
  • 网络Relative deprivation;sense of relative deprivation;relative depriva-tion
  1. 个体相对剥夺感对集群行为倾向有显著正向预测作用。

    Relative deprivation could positively predict collective behavior tendency . 5 .

  2. 城市居民相对剥夺感的实证研究

    The Positive Research on the Relative Deprivation of Urban Population

  3. 被试在个体相对剥夺感上,不存在性别差异。

    There was no significant gender difference in relative deprivation . 3 .

  4. 相对剥夺感是现在中国社会普遍存在的心理现象,是个人或群体通过与参照群体比较而产生的一种自身需求得不到满足的主观感受。

    Relative deprivation is a common psychological phenomenon in the Chinese society .

  5. 相对剥夺感增强是心理原因;

    Strengthening of the sense of relative deprivation is the psychological cause ;

  6. 农民相对剥夺感的疏导

    Channel to Peasants ' Relative Deprivation

  7. 代课教师的身份问题给他们带来了物质和精神层面的不平等待遇和相对剥夺感。

    The status of substitute teachers do bring them the material and spiritual dimensions of inequality and relative deprivation .

  8. 但是,由于收入差距的不断拉大,造成了一些弱势群体社会心理的失衡和相对剥夺感。

    However , the widening income gap caused some vulnerable groups social psychological imbalance and the sense of relative deprivation .

  9. 国家则应该加大对农村的公共投资,完善农村的基础设施,减少农民在发展过程中的相对剥夺感,为农民营造平等的意识氛围。

    Country should increase rural public investment , perfect rural infrastructure construction , reduce the farmer 's sense of relative deprivation in the development .

  10. 第三,城市老年人纵向相对剥夺感来源于纵向比较,并受月收入以及制度变革的影响。

    Thirdly , longitudinal relative sense of deprivation of the urban elderly comes from the longitudinal comparison , and is influenced by the monthly income .

  11. 论文得出以下结论:第一、外来媳群体虽然是政策上的弱势群体,具有相对剥夺感;但她们善于挖掘可利用资源,努力维持自我价值。

    As the politically disadvantaged minority , outside daughters-in-law have the sense of comparative deprivation . But they are good at exploiting usable resources to maintain self values . 2 .

  12. 指出对农民的相对剥夺感要加以引导和化解,建立农民群体价值失衡的心理疏导机制。

    Points out that the peasant 's relative deprivation must be conducted and reconciled , and the system of mental channel for the peasants whose value are imbalance should be set up .

  13. 第二,城市老年人横向相对剥夺感来源于横向比较,并受教育水平、单位性质、月收入以及参照群体的影响。

    Secondly , horizontal relative sense of deprivation of the urban elderly comes from the horizontal comparison , and is influenced by educational level , the nature of units and the monthly income .

  14. 大学生感受着来自四个方面的不协调压力:价值观冲突、理想与愿望的差距、相对剥夺感、应对危机技能缺乏。

    Nowadays students have sensed the different discordant pressures , such as value conflict , gap between reality and ideal , sense of being deprived and the lack of ability to deal with crisis .

  15. 因此,建构流动人口权益保障机制,防止相对剥夺感加剧,对减少预防流动人口犯罪刻不容缓。

    Therefore , it 's extremely urgent to construct the rights and benefits guaranteeing mechanism of floating population to avoid the becoming fiercer of feeling of relative deprivation and decrease crimes committed by floating population .

  16. 对农民工群体状态的改善不能仅仅是对其自身状态的一个绝对改善,还应该快于农民工群体比较参照群体演变的速度,要强于由核心比较参照群体演变引致的相对剥夺感的增加程度。

    The improvement of the status of the group not only an absolute improvement , but also should stronger than the improvement of the relative deprivation , which caused by the change of their comparative reference group .

  17. 本章笔者通过鉴别样本的区同,结合三个变量:网络支持度、职场满意度、相对剥夺感,分析调查数据与个案访谈等,对假设的真伪进行了求证。

    Conducted on the assumption that the authenticity of the confirmation . This chapter identifies three variables : network support , career satisfaction , a sense of relative deprivation , and analyze the data and case interviews .

  18. 急剧恶化的生存现实、相对剥夺感的不断强化以及改制中的种种不公正导致工人的抗争运动越来越激烈,用集体无行动理论已经无法解释现实。

    The drastic deterioration of survival reality , the intensive sense of comparative deprivation and the unfairness in the process of reform cause workers ' more severe resistance movements , which makes the collective non-action theory less persuasive in interpreting this phenomenon .

  19. 但是当结果公平分配原则被他们更多认知的时候,他们的相对剥夺感会极大提升,由此产生的后果会对和谐社会的构建产生巨大挑战。

    But , when the result justice distributing principles are more cognized by farmer workers , their deprivation sense will be greatly increasing , and the outcome of this psychological change will produce a big challenge to the construction of harmonious society .

  20. 流动人口犯罪率居高不下,其重要原因就是相对剥夺感的产生,而流动人口合法权益严重受损导致相对剥夺感强烈加剧,最终引发了犯罪。

    The high rate of crime committed by floating population essentially results from the engender of feeling of relative deprivation , and the feeling of relative deprivation becoming fiercer caused by the damaging floating population 's lawful rights and benefits ultimately results in crime occurrence .

  21. 从个人层面看,农村老年人的弱公共参与损害了老年人的合法权益,增强了农村老年人的相对剥夺感,影响了农村老年人的发展和生活质量的改善。第七部分讨论和思考。

    From the individual level , the weak public participation in rural elderly damage to legitimate rights and interests of older persons and enhance the rural elderly relative deprivation affects the development of rural elderly and quality of life improvements . Part ⅶ of the discussion and consideration .

  22. 对于低文化程度的公民群体,必须采取一些积极措施来消除这种相对被剥夺感,才能实现公民参与公共政策制定过程中的和谐与公正。

    With respect to those citizen groups with low educational attainments , some active measures shall be taken to eliminate this kind of feeling so that reconciliation and impartiality will be realized in citizen participation in formulation of public policies .