
xiānɡ wànɡ
  • Facing each other;face each other from a distance
相望 [xiāng wàng]
  • [look at each other] 互相对望

  • 雕栏相望焉。--《虞初新志.魏学洢.核舟记》

  • 邻国相望。--《史记.货殖列传》

  • 死者相望。--《资治通鉴.唐纪》

  • 东西相望。--宋. 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

  1. 城镇一分为二,两两相望,各自都有颇具趣味的教堂。

    The two halves of the town face each other , and both have interesting churches

  2. 龟蛇二山隔江相望。

    Tortoise and Snake Hills face each other across the river .

  3. 与希腊隔爱琴海相望的土耳其,今年第二季度GDP增长达到了8.8%。

    Across the Aegean in Turkey , GDP grew by 8.8 % in the second quarter .

  4. 还有一些证据显示,与守护神B冰架隔南极半岛相望的西南极洲大冰原已经停止了后退。

    There is also some evidence that the retreat of the West Antarctic ice sheet , on the other side of the peninsula to the Larsen B shelf , has halted .

  5. 小区位于万江区四环路西侧,万道路北侧,东南侧与华南MALL隔桥相望;

    This residential locates on the north side of Wandao road and the west side of the4th ring road of Wanjiang district .

  6. 与此同时,与曼德拉在东开普省库努(Qunu)农村的住处相望的一家卫理公会教堂,社区内人员还聚在一起唱歌、祈祷。

    Meanwhile , in a Methodist church overlooking Mr. Mandela 's rural home of Qunu , community members also gathered in song and prayer . '

  7. 王室墓群隔洹河与皇宫相望。

    The imperial tombs lie opposite the palaces across Henghe River .

  8. 它们遥遥相望,彼此思念,彼此倾慕。

    They look and adore each other in the distance .

  9. 吉林省白山市与朝鲜隔鸭绿江相望。

    Jilin province Baishan City and North Korea across the Yalu River .

  10. 东面是珠江,与东莞市隔江相望;

    East of the Pearl River , Dongguan City , and across the River ;

  11. 温哥华华盛顿州西南部城市,位于哥伦比亚海岸,与俄勒冈的波特兰相望。

    A city of southwest Washington on the Columbia River opposite Portland , Oregon .

  12. 我记得有个叫艾哈迈德的家伙,住的地方跟我家隔街相望。

    I remember one kid , Ahmad , who lived across the street from us .

  13. 短暂的相望,见到你落泪的娇容,心为你伤碎。

    Short sea , you see the face of tears , your heart broken injury .

  14. 四目相望时,她眼里只见简单纯粹的美

    And when I look into her eyes , I see pure beauty with no disguise

  15. 故人故情怀故宴,相望相思不相见。

    Therefore , it is feeling dead person dinner , Acacia did not meet the sea .

  16. 这座57层的酒店拥有2561间客房,好似与城市跨海湾相望的一座巨像。

    At 57-storeys high and with 2,561 guest-rooms , the structure straddles the city like a colossus .

  17. 1897年,图书馆移至它自己的大楼内,与国会大厦隔街相望。

    In 1897 , the Library moved to its own building across the street from the Capitol .

  18. 此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君。

    At this time the sea are not heard , China is willing to monthly Zhao Jun flow .

  19. 苏丹最大的城市;位于苏丹中部白尼罗河边,与喀土穆隔岸相望。

    The largest city of Sudan ; located in the central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum .

  20. 埃尔帕索城美国得克萨斯州最西端一城市,位于与墨西哥胡亚雷斯相望的里奥格兰德。

    A city of extreme western Texas on the Rio Grande opposite Ciudad Ju ? ez , Mexico .

  21. 广西海岸带滨临北部湾,东接广东,西邻越南,隔北部湾与海南岛相望。

    Coastal zone in Guangxi connects that in Guangdong to the east and borders Viet Nam to the west .

  22. 该组织的目标是要在2020年以前,让与英国南海岸遥遥相望的怀特岛达到能源自给。

    Its aim is to make the Isle of Wight , off Britain 's south coast , energy-independent by2020 .

  23. 当恋人相望时,一个眼神,彼此都能心领神会,那就是幸福。

    When the lover faces one another , a look , each other can understand , that is happy .

  24. 这包括接吻、拥抱、牵手,甚至在房间里遥遥相望。

    This includes kissing , hugging , hand-holding , or even staring at each other from across the room .

  25. 地处西子湖北侧,与浙江图书馆、黄龙体育中心为邻,“黄龙吐翠”相望,实为商务洽谈、旅游观光的理想下榻之处。

    It is only five-minute drive from the West Lake , neighbors Zhejiang Library and yellow Dragon Sport Center .

  26. 他们隔栏相望,而他们相知的愿望是虚空的。

    Through the bars of the cage they look , and vain is their wish to know each other .

  27. 古老的部落,矮小的滕干,鲜红的小果,依偎一傍两两相望。

    The ancient tribe , Teng little dry , a small red fruit , nestled near a pairwise sea .

  28. 这路段盘踞着市民购物的华润万家超市,中科院西安分院也是隔路相望。

    This section of entrenched people shopping Vanguard , Xi'an Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences is across the road .

  29. 想象一下,两个基地,一个联盟,一个部落,在一个长的峡谷两端遥遥相望。

    Well , imagine two bases , one Alliance , one Horde , at opposite ends of a long valley .

  30. 茅屋位于岸边,隔着一做海水与西边一片浓荫覆盖的小山相望。

    It stood on the shore , looking across a basin of the sea at the forest-covered hills , towards the west .