
  • 网络DC-filter
  1. HVDC系统DC侧有源直流滤波器的自适应控制

    Adaptive control strategy for Active DC filter on DC-side of HVDC system

  2. HVDCdc侧基于滞环控制的有源直流滤波器

    The Active DC Filter Based on Hysteresis Controller on the DC Side of HVDC

  3. 对强磁场装置电源所需的有源直流滤波器ADF(ActiveDCFilter)进行了设计,利用脉宽调制(PWM)及并联有源滤波技术提出了新的滤波方案。

    An ADF ( Active DC Filter ) is designed for the power supply of high magnetic field device , which applies a new scheme based on PWM ( Pulse Width Modulation ) and parallel active power filter technique .

  4. 并对某HVDC工程所采用的直流滤波器进行了计算,计算结果表明所提出的定义可以为双调谐滤波器的参数设计提供工程指导。

    An example of the double tuned filter in a HVDC project is calculated . Calculation results show that the definition put forward in this paper is useful in the parameter design of double tuned filters .

  5. 直流滤波器电容器的直流局部放电测量

    Partial Discharge Measurement Under DC Voltage for DC & Filter Capacitors

  6. 交、直流滤波器中电力电容器的运行和改造

    Operation and Improvement of Power Capacitors in AC / DC Filters

  7. 动力蓄电池组测试系统中双向直流滤波器设计

    Design of Bilateral DC Filter in Power Accumulator Battery Testing System

  8. 强磁场装置有源直流滤波器设计

    Design of active DC filter for high magnetic field device

  9. 安顺换流站直流滤波器不平衡保护动作原因分析

    Cause Analysis of Unbalance Protection Operation for DC Filter in Anshun Converter Station

  10. 直流滤波器的设计准则就是在满足可以接受的谐波水平下,使滤波器的费用最少。

    The standard of DC filter design is to make sure of the minimized DC filters cost under the acceptable harmonic level .

  11. 直流滤波器高压电容器塔和干式平波电抗器的外绝缘是通过外部多个并联支柱绝缘子或悬吊绝缘子来实现,可适应户外要求。

    External insulation of DC filter HV capacitor stack and dry smoothing reactor is realized by parallel connecting post insulators or suspension insulators .

  12. 在最后从原理分析及实际运行角度提出交、直流滤波器保护的优缺点和改进建议。

    At last , give some merit , defect and suggestion of AC & DC filter protection from theory analysis and active operation .

  13. 平波电抗器与直流滤波器一起构成高压直流换流站直流侧的直流谐波滤波回路。

    Flat wave filter reactor and dc high voltage dc converter stations dc together make up the side of the dc harmonic filter circuits .

  14. 直流滤波器设计需要综合考虑性能指标和技术经济因素,通常需反复调整设计参数。其过程复杂效率低下,同时对设计人员专业素质要求较高。

    DC filter design needs to consider performance indicators and technical economic factors . It usually requires repeated adjustments of design parameters and makes the process complex and inefficient , which claims high professional quality of designers .

  15. 高压直流PLC滤波器用电容器组简介

    Brief Introduction of Capacitor Used in HVDC PLC Filter

  16. 安装交、直流PLC滤波器,就是为了抑制载频噪声以达到规定的限制标准。

    In order to suppress the noise below limit , DC and AC PLC filters are installed .

  17. 基于CMAC和PID的HVDC系统直流有源滤波器的复合控制研究

    Study of CMAC and PID composite control of active DC filter of HVDC system

  18. 在研究单级LC直流输入滤波器的基础上,为了限制滤波器的瞬态谐振峰值采用了可控谐振阻尼两级LC直流输入滤波器;

    Based on the research of single-stage LC input filtering , in order to restrain the peak value of transient resonance wave , double-stage LC input filtering is adopted .

  19. 大功率低纹波稳定电源用直流有源滤波器

    DC Active Filter for Large Power and Low Ripple Stable Supply

  20. 基于近似逆系统设计方法的直流有源滤波器

    The Active DC Filter Based on Approximate Inverse System Control

  21. 高精度、低纹波稳定电源用直流有源滤波器研究

    The Study on DC Active Power Filter for High Precision and Low Ripple Power Supply

  22. 稳定电源用直流有源滤波器的检测纹波电压控制方法

    Control Strategy of Detecting Ripple Voltage in DC Active Power Filter for Stable Power Supply

  23. 本文还对三峡系统中采用的交、直流无源滤波器进行了幅、相频率特性、参数灵敏度以及功率特性的分析。

    As one part of this paper , the frequency characteristics , parameter sensibility and power characteristics of AC & DC filters equipped in Three Gorges power system are analyzed .

  24. 基于直接下变频的系统架构,接收机集成了低噪声放大器、I/Q下变频器、去直流偏移滤波器、基带放大器和信道选择滤波器。

    Based on a direct-conversion architecture , the receiver integrates LNA , I / Q mixer , DC-offset removal filter , baseband amplifier and channel-select filters on a single chip .

  25. 介绍了一种高精度、低纹波稳定电源用直流有源滤波器的工作原理和控制方法,在此基础上研制了实验装置。

    The basic concept and control strategy of DC active power filter used in a high precision and low ripple power supply are presented in this paper , and an experimental device is developed .

  26. 并对超短波通信系统分别接有非屏蔽电源线、屏蔽电源线和电磁防护型直流电源滤波器等三种情况进行了电磁脉冲试验,试验结果显示,电源滤波器提升了通信系统的整体电磁防护性能。

    The communications system has been separately test to three transient electromagnetic pulses : unshielded power cord , power cord shielding and the electromagnetic protection-type DC power supply filter . Test results show that the power filter enhances the overall electromagnetic protection performance of communication system .

  27. HVDC系统直流侧有源滤波器对象模型的研究

    On line identification mathematical model of Active DC filters on DC side of HVDC system

  28. 在测量数据的基础上,讨论了取消换流站交、直流PLC噪声滤波器的可行方案。

    Based on the analysis of measurements , this paper discusses the feasible scheme to cancel AC / DC PLC filters at HVDC converter station .

  29. 直流有源电力滤波器的软开关研究

    Research of Soft-switching in DC Active Power Filter

  30. 耦合变压器型串联直流有源电力滤波器的研究

    Novel Transformer-Coupling Series DC Active Power Filter