
nán xìng huà
  • Masculinization;virilism;virilize;virilescence;androphany
男性化[nán xìng huà]
  1. 西方文化精神的核心是男性化的理性精神。

    The core of the spirit of Western culture is the rational spirit of virilescence .

  2. 11岁以前治疗者男性化表现不明显。

    There was no obvious virilism in patients treated before 11 years old .

  3. 种植园里的工作并非全是些男性化的工作。

    Not all plantation work has been masculinized .

  4. 她总是穿一件男性化的夹克。

    She always wears a mannish jacket .

  5. 她的声音有点男性化。

    She has a rather masculine voice .

  6. 流性人也许经常会觉得自己是两种传统性别的混合体,但有时觉得自己更男性化,有时又觉得自己更女性化。

    A person who is Gender Fluid may always feel like a mix of the two traditional genders , but may feel more boy some days , and more girl other days .

  7. 男性化卵巢肿瘤血T、AR均明显升高。

    The T level and AR were markedly increased in Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor .

  8. CT和MRI较超声在男性化肿瘤的定位诊断上有更为重要的价值。

    The value of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging is more than ultrasound in positioning diagnosis of the tumor . 3 .

  9. 27例CAH患者行外阴成形术。7例男性化肾上腺肿瘤患者均手术切除肿瘤。

    The adrenal tumors were resected in the 7 virilizing adrenocortical tumor patients .

  10. No.6啦啦队最初是一个男孩儿俱乐部,因为这对于女孩儿来说太男性化了。

    Cheerleading started out as a boys ' club , because it was too masculine for girls .

  11. 目前,使用最普遍的性别角色类型划分是由Bem提出的,他将其划分为男性化、女性化、双性化和未分化。

    At present , the most common roles types are classified by Bern , he classified them as masculine , feminine , double gender and undifferentiated .

  12. 如果无名指长,那么Fq小于1,且手型更为男性化。

    A longer ring finger results in an Fq of less than 1 and a more masculine hand shape .

  13. 21-OHD通常分为三种临床类型,即失盐型、单纯男性化型和非经典型,其中失盐型和单纯男性化型又合称为经典型。

    Salt wasting and simple virilizing forms are also called classic 21-OHD .

  14. 通常将性别角色划分为四个类型:男性化、女性化、双性化、未分化,双性化(Androgyny)是近年来被公认为理想的性别角色。

    Generally sex roles are divided into four categories , which are masculinity , femininity , undifferentiated , and androgyny . Androgyny was recognized as the perfect sex-role identity in recent years .

  15. 每组中6只大鼠实验开始2h后注射50mg/kg伊万斯蓝(EB)。自玛丽·安·伊万斯用乔治·爱略特这个男性化笔名开始创作以来,人们对她本人,她的观点以及作品的主题都一直争论不休。

    Ever since Mary Ann Evans began her career as a writer under the male pseudonym " George Eliot ", there has been an incessant argument about the writer George Eliot , her viewpoint and the themes of her works .

  16. 日本《SPA》杂志近日在一篇题为《懒汉的终极形态》的文章中描述了这一流行趋势。这篇文章探讨了女性的男性化,比如不像以往的女性那样爱打扫房间,不剃毛,还穿纸尿裤。

    Japanese magazine SPA described the trend in an article titled " The Ultimate Form of Slob . " In the article they talk about the masculinization of women who don 't clean their rooms as often as they used to , don 't shave and wear diapers .

  17. 我现在的女友没有上一个那么男性化。

    My current girlfriend isn 't as Butch as the last one .

  18. 她从生下来就很男性化。

    She has been a tomboy since she was born .

  19. 女人越来越男性化,而男人越来越女性化。

    Women become more man-like and men become more female .

  20. 双性化和男性化角色类型是比较理想的性别角色类型。

    Dual-gender types and masculine types is an ideal gender role type .

  21. 这种思想变革以非常男性化的方式开端。

    This mental change began in a very Martian way .

  22. 她看上去没那么男性化,不能去夜总会。

    She didn 't look Butch enough to get into the nightclub .

  23. 卵巢外类固醇细胞肿瘤是男性化罕见原因

    A steroid cell tumor outside the ovary is a rare cause of virilization

  24. 正性的男性化特质或女性化特质与焦虑、抑郁都存在显著的负相关;

    The masculine and feminine traits have negative correlations .

  25. 而社会(性别)身份则分为男性化或女性化。

    Society identifies these cues as masculine and feminine .

  26. 女子柔道运动员个性男性化研究

    Research on Personality Butch Changing of Female Judo Athletes

  27. 我国乒乓球女子运动员技术男性化两大影响因素研究

    Research on Two Major Factors of Man-style for Woman Technique in Table Tennis

  28. 她穿着那套衣服看上去有些男性化。

    She looks rather masculine in that suit .

  29. 在美国社会里,男性化的穿着是显而易见的。

    Mannish dressing was obvious in American society .

  30. 先天性肾上腺皮质增生所致女性外生殖器男性化畸形的诊断与治疗

    The diagnosis and management of genital virilization in female patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia