
  • 网络phase problem
  1. 回顾了经典物理和量子力学中的相位问题,着重讨论了量子几何Berry相位及在量子力学中如何进行量子相位教学的问题。

    The phase problem of classical physics and quantum mechanics are reviewed , then geometrical Berry 's phase and how to perform its teaching in quantum physics are discussed .

  2. 电子晶体学中的相位问题及快速模拟计算研究

    The Study of Phase Problem in the Electron Crystallography and Fast Simulation Calculation

  3. 但上述方法只适用于Fourier相位问题。

    All the above mentioned approaches can only treat the Fourier phase problems .

  4. 然后对UWB脉冲信号失真问题和脉冲信号的相位问题进行深入分析。

    Then the distortion and the phase distribution of an UWB signal are investigated in details .

  5. 有关A-B效应和相位问题及量子绝热定理成立条件&三答李华钟教授的评述

    On the quantum phase factor and quantum adiabatic theorem & Reply to the comment by H.Z.Li

  6. 电源切换电调双频振荡电路的相位问题

    Phase problems of tune bi-frequency oscillating circuit by power supply switch

  7. 液压数字自适应控制系统的非最小相位问题及其对策

    On the Problems of Non-minimum Phase in Hydraulic Digital Adaptive Control System

  8. 直到现在,在X-射线结构分析中尚无解决相位问题的普遍实用的方法。

    There is no general solution even in the X-ray structure analysis .

  9. 相干态的相位问题对我国重复建设的思考

    PHASE OF COHERENT STATE On Repeating Construction in China

  10. 波形内插语音编码算法中相位问题的研究

    Research on Phase Information in Waveform Interpolation Speech Coding

  11. 双模相位问题

    The problem of the two mode phase operators

  12. 相干态的相位问题

    Phase of coherent state

  13. 在地震勘探资料处理中,相位问题是影响有效地震反射信号实现同相叠加的重要因素之一。

    The phase problem is one of the important factors that effect seismic reflective signal stack in same phase .

  14. 但电压模型中的纯积分环节存在直流偏置和初始相位问题。

    But the pure integrator of the voltage model has some disadvantages like DC bias and initial phase problems .

  15. 针对声悬浮场的弱小相位问题,完成了可用于相位倍增的实验光路的设计。

    Phase multiplied experiment setup is designed , which can solve the problem of feeblish phase in acoustic levitation field .

  16. 为了解决以导弹法向过载为输出的非最小相位问题,采用了输出重定义技术。

    In order to solve the non-minimum phase problem of the output of missile normal overload , an output-redefinition technique was adopted .

  17. 基于混合误差模型,避免了系统因离散化而引起的非最小相位问题及扰动影响。

    Based on hybrid error model , the non-minimum phase problem caused by discretization is avoided , and the disturbance effect is eliminated .

  18. 电子晶体学的发展历史比X-射线晶体学的历史要短很多,因此相位问题还远远没有解决。

    There is a long way to go to solve phase problem in electron crystallography because of its short history compared to that of X-ray crystallography .

  19. 由单强度测量来恢复相位问题,也有过讨论,可以利用解析函数特有性质或应用取样定理来实现相位恢复。

    The phase retrieval problem from single intensity measurement was also discussed in terms of the properties of analytical function or under consideration of sampling theorem .

  20. 边合成边测序的高通量基因测序技术存在一个相位问题,即碱基合成的先后顺序会出现“超前”和“延迟”。

    The high-throughput genome sequencing has a phase problem , i.e. " exceeding " or " delaying ", which appears in the order of bases synthesizing .

  21. 应用HMRAC,避免了系统因数字化而引起的非最小相位问题及非线性影响,有利于进一步提高系统的鲁棒性。

    Using the hybrid model reference adaptive control , the problem of non-minimum and the influence of nonlinear were avoided , which were caused by digitizing the system .

  22. 分析了基于线性调频信号多频测距时出现的二次相位问题,提出了利用测速系统速度信息进行相位消除的方法。

    This paper analyses the problem of the quadratic phase for multiple frequency ranging based on chirp signal , and the method of the phase elimination is proposed .

  23. 盲均衡器设计的另二个难点是如何求解非最小相位问题。基于码间干扰的数学模型,建立了盲均衡问题与MA模型参数求解问题间的关系。

    Another difficulty in designing blind equalizer is how to solve the problem of non-minimum phase since most of existing methods could only solve the minimum phase parameters of MA model .

  24. 相位恢复问题研究,对于天文、X射线相衬成像、衍射光学、波阵面重构和全息术等领域有重要意义。

    The research of phase retrieval algorithm is important for many fields , such as astronomy , X ray phase contrast imaging , diffractive optic , holography , wave-front reconstruction and so on .

  25. 针对低信噪比下QAM信号的载波相位跟踪问题,提出一种基于信号合成的联合载波相位跟踪算法。

    A joint carrier-phase-tracking algorithm based on signal combining is proposed for carrier phase tracking of quadrature amplitude modulation ( QAM ) signals .

  26. 在论述光声光谱产生理论的基础上,定性分析并通过计算进一步定量研究了CO2和H2O吸收引起的相位延迟问题。

    This paper makes a qualitative analysis and a further quantitative calculation on the phase delay resulting from the absorption of CO2 and H2O . The principle of simultaneous measurement of multi-gas component is discussed in detail .

  27. 讨论了在GaSe晶体和GaAs晶体中,利用CO2激光差频产生THz波的相位匹配问题。

    Phase-matching problem in the generation of terahertz radiation via difference frequency mixing of CO2 laser lines in GaSe and GaAs crystals has been discussed in detail .

  28. 介绍DDS原理,用VHDL语言描述,以FPGA作为硬件载体直接实现8-PSK调制,从而解决了传统方法实现8-PSK调制的相位模糊问题,提高了调制的相位精度。

    This paper introduces DDS principle and describes VHDL based on FPGA method to realize directly 8-PSK modulator ; The method solves the phase fuzzy problem of 8-PSK modulation of the traditional method and improves the phase modulation precision .

  29. 本文研究了FTP的相关问题:(1)提出双频光栅FTP,并深入讨论了为消除频谱混叠,两个载频之间所必须满足的频率选择关系以及相位展开问题;

    In this paper , we have researched the FTP , first we propose an improved FTP based on two-frequency grating projecting , which are involved in the problems of the phase unwrapping and the frequency selection to satisfy the two carrier frequencies no frequency aliasing .

  30. 为了消除四相相移键控(QPSK)调制方式中相干解调时载波恢复存在的相位模糊问题,本文推导了在收发两端所分别插入的自然码差分编译码方程。

    To do away with the fussiness of phase when carrier wave recovers in the coherent demodulation of quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ), the equations are deduced as to how to natural differential coder in the sender and decoder in the receiver .