
dēng lù tǐng
  • Landing craft;landing boat
登陆艇[dēng lù tǐng]
  1. 一艘登陆艇的发动机还在运转。

    The engine of one landing craft was still running .

  2. 他们也许藏在那艘登陆艇上。

    They may have gotten on one of your landing craft .

  3. 海滩上布满登陆艇,从中涌出大批军队。

    The beaches were full of landing craft disgorging troops .

  4. 队伍在天黑前几小时上了突击登陆艇。

    They boarded their assault boat several hours before dusk .

  5. 登陆艇被地雷和炮弹炸开。

    Landing craft were ripped apart by mines and shells .

  6. 先头的突击部队一出登陆艇,就快速涉水上滩。

    The initial wave of assault troops had splashed out of their boats .

  7. 在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭削弱。

    The beach defences were softened up before the landing craft was in .

  8. 登陆艇是完全为攻势作战而设计的。

    Landing craft are primarily designed for offensive operations .

  9. 1999年的今天,火星极冠登陆艇发射。

    1999 – The Mars Polar Lander is launched .

  10. 同时,迅速地打捞沉没或损坏的登陆艇,把它们重新送下水,也将是非办不可的。

    Meantime speedy salvage and relaunching of sunk or damaged landing craft would be imperative .

  11. 伯恩威尔克已经充分地掌握了登陆艇这个问题,帕格同他合作得很好。

    Pug got along well with Burne-Wilke , who had fully grasped the landing craft problem .

  12. 突击登陆艇就要被放下水去。

    Assault craft would be lowered .

  13. 我们制造了登陆艇。

    Was building the landing craft .

  14. 这是一艘几乎装满了卡车和装甲车的坦克登陆艇。

    It was an LST , and it was already nearly loaded with trucks and armored cars .

  15. 一切问题决定于登陆艇。

    All turned on landing-craft .

  16. 沿岸航行的海船和登陆艇,不论潮汐如何涨落,都能在这种码头上卸载。

    At these piers coasters and landing-craft would be able to discharge at all states of tide .

  17. 美国有30艘,全部非常大而且装备有飞行甲板和直升飞机,加上登陆艇。

    The U.S.has30 , all much larger and equipped with flight decks and helicopters , plus landing craft .

  18. 海岸带军事地理环境对气垫登陆艇登陆作战模糊影响模型的建立

    The Construction of the Blurred-effection Model of Coastal Zone Military Environmental to Air Cushion Landing - boat Landing Fight

  19. 那天他本来想去物色一艘两壁没有固定铺位的登陆艇。

    He had attempted earlier that day to procure an assault craft which had bunks built in along the walls .

  20. 然而一些小排水量的登陆艇,为了提高运载能力,需要进行一定的改造,通过登陆艇平行中体的加长来提高运载能力是一种经济、便利、可行的方法。

    However , the landing crafts with small displacement have to be transformed in order to increase the carrying capacity .

  21. 他们在近海舰艇上,沿绳索下滑攀上登陆艇,深知他们当中的一些人将永远不会从那片海滩上返回。

    In ships offshore , climbing down the ropes into the landing craft , knowing some of them would not leave that beach .

  22. 讨论了登陆艇的一些基本要素的选取,如船型,推进方式,建造材质等。

    Discuss some basic elements in the landing craft design , such as ship form , propulsion , construction materials and so on .

  23. 由具备投送“由舰到岸”攻击部队能力的各单位组成。如“塔拉瓦”级和“黄蜂”级两栖攻击舰以及登陆艇等。

    It is composed of units capable of delivering ship-to-shore assault troops , such as Tarawa-class and Wasp-class amphibious assault ships , and landing craft .

  24. 提出了可变船型高速舰载登陆艇的一种总体设计方案。

    Summarize the design features and requirements of carrier landing craft . ( 2 ) Propose an overall design of transformable High-speed carrier landing craft .

  25. 韩国军方官员说,参加军演的有大约7600名海军和海军陆战队军人以及30艘舰艇和几艘登陆艇。

    South Korean military officials said the drill mobilized about 7,600 navy and marine personnel and 30 naval vessels , as well as several landing crafts .

  26. 等到了半个钟头第三艘飞船出现,新闻界已经完全失去兴趣,那艘四舱的忽兰蒂小型登陆艇只在地方新闻上露下脸,然后就没声音了。

    The third spacecraft , half an hour after that , the little four berth Hrundi runabout , only made it on to the local news .

  27. 有一次,盟军在义大利安齐奥发动两栖进攻,登陆艇靠岸时,阿尼斯奉命率领同袍下水抢滩。

    When the troops aboard his landing craft splashed ashore during an allied amphibious attack at Anzio , Italy , Arness was chosen to lead the way .

  28. 离开登陆艇的来自贝德福德的28个军中,有22个军被疯狂的机关枪火力歼灭,他们中的大部分在到达沙滩前就牺牲了。

    Of the28 troops from Bedford who left the landing craft , 22 were killed , most before they reached the sand , by murderous machine gun fire .

  29. 我们正从后勤的角度讨论几种海上救援形式是否可行,例如用登陆艇搬运物资等。

    We are in discussions from a logistics point of view to look at seaborne aid in one form or the other , floating warehouses with landing craft , etc.

  30. 登陆艇是小船艇和在海洋里航行的运输或运载军事力量工具。

    Landing craft are boats and seagoing vessels used to convey a landing force ( infantry and vehicles ) from the sea to the shore during an amphibious assault .