
  • 网络TV culture;Television Culture
  1. 论电视文化对青少年读书活动的影响

    On the influence of television culture upon teenagers ' reading activities

  2. 电视文化与儿童教育方式的转变

    Television Culture and the Change of Edcation Ways for Children

  3. 甘肃电视文化产业的SWOT分析

    The SWOT analysis on TV cultural industry of Gansu Province

  4. 论电视文化建设中人文精神的弘扬

    Comments on Carrying Forward the Humman Spirit in TV Culture Construction

  5. 走向娱乐化的中国电视文化

    Entertainment Orientation : A Cultural Path of TV Programs in China

  6. 三是作为商业形式的电视文化。

    The third is the commercial form of TV culture .

  7. 电视文化的重构与转型

    Talk about the Way of TV Culture Reframe and Transformation

  8. 电视文化力,是文化力的核心。

    The TV culture is the centre of all culture .

  9. 刘郎江南系列电视文化艺术片研究

    A Study on Cultural Art Television Series by Liu Lang

  10. 湖南电视文化现象的理性思考

    The Rational Thinking About The Phenomenon of Hunan TV Culture

  11. 西部民族文化与电视文化传播刍议

    On the Spread of TV Culture and National Culture of the Western China

  12. 意义的生产与流通&费斯克《电视文化》述评

    The Production Circulation of Meaning & An Introduction to Television Culture by John Fiske

  13. 电视文化的跨学科存在及其研究视角

    TV Culture Existance Leaping over Branch of Learning and Its Research Angle of View

  14. 对电视文化产业若干问题的思考

    Consideration on Some Problems on TV Cultural Industry

  15. 电视文化非线性的逻辑建构

    On the non-linear logical structure of TV culture

  16. 从《保姆》看美国电视文化的特点

    On the Characteristics of American Television Viewing Culture in the Case of The Babysitter

  17. 电视文化侵蚀了印刷文化。

    Television culture had corroded the print culture .

  18. 作为电视文化的电视商业形态

    The Television Business Appearance of the Television culture

  19. 电视文化的负面效应与对策研究

    Negative influence of TV culture and its solution

  20. 论电视文化的三种基本形态

    On the Three Basic Forms of TV Culture

  21. 电视文化曾经辉煌过,依然有其不可替代的作用。

    TV culture still cannot be replaced .

  22. 民粹主义:中国当代电视文化的一种话语实践

    Populism in Contemporary Television Culture in China

  23. 第一章论述武汉城市圈电视文化资源的整合。

    The first chapter discusses the integration of television culture recourse of Wuhan City Circle .

  24. 试论电视文化及其传播功用

    The TV Culture and Its Propagation Function

  25. 语文教育直面电视文化

    Chinese Education Faced with Television Culture

  26. 浅议电视文化

    The Superficial Opinion on TV Culture

  27. 电视文化的大众娱乐功能

    The Recreational Function of TV Cultural

  28. 与此同时,科学观念对电视文化的影响也不容忽视。

    Meanwhile , the influence of scientific concept to the TV art should not be ignored .

  29. 第二章阐述武汉城市圈电视文化产业链的建立。

    The second chapter illustrates the establishment of TV culture chain in the Wuhan City Circle .

  30. 荧屏上的文化版图&中国电视文化栏目研究

    The Cultural Domain on the Screen : A Research into the Cultural TV Program of China