
bái guāng
  • white light
白光[bái guāng]
  1. 如果使用白光,那么这些图形是色彩绚丽的。

    If white light is used , these patterns are brilliantly colored .

  2. 例如,一列火车把一颗明亮的星星误认为是白光,然后发生了意想不到的事情。

    For example , one train mistook a bright star for a white light and something unexpected happened .

  3. 沉没的帆船在海底闪烁着白光。

    The sunken sailing-boat was a glimmer of white on the bottom

  4. 聚光灯的强烈白光照在小舞台上。

    A sharp white spotlight beamed down on a small stage

  5. 甚至炉火上方的壁炉台都泛着白光。

    Even the mantel above the fire glowed white .

  6. 沼泽上的柳树,随风一起一伏,泛出白光,就象一片麦田一样。

    The willows over all the fen rippled and whitened like a field of wheat .

  7. 因此,白光LED驱动芯片的研究就具有很大的现实意义和广泛的应用价值。

    The research of white-LED driving chip has great practical significance .

  8. 而荧光粉层是影响白光LED光效和色度的重要因素。

    And White-LED 's phosphor layer is very important to this .

  9. 一种采用白光LED为光源的波长检测型表面等离子体子共振仪的研制

    Development of a SPR Instrument Used White-Light - LED as Lamp-house

  10. 电流控制模式白光LED驱动电路的频率补偿研究

    A Study on Frequency Compensation of Current Mode White LED Driver

  11. 白光LED用荧光材料的制备及性能研究

    Research on Synthesis and Luminescence Performance of White-Light LED-used Fluorescent Materials

  12. 固体照明光源-白光LED的研究进展

    Solid state lighting-recent progress in research of white light emitting diodes

  13. 白光LED通信接收系统关键技术研究

    Study on Key Techniques of White Light LED Communication Reception System

  14. 荧光粉对照明白光LED光色参数的影响

    Effect of phosphor on the light and color parameters of white LEDs

  15. 高亮度白光LED用外延片的新进展

    New Progress in wafer epitaxy technologies for high-brightness white LEDs

  16. 不同封装白光LED衰减特性的研究

    Study of the attenuation characteristic of white light-emitting diode by different package

  17. 基于白光LED阵列光源的可见光通信系统研究

    Study on Visible Light Communication System Based on White LED Array Source

  18. 大功率白光LED封装技术可靠性研究

    Reasearch on Encapsulation Technology Reliability of High Power White-Light LED

  19. 白光LED面阵及其主要参数指标

    White Light Emitting Diode Matrix and Its Main Parameters

  20. 荧光粉作为白光LED的一个重要组成部分,也占据了很大的市场份额。

    As the most important part , phosphor takes a huge market share .

  21. 高显色白光LED用荧光粉的合成和光谱研究

    Synthesis and Luminous Characteristics of Phosphors for High Color Rendering Index White LED

  22. 用于白光LED的有机/无机荧光粉的研制

    Study on Organic / Inorganic Phosphor Using for White-LED

  23. 大功率白光LED电流应力可靠性测试

    Electric Current Stress Reliability Test of High-power White LED

  24. 基于高显色性白光LED的博物馆照明系统设计

    Design of Museum Lighting System Based on White LEDs of High Color Rendering

  25. 多芯片阵列组合白光LED封装研究

    Multi-chip Array Combination White Light LED Seal Research

  26. 白光LED封装材料对其光衰影响的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Influence of Packing Materials of White LED on Its Luminous Decay

  27. 因此这一滤光片完全满足白光LED照明的彩色显示的要求。

    Therefore , these filters can meet the needs of white LED color displays .

  28. 高精度可编程恒流驱动白光LED芯片设计研究编译程序的诊断程序

    Design research on the high-precision programming constant current driver of the white light LED

  29. 一种用于白光LED的亮度控制电路

    A Dimming Control Circuit for White LED Applications

  30. 白光LED色度特性研究

    Study on Chrominance Property of White LEDs