
  • 网络Direct Administration
  1. 从微观直接行政转向宏观间接行政;

    From immediate microcosmic administration to indirect macroscopic admin istration ;

  2. 包括:1、减少政府对教育的直接行政干预,进一步开放教育市场;

    Including : 1 , reduce the direct intervenient of government , open the education market ;

  3. 政策制定者应该关注市场基础设施建设中的瓶颈问题并减少对地区间市场贸易的直接行政干预。

    This implies that policy makers should pay more attention to the market infrastructure development and phase out direct market intervention on inter-regional trade .

  4. 申诉专员直接向行政长官负责,担当监察政府的角色。

    The Ombudsman is directly responsible to the Chief Executive .

  5. 行政效率的高低受诸多因素影响,其中人事制度是一个关键因素,它直接影响行政的效率。

    Among the factors that affect efficiency , personnel system is a key one .

  6. 行政法的基本理念和行政立法的性质和特点直接影响行政立法的基本原则;

    The principles are influenced directly by the basic concepts of administrative law , the nature and distinctive features of administrative legislation .

  7. 行政赔偿的标准直接影响行政赔偿的额度,而额度的高低决定了对受害人的救济程度。

    The standard of administrative compensation that directly affects administrative compensation in volume degree are decided for the relief level of aggrieved party .

  8. 行政合同是行政主体为直接实现行政的目的或单纯为行政事务与他方订立的合同。

    An administrative contract is an agreement signed by an administrative body with other parties for direct administrative purposes or pure administrative affairs .

  9. 财政司司长直接向行政长官负责,制定政府的财政、金融和经济政策。

    The Financial Secretary , who reports directly to the Chief Executive , is responsible for the Government 's fiscal , monetary and economic policies .

  10. 行政决策是行政管理的首要环节,在行政管理中处于核心地位,行政决策的好坏直接影响行政管理的水平和效率。

    Administrative decision-making is the primary and essential link of administrative management , and administrative decision-making directly affects the level and efficiency of administrative management .

  11. 但是历史经验已经明确地告诉了我们,通过直接的行政干预和通过制定法律法规以促成和谐秩序,其效果并不好。

    But historical experiences have already told us clearly that through direct administrative intervention and through establishing law regulations , their effects are not good .

  12. 行政许可机关运行机制的完善状态,直接关乎行政许可的公正性、效率性价值目标的实现程度。

    The perfection state of operating mechanism of the administrative licensing organ concerns the realization degree of the fairness and efficiency value goal of the administrative licensing directly .

  13. 将中国古代的市场管理思想归纳为三个方面:直接实行行政控制的市场管理思想,以《周礼》、商鞅为代表;

    The article summarizes the market management ideas in ancient China in three ways : the idea of direct control by administration with 《 Zhou Li 》, Shang Yang as representatives ;

  14. 二是假行政行为往往涉及行政机关工作人员的违法行为,这又直接影响行政的权威与形象。

    Second , the sham administrative act is often concerned with the illegal act of the staff of executive authority , and this directly affects the image and the authority of administration .

  15. 海关行政许可直接涉及行政许可申请人与他人之间重大利益关系,行政许可申请人、利害关系人依法提出听证申请的,海关应当举行听证。

    Customs shall hold hearings when the administrative licensing directly involves major interested relationship between the administrative licensing applicant and other persons and when the applicant and such interested persons so request .

  16. 行政终局裁决直接影响行政诉讼的受案范围,关系到行政相对人的权益保护,是行政法理论中较为敏感的问题。

    Administrative final adjudication is a sensitive problem in administrative theory in that it influences the scope of administrative litigation directly and is connected with rights protection of the private party in the administrative process .

  17. 信仰是现代社会各个领域提及较多的话题,法律信仰这一特定的法律现象也直接决定行政执法者是否能将法律付诸于实践。

    Faith is a topic which is more mentioned in all areas of modern society . The legal belief that a specific legal phenomenon directly determines whether the administrative law can be put into practice by the law-executor .

  18. 行政赔偿案件本身也应属于受案范围并直接适用行政诉讼程序,故不存在行政诉讼以外的所谓行政赔偿诉讼。

    Administrative compensation cases themselves also belong to the scope of accepting cases , and the procedure of administrative litigation should be directly applied to them . So there is no so - called administrative compensation litigation besides administrative litigation .

  19. 在许可法实施近八年的今日,政府角色定位从经济监管向公共服务转变,政府的行政方式也从直接的行政命令式转向间接管理。

    Nowadays , the law has been carried out for eight years . The role of government has been transforming from economic supervision to public services , so the administrative methods have been changing from administrative orders into indirect management .

  20. 我国受计划经济体制的影响,一直是由政府通过直接的行政行为来完成对社会经济资源的配置,个人信用仅仅被视作一种单纯意义上的辅助性的工具。

    In our country under the influence of the planned economy system , has been directly by the government through the administrative behavior to finish on the social and economic resources allocation , personal credit be looked upon as a kind of simple sense of the auxiliary tool .

  21. 二是行政权力的执行直接依靠于行政管理体制的改革进程。

    Two the administrative power is directly dependent on the implementation of the administrative management system reform .

  22. 回避制度是行政程序法中的一项重要制度,直接关系到行政程序的公正性。

    Avoiding system is one important system of administrative procedure law , concerning fairness of administrative procedure directly .

  23. 这直接影响了行政指导的法律责任以及对它的救济,影响到行政指导制度的建立和完善。

    But the law liability and the succour of the Administrative Guidance is key of Administrative Guidance system .

  24. 行政判决在行政诉讼中具有重要地位,而行政判决的种类直接影响到行政诉讼功能的实现。

    Administrative judgment is important in administrative suit , and kinds of administrative judgment influence the effect of administrative suit .

  25. 它直接实现着行政相对人的实体权利,对应着行政主体的程序义务。

    The procedural right helps to realize the substantive right of private party and corresponds to the administrative body 's procedural obligation .

  26. 与立法权、司法权相比,行政权主要负责宪法和法律的实施,是宪法实施的主导力量,行政权力的直接承载者行政主体成为重要的行宪主体。

    Compared to Legislative and judicial power , Administrative Power mostly are responsible for the implementation of the Constitution and laws , are dominant force for Constitution implementing .

  27. 环境监理稽查包括两方面内容:一是上级环境保护行政主管部门跨越行政级别直接查处环境行政违法案件;

    Environmental supervision check included that higher environmental administration directly handled the environmentally illegal case without the limit of administrative rank , and checked the illegally environmental administration .

  28. 对行政法性质的认识和把握,直接关系到行政法学理论基础的认定和行政法基本原则的确立。

    That to cogitate and understand the nature of administrative law decides the hold what jurists have of the theoretical foundation and the establishment of the basic principle .

  29. 情节严重的,由上级机关或者所在单位给予直接责任人员行政处分。

    And if the circumstances are serious , persons held directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions by the organs at higher levels or the units they belong to .

  30. 在我国行政管理法制化过程中,一些单位出现了人才外流的现象,这直接影响到行政效率的提高。

    In the process of legalization of administration in our country , there has appeared brain drain in some departments , which has directly blocked the improvement of administration efficiency .