
  • 网络TV Dance
  1. 电视舞蹈的音乐空间与画面艺术

    On the Relationship between Music Space and Picture Art in TV Dance

  2. 乐舞交融相得益彰&从第三届CCTV电视舞蹈大赛看高校舞蹈教育中对学生音乐素质及审美能力的培养

    The Blending of Music and Dance & The cultivation of student 's musical stuff and taste ability

  3. 中国电视舞蹈接受主体审美特性研究

    Study on the Aesthetic Characters of Acceptant Objects of Chinese TV Dancing

  4. 剧场舞蹈与电视舞蹈的互补性及其未来发展

    The Complementary Nature and Its Future Development of Theater Dance and Modern Media

  5. 一种美国舞蹈由两队的成对的人面对面进行。两种艺术形态的交融与并行&以电视舞蹈为例

    An American country dance which starts with the couples facing each other in two lines . Merger and Parallel of Two Kinds of Artistic Form

  6. 演艺生涯初始,她在舞台音乐剧和各类音乐电视中担任舞蹈演员。它是展示中国多姿多才的歌舞、曲、乐和民间艺术的舞台。

    She started her showbiz career as a dancer in stage musicals and in various music videos .