Position of Agriculture and Promoting Rural Reform

  17. 29岁的张辉去年被任命为中国共青团山东省委副书记,一时成为媒体争相报导的对象。

    Zhang Hui , 29 , made headlines last year when he was appointed vice-secretary of the Communist Youth League 's Shandong provincial committee .

  18. 有这样典型的人,薛迅就是一个。她原来是河北省的省委副书记、副省长。

    Hsueh Hsun is a typical example . She was formerly a deputy secretary of the Hopei Provincial Party Committee and a vice-governor of the province .

  19. 在过去的人事调整中,航空公司和电信公司的领导人曾经出现过对调;三年前,中国三大石油巨头的高管被大挪移,部分职位互换,其中一人还被调任某省担任省委副书记。

    In past changes , the party has swapped top managers between airlines and telephone companies ; three years ago , Beijing shuffled senior executives among the country 's three biggest oil companies , in one case replacing a man appointed party chief of a province .