
  • 网络NTSC;TV standard;ATSC;DVB-T
  1. 分析美国早期用CPA技术进行实验时彩色图象边缘部分严重闪烁的原因,论述在我国现行电视标准下可以消除这种边缘闪烁现象。

    It analysed the edge-flicker effect , produced at the time that CPA technique was first suggested in early NTSC system , pointed out this effect can be eliminated under conditions of present chinese TV standard .

  2. 手机电视标准应用与运营模式探讨

    The Research on Mobile TV Standard and Operation Model for Handsets

  3. 基于美国数字有线电视标准信道解码技术的DSP实现

    DSP Implementation of Channel Decoding based on American Digital Video Transmission Standard for Cable Television

  4. IEC的数字电视标准化工作

    DTV Standardization in IEC

  5. 研究欧洲DVB系统中的数字地面广播电视标准DVB-T的接收原理。

    The theory of DVB-T receiver system .

  6. 其次,分析了当今世界上不同的数字电视标准,并重点研究了DVB-MHP标准。

    Secondly , it analyses DTV specifications in the world , and mainly focus on the DVB-MHP .

  7. 数字视频广播(DVB)是欧洲170多个组织共同开发出的数字高清晰度电视标准,它主要由卫星广播(DVB-S)、地面广播(DVB-T)和有线电视(DVB-C)三部分组成。

    DVB is the digital HDTV standard that developed by more than 170 organizations in Europe . It mainly comprises satellite ( DVB-S ), terrestrial ( DVB-T ) and cable ( DVB-C ) digital television systems .

  8. 目前世界上已经提出了三个数字地面电视标准,分别为:欧洲的DVB-T,美国的ATSC和日本的ISDB-T,且都达到实用阶段。

    Now , it has three digital terrestrial TV standards that have come into the practical stage , namely : DVB-T in Europe , ATSC in the United States and ISDB-T in Japan .

  9. 上世纪70年代末,日本广播公司(NHK)便致力建立一套新的电视标准,其中便包括改良出更大的屏幕以及更高的线分辨率。

    The Japan Broadcasting Corporation , also known as NHK , began work on a new standard for television that included a wider screen and more lines of resolution back in the late 1970s .

  10. H.320是ITU-T较早期的会议电视标准,该标准完全建立在一系列会议电视专有的技术和标准之上,而H.323标准建立在通用的、开放的计算机网络通信技术基础之上,具有广阔的发展前景。

    H. 320 is the early TV meeting criterion , which is established wholly at the series of private technology and criterion of TV meeting , whereas H. 323 is established at the communing , opening communication of computer network , therefore H. 323 is of broadly developing foreground .

  11. 本报告分析比较了国际上主要的交互电视标准和相关产品,设计实现了一套以交互电视为核心的智能家庭信息中心系统。

    The report analyses the main iTV international standards and products .

  12. 国外交互数字电视标准的现状分析与研究

    The Present Condition of the Foreign DTV Interactive Standards Analysis and Research

  13. 数字电视标准与知识产权的研究

    Research on the DTV Standard and Its Intellectual Property

  14. 新一代卫星电视标准中解调算法的研究

    Demodulator algorithm for new generation satellite broadcast standard

  15. 浅析数字电视标准

    Simple Analysis on Standards of Digital TV

  16. 中国地面电视标准多载波模式移动接收性能

    Mobile Reception Performance of Multicarrier Mode in Chinese National Standard on Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting

  17. ATSC-M/H数字电视标准综述

    Overview of ATSC-M / H DTV Standard

  18. 揭密地面数字电视标准

    Reveals the ground digital television standard

  19. 交互式有线电视标准的探讨

    Discussion On Interactive CATV Standards

  20. 由于全球许多国家和地区制定了不同的电视标准,集成多种标准的多模数字电视接收机成为一个研究方向。

    Different TV standards being formulated in many countries and regions make multi-mode multi-standard DTV receiver become a research topic .

  21. 就这3种数字电视标准,进行技术规范、标准参数及特点等方面的比较。

    In this paper , the 3 different standards are compared in terms of technical specification , standard parameters and features .

  22. 加拿大广播电视标准委员会说,显圣电视台不应当播出其“今日力量”栏目中的一辑节目。

    The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council said Vision TV had been wrong to show an episode of " Power Today " hosted by U.

  23. 本文根据我国电视标准提出了一种质量较高的画中画彩色电视制式。

    A picture in picture colour television system in accordance with the TV standard of China and with improved quality is put forward .

  24. 本论文对基于中国数字移动电视标准的手机电视系统进行了开发研究。论文首先通过对数字电视系统电路和对手机电路的分析与研究,完成了数字移动电视系统的整体设计和产品制作。

    This thesis research and develop the Mobile Digital TV System that based on CMMB . Firstly , through analyzing and researching Digital TV system circuit and mobile phone circuit , this thesis had completed the design of Mobile Digital TV and products of that .

  25. 中国地面数字电视传输标准DTMB与产业化推广

    Chinese digital television terrestrial broadcasting standard and its industrialization

  26. 新一代数字电视传输标准DMB-T的关键技术

    Key Technology of Digital Television Transmission Standard DMB-T

  27. 根据最新的卫星电视传输标准,提出了一种基于FPGA的DVB-S2信道解调系统。

    According to the newly released standard for the second generation of DVB-S , a demodulation system for DVB-S2 based on FPGA is proposed in this paper .

  28. 随着近年来数字信号处理和大规模集成电路的快速发展,OFDM技术已经进入实用化,在无线局域网(IEEE802.11系列)和数字电视地面标准(DVB-T)中得到了很好的应用。

    Thanks to the rapid progress of Digital Signal Processing and VLSI , OFDM have been successfully applied in Wireless LAN ( IEEE 802.11 ) and Digital Video Broadcasting ( DVB-T ) .

  29. 阿里巴巴加入了谷歌、三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)和苹果(AppleInc.)等科技公司的行列,试图开发针对智能电视的标准操作系统,让用户可以在电视上下载应用程序、电影并上网。

    Alibaba joins other technology companies such as Google , Samsung Electronics Co. and Apple Inc. in trying to develop a standard operating system for smart TVs that allow users to download apps , movies and surf the Web .

  30. 为了提高移动信道下正交频分复用(OFDM)接收机的性能,提出了一种适用于地面数字电视广播标准(DVB-T)的信道估计均衡算法。

    To improve the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) receivers in the mobile channel , an algorithm for channel estimation and equalization suitable for digital video broadcast-terrestrial ( DVB-T ) was proposed .