
  • 网络Coil length;Endless knot
  1. 从原始织物的几何纹、半坡鱼纹、交龙穿璧纹、盘长纹等角度探索关中地区棱格图纹窗花的多重渊源,求其原型。

    The multiple origins of paper-cut for window decoration in Guanzhong area is explored and its ( prototype ) is traced .

  2. 比较了圆柱磨与盘磨对长纤维和短纤维打浆性能的影响。

    The impact of cylindrical refiner and disc refiner on long fiber and short fiber properties were compared .

  3. 网球男单比赛决胜盘采用长盘赛制已成为一种趋势。

    There has been a tendency for adopting the advantage set in the final of tennis men 's singles .

  4. (植物学)尤指树叶或苞叶;像鳞片和瓦状一样叠盖的或分层的。那头蛇盘起长满鳞片的身躯,把头举过了最高的树。

    ( botany ) used especially of leaves or bracts ; overlapping or layered as scales or shingles . The serpent , twisting his scaly body in a huge coil , raised his head so as to overtop the tallest trees .

  5. 那头蛇盘起长满鳞片的身躯,把头举过了最高的树。在这种接触中,鳞片能滑过对方的粗糙表面,所以棘轮机理不起作用。

    The serpent , twisting his scaly body in a huge coil , raised his head so as to overtop the tallest trees . At such contacts the scale can slide up the asperity , so that the retched mechanism is not operative .

  6. 结论腺病毒介导的hBMP-7基因可以在椎间盘细胞内长时间表达,并促进细胞外基质的形成,可以作为目的基因进行IDD的基因治疗体内试验研究。

    Conclusion : hBMP-7 gene mediated by adenovirus can be the target gene for the further study on gene therapy of IDD .

  7. 怎麽也把这盘棋撑长了。

    Iwould 've made the game last longer .

  8. 不同药剂复配对黄瓜穴盘苗生长发育及其质量的影响

    Effects of the Different Reagent Combination on the Growth and Quality of Cucumber Seedling

  9. 黑杨和山毛榉朝上的根盘上都长出了欣欣向荣的新树干。

    black poplars and beeches had aspiring new trunks climbing out of their upturned root-plates .

  10. 不可否认,这并非寻常的馅饼盘,它长为18英尺,宽为6英尺。

    Admittedly it was an unusual pie dish , for it was eighteen feet long and six feet wide .

  11. 那盘录音带太长,你得把它剪辑一下。

    You 'll have to edit that tape & it 's too long .

  12. 研究设计.这是在兔环状穿刺椎间盘退变模型中长入神经纤维的体内组织学研究。

    Study Design . In io histologic study of nere ingrowth in the rabbit anular-puncture disc degeneration model .

  13. 站在屋子那头仪表盘边的护士长按下了一根小小的杠杆。

    The Head Nurse , who was standing by a switchboard at the other end of the room , pressed down a little lever .

  14. 第一盘比赛中最长的回合也在还有四拍,以至于裁判托尔斯腾伯格进入场地警告选手。

    The longest rally in the first game lasted four shots , with match referee Thorsten Berg coming on to the court at one point to warn the players .

  15. 导演、编剧、剪辑、音乐以及其他奖项。那盘录音带太长,你得把它剪辑一下。

    Directing , writing , editing , music and other work on movies released last year . You 'll have to edit that tape , it 's too long .