
  • 网络Related income;relevant revenue
  1. 例如篮球相关收入(BRI)的基本分配预计不会改变,保持在49%~51之间,和目前的劳资协议持平。

    The basic split of basketball related income ( BRI ) is expected to remain unchanged from the 49-51 percent band in the current deal .

  2. 假定您需要按照他们的相关收入对人名进行排序。

    Say you need the names sorted by their associated revenues .

  3. 地方政府以土地相关收入促进城市发展,同时带动地方税收的增加。

    The local governments increasingly dependent on land-related revenues to promote urban development and drive to local taxes increase .

  4. 只有通过完善相关收入分配制度才能缓解城乡收入差距进而改善农村财产性收入的目前格局。

    Only by improving the income distribution system related to urban-rural income gap and thus improves the ease of rural property income of the grave situation .

  5. 至2012年下届夏季奥运会伦敦奥运会为止的四年内,相关收入可能增至(甚或超过)70亿美元。

    In the four years ending with the next summer games in London in 2012 , this could swell to , or even exceed , $ 7bn .

  6. 《福布斯》最具影响力名人榜衡量的是过去一年中名人在娱乐领域的相关收入以及在纸媒、电视、广播和网络上的曝光度。

    Forbes ' Celebrity Power ranking is a measurement of entertainment-related earnings over the past 12 months as well as visibility in print , TV , radio and online .

  7. 于是阿伦把钥匙扔给他们然后宣布球馆破产,并用各种相关收入抵债(豪华包间、特许权、经营权),这些是球队的生命线。

    So Allen effectively threw them the keys and declared the arena bankrupt , thus forfeiting revenues associated with it ( luxury suites , concessions , merchandise ), the lifeblood of the team .

  8. 造成球员收入,包括其他篮球相关收入剧增的罪魁祸首就是球员工会主席保罗和副主席詹姆斯,他们想尽了一切办法让球员获取更大的利益。

    A direct link to the increased BRI ( as in " basketball-related income " - all the money ) negotiated by National Basketball Players Association president Paul and vice president James , who wisely made it a philosophical imperative to empower players in every way possible .

  9. 去年,NBA获得了差不多40亿美元与篮球相关的收入,是斯特恩于1984年接任总裁一职时的20倍。

    Last year , the NBA generated almost $ 4 billion in basketball-related income , a twenty-fold increase since stern took over as commissioner in 1984 .

  10. (三)与再保险合同相关的收入能够可靠地计量。

    The economic benefits related to the reinsurance contract can be measured reliably .

  11. 球员的薪资方面,与冰球相关的收入比例将从57%下降至50%。

    The players ' share of hockey-related income will drop from 57 % to 50 % .

  12. 然而,批评人士辩称,通过施行网站免费制,《华尔街日报》可能大幅增加网站流量及相关广告收入。

    Yet critics argue that the journal could substantially increase its Internet traffic and the associated advertising revenue by making its website free .

  13. 有资格参加排名的学校,2006年相关课程收入至少为200万美元。

    To be eligible to participate , a school must have had income of at least $ 2m from the relevant programme type during 2006 .

  14. 第二部分对长三角地方财政收入对土地相关财政收入的依赖情况进行了度量并分析了土地财政产生的原因。

    The second part measures the dependence of the local governments of the Yangtze River Delta on the land revenues and analyses the reasons behind it .

  15. 他们有能力做到这一点,让其成为一种标准,然后借此收获大量支付处理相关的收入和更多广告收入。

    They have the means to do it , to make it a standard , and they could reap massive amounts of payment processing revenue and additional advertising as a result .

  16. 但在这些新增的债务中,只有十分之一可归因于那些提振经济的尝试,绝大多数则是由经济衰退和相关的收入损失造成的。

    But only a 10th of this new debt is attributable to those attempts to boost their economies . The vast majority is due to the recession , and related revenue losses .

  17. 首先对我国土地使用制度及土地出让金制度进行梳理,在此基础之上,将土地财政分成三大部分:土地有偿使用收入、土地相关税收收入和土地相关其他收入。

    Then , it divides land finance into three parts : revenue from compensated utilization of land , land-related tax income and other land-related income . The first part includes land-transferring fees , land rent and other land-supply income .

  18. 土地财政是指地方财政依赖国有土地出让收入、土地相关税收收入和土地融资收入,三种收入成为地方财政收入重要组成部分的财政模式。

    " Land finance " refers to the financial model that local public finance depends on the revenues from state-owned land leasing , land-related tax collecting and land financing , and the three kinds of revenue becomes important parts of local public finance revenue .

  19. 这意味着,股票、债券、外汇及其衍生品交易将以相对较低的税率(0.05%)被征税,相关的收入将投资在“实体”经济,包括国内和国际。

    This means a comparatively small rate of tax ( 0.05 per cent ) being levied on share , bond , and currency transactions and their derivatives , with the resulting funds being designated for investment in the " real " economy , domestically and internationally .

  20. 它们必须有相当的市场占有率,比如2009年Web托管相关的年收入至少达到5000万美元,或2010年云托管服务的年收入至少达到2500万美元。

    They must have significant market presence , as indicated by Web-hosting-related revenue of at least $ 50 million in2009 , or an on-demand hosting revenue run rate of at least $ 25 million in2010 .

  21. 同一份IDC报告还预测从2008年到2013年与Linux相关的软件收入将从120亿美元增长到350亿美元。

    The same IDC report shows The forecast says Linux-related software revenue will grow from $ 12 billion to $ 35 billion between 2008 and 2013 .

  22. 与云相关的业务收入暂时规模不大,但与传统软件销售相比增速更快:SAP称,相比2011年第一财季,SuccessFactors业务的销售额已增长69%。

    Cloud revenue is small but growing at a much faster rate than traditional software sales : SAP reported that the successfactors business grew bookings by 69 % compared to the first quarter of 2011 .

  23. 他同样看好与中国相关的新收入渠道。

    He is equally optimistic about new sources of China-related revenues .

  24. 与每个成功销售相关联的收入金额。

    The amount of revenue that is associated with each successful sale .

  25. 在某些州你需要提供相关的低收入证明去获得减免税。

    With some taxes , you 'll need a relatively low income to qualify .

  26. 对收入分配差距问题的相关概念、收入分配差距的度量指标体系以及收入分配与经济增长相互关系理论进行了回顾。

    It reviews definitions , the calculation index on income gap , and mutual effects of income distribution and economic growth .

  27. 林业生产收入和与林业相关的非农收入占农户总收入的比重增加,林业生产的地位有所提高。

    Forestry income accounted for the proportion of the total income of the farmers increased . The status of forestry production improved .

  28. 肉类和其它动物类食品的生产为所有畜牧业的利益相关者创造收入、就业岗位和外汇。

    The production of meat and other animal-based food items generates income , jobs , and foreign exchange for all stakeholders in the animal industries .

  29. 不过,这样的简化能够减少目前对投资着眼甚少的税法典中存在的巨大扭曲,而且还能筹集与当前政策相关的大量收入。

    But this simplification would reduce a big distortion in the code that does little for investment , while raising considerable revenue relative to current policy .

  30. 通过实证分析,我国农民的收入与消费水平呈正相关关系,收入是影响农民消费最直接、最具决定性的因素。

    This paper draws that income has a positive correlation with consumption level and is the most direct and decisive factor affecting peasant consumption by a positive analysis .