
  • 网络TV director
  1. 网络环境下电视编导教学模式的探索

    On the New Model of TV Director Training in Network Environment

  2. 在这种情况下,一个新的专业名词应运而生&广播电视编导。

    In this case , a new professional term comes into being & Radio and TV director .

  3. 广播电视编导专业实验教学改革研究

    On Experiment Teaching Reform of Radio and Television Director Specialty

  4. 也更不可能在专业上赶上学习广播电视编导的学生。

    The student that learns broadcasting television playwright-director is caught more impossibly also on major .

  5. 科学发展观指导下的广播电视编导专业本科课程改革

    The Undergraduate Curriculum Reform of TV and Broadcasting Director Major under the Guiding of Scientific Development View

  6. 争取在四、五年内把我校的电视编导方向课程建成精品课程。

    We aim to make TV Editing and Conducting Course into a model course within four or five years .

  7. 广播电视编导专业是近年来在我国很多高校陆续开设的专业。

    Radio & Television Directing is a major which have been set up in many colleges and universities in recent years .

  8. 以维也纳新年音乐会成功直播为例,提出具有深厚文化功底和良好音乐素养的电视编导是其成功的重要原因。

    Taking the successful live performance of the New Year Concert of Vienna as the example , the paper points out the important reason of its success : it has directors with deep cultural grounding and good music accomplishment .

  9. 本章首先阐述了广播电视编导专业学生应具备的核心素质,然后从三个方面进行了具体描述:优势和定位、素质技能培养、师资和课程设置。

    The chapter elaborate the core quality that these graduates of radio and TV director should possess at first . Then the chapter describes in details from three aspects : advantage and position , quality of skills development , teachers and curriculum .

  10. 基于Moodle的电视教材编导探究学习平台的建设与实践

    Construction and Practice of Learning Platform Exploration Through Moodle-based TV Textbook Compilation

  11. 教育电视节目编导人才的视觉素养培养途径探析

    On Visual Accomplishment Training for Educational TV Program Editing and Directing Talents

  12. 依据心理规律对电视教材编导的探讨

    On the Compiling and Directing of TV Teaching Programs in the Light of Psychological Laws

  13. 这一部分主要分析了知识类电视节目编导构思的特点。

    This part mainly analyses the characteristic of directors ' thought in the knowledge television programs .

  14. 启发式教学法在《电视教材编导与制作》课程教学中的应用

    The Application of Heuristic Teaching Method in the Course of Directing and Producing of TV Teaching Materials

  15. 他于1978年加入香港电台,担任电视部编导,开创长寿现场直播电视节目&「城市论坛」。

    He joined RTHK 's TV department as a producer in1978.His track record includes the long-standing live TV programme ," City Forum " .

  16. 论文研究的核心是以模型为依据,结合课程《电视教材编导和制作》,基于网络开展学习叙事促进学生深度学习的实践研究和效果分析。

    The core of this research is to promote students ' deep learning for practical study and result analysis according to the model by learning narrative network-based combining with the course TV materials director and production .

  17. 随后,结合《电视教材编导与制作》网络课程开发与设计,着重探讨解决以下问题:1、视音频媒体的选择流程;

    Finally , combining with the development and design of the distance network courseware : the directing and producing of television material , the research mainly probed into some problems as following : ( 1 ) . Electing flow of audio and video media ;

  18. 电视音乐会与编导的音乐素养

    TV Concert and Music Accomplishment of Director

  19. 另外一个主要的功能就是素材的检索功能,电视台的编导人员在系统中可以根据自己对素材信息所掌握的情况来选择检索方式。

    Another key feature is the material of the search functions , television director who can be in the system of material information based on their understanding of the situation to select the search method .

  20. 研究中获得的发现是:目前的科教电视节目的编导思路沿用了传统的说理论证方式,以理说理,逻辑性强,但普遍缺乏可看性因而收视率差强人意。

    Something is found in the research , the writing and directing thought of the science-educational TV programs adopt the traditional way of expatiating . Although it is pretty logical , it lacks of contents so that audience rating is so low .

  21. 对广播电视新闻学专业电视编导方向课程教改的研究

    The Teaching Reform of TV Editing and Course for Journalism Major Directing

  22. 该专业自创立至今已有10年,这10年也是我国电视媒体从兴盛到转型反思的阶段,我国很多高校都已经开设了广播电视编导专业。

    The specialty has been 10 years from now on and this 10 years is also a stage from blooming to reflection transformation in TV media . Many colleges have found the specialty of radio and TV director .

  23. 沈阳电视台视频素材采编系统是我在实际工作中了解到的一个专门针对沈阳电视台的编导人员所开发的一个系统。

    Shenyang TV video material editing system that I learned in practice , a specialized Shenyang , television director for staff development of a system .