
  1. 可交换的产生式系统的状态空间图为有界格

    The State-Space Graph of Exchangeable Production System is a Bounded Lattice

  2. 证明了等价关系族构成的有界格,建立了函数复合的最大公因式、最小公倍式等概念,并对其存在唯一性作出证明。

    This paper establishes the concept of maximal common factor and minimal common multiple for compound function and proves their unique existence .

  3. 对格蕴涵代数的结构进行了研究,证明了非链的五元格不能构成格蕴涵代数,非链的中界格不能构成格蕴涵代数。

    It is proved that lattices with five elements and lattices with an intermediate element can not form lattice implication algebra except they are chains .

  4. 在文[1]中亚元概念的基础上,将亚元的概念扩宽到有界格(有泛界0、1的格)中,并讨论了亚元的有关性质。

    This paper on the basic of [ 1 ] . The concept of sub-element is extended to the lattice of universal bounds , and the related properties of sub-element are discussed .

  5. 基于剩余格理论的P-有界分配格的理想集代数

    Ideal Sets Algebra of P-bounded Distributive Lattice Based on Theory of Residual Lattices

  6. 从台湾红头小法格界看格的宗教功能

    The Religious Function of " Ge " Reflected in Gejie of Red-headed Small Sorcery in Taiwan

  7. 如果有界BCK-上半格

    If every dual ideal of a bounded upper BCK-semilattice

  8. 语法学界已开始借鉴格语法理论研究介词,并认为介词是语义的形式标志。

    Grammarians began to study prepositions with the theory of case grammar recently .

  9. 有界格中亚元的有关性质有界格上的一些函数与几个半群

    The Related Properties of Sub-Element in the Lattice of Universal Bounds Some Functions on Bounded Lattices and Several Semi-Groups

  10. 与国外语言学界长期的研究相比,国内语言学界对作格动词的研究起步相对较晚,且研究缺乏系统性。

    Compared with the long-term study carried out by foreign linguists , domestic research on ergative verbs gets a relatively later start and unsystematic condition .