
  • 网络PROFITABILITY;Earnings;Earning power;ROE;ROA
  1. 本文分析结果表明:企业规模、盈利能力都与企业RD支出正相关;而出口导向则与企业RD投入负相关。

    The results show that firm size and profitability have positive correlation with its R D expenditures while firm export orientation has negative correlation with its R D investment .

  2. 此外,它还对大型矿业集团和安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)、宝钢集团(Baosteel)等钢企的盈利能力有着重要影响。

    It is also key to the profitability of large mining groups as well as steelmakers , including ArcelorMittal and Baosteel of China .

  3. 分析师表示,tvb是具备盈利能力、能够创造现金的优质资产。

    Analysts said TVB was a profitable and cash-generating business .

  4. 随着容量的增加,租金也许会承受压力,这将打击业主有限合伙制企业的盈利能力。正在建造油罐的RoseRockMidstream表示,平均租金已经下跌。

    Lease rates may come under pressure as capacity grows , hitting the profitability of master limited partnerships . Rose Rock Midstream , which is building tanks , said average rates had fallen .

  5. AOD将作为重要业务大力促进电信网络发展,提升运营商盈利能力。

    AOD may be expected to be an important service to greatly promote the development of telecommunication networks and improve the profitability of network operators .

  6. 巴克莱(Barclays)表示,中国移动兴建4G网络和销售兼容机型(包括iPhone)的“激进”计划,虽然能提高手机销售业绩,但可能损害其盈利能力。

    Barclays says the company 's " aggressive " plans to build its 4G network and sell compatible handsets including the iPhone , while boosting handset sales , could hurt profitability .

  7. 自去年起,随着钢铁产量大幅飙升,铁矿石和炼焦煤价格也翻了一番,推高了必和必拓及其竞争对手力拓(RioTinto)和巴西淡水河谷(ValeofBrazil)的盈利能力。

    The price of iron ore and coking coal has doubled since last year as steel production surged , boosting the profitability of BHP Billiton and rivals Rio Tinto and Vale of Brazil .

  8. 公司同时警告称,随着新移动用户数量增长放缓,利润率和衡量盈利能力的每用户平均收入(ARPU)指标也将面临压力。

    It also warned that both margins and average revenue per user a gauge of profitability would be under pressure as the number of new mobile subscribers slowed down .

  9. 采用主成分分析法,并利用SPSS软件对2003年中国化工行业33家上市公司的业绩作综合评价,分析结果表明,影响公司的综合效益的主要指标为盈利能力和资金运用能力。

    Basing on the principal component analysis and SPSS , the financial performance of 33 market corporations of chemical lines in 2003 is comprehensively evaluated . The results show that qualities of making profit and fund operating affect financial performance of those corporations mostly .

  10. 也不是盈利能力的问题,毕竟像ZipCar、甚至是宣布2011年将重现亏损的LinkedIn这样的公司都获得了高定价。

    Nor is it a profitability problem , given that companies like Zipcar ( zip ) priced strong and even LinkedIn ( lnkd ) says that it will return to the red in 2011 .

  11. 目前关于该领域的研究相对较少,但C2C向B2C模式转型已经成为电子商务不可避免的发展趋势,B2C模式在增加盈利能力、促进我国国民经济的发展方面的作用越来越突出。

    The current research on this area is relatively less , but the transformation has become an inevitable trend of the development of e-commerce.B2C mode is playing an increasingly prominent role in increasing profitability and promoting the development of our national economy .

  12. 全租方案的全部投资和自有资金的税后财务内部收益率(IRR)都远高于选定的基准贴现率(8%),表明项目全部投资和自有资金都具有良好的盈利能力。

    Both the all investment of the overall rent plan and the internal rate of return ( IRR ) of self-raised capital are far higher than the selected benchmark rate ( 8 % ) . It shows the good profitability of the whole project investment and the self-raised capital .

  13. 企业的盈利能力如何衡量就是企业的绩效的评价问题。

    The profitability of enterprises is how to make performance evaluation .

  14. 电网经营企业客户盈利能力分析的必要性

    The necessity of customer profitability analysis for the grid operation group

  15. 餐饮企业财务指标体系之盈利能力指标

    Profitability Index & A Financial Index System for the Catering Enterprises

  16. 上市公司盈利能力的均值回归性研究

    Reversion of Stock Market ? Mean Regression of Corporate Earning Capacity

  17. 第四,降低成本,增强盈利能力。

    The fourth is to decrease the cost , improve profit capability .

  18. 以作业为基础的顾客盈利能力分析帮助对顾客进行战略管理。

    Customer profitability analyzing based on activity helps to manage customer strategically .

  19. 上市公司盈利能力分析的几个问题

    Analysis of Several Issues of the Profitability of Listed Companies

  20. 他相信,市场应当更加关注企业的盈利能力。

    He believes the market should be more concerned about corporate profitability .

  21. 企业盈利能力依然强劲,资产负债表似乎仍然比较健康。

    Corporate profitability continues to be strong and balance sheets look healthy .

  22. 这些公司将在多大程度上提升中铝的盈利能力,目前还不清楚。

    How much these companies will improve Chalco 's profitability is unclear .

  23. 相对于有效盈利能力,完全就业对我们的社会更为重要。

    Full employment is more important to our societies than efficient profitability .

  24. 电力行业上市公司盈利能力综合分析与评价

    Synthetic Analysis and Evaluation of Profitability of Listed Companies in Electric Power Industry

  25. 它反映了出口相对与进口的盈利能力。

    It reflects profitability of export relative to import .

  26. 第二企业的盈利能力情况。

    The second case is the profitability of enterprises .

  27. 投行和零售银行的核心盈利能力正在逐步丧失。

    The core profitability of both investment and retail banking has steadily eroded .

  28. 盈利能力分析指标改进的思考

    Thoughts about the Improvement of Profit Ability Analysis Index

  29. 灵活性、可扩展性和盈利能力正在推动企业走向云计算。

    Agility , scalability , and profitability are driving enterprises toward cloud computing .

  30. 他的部分报纸具有极高的盈利能力,但其他报纸却常年亏损。

    Some of his newspapers are fabulously profitable while others are perennial losers .