
  • 网络Electromagnetic radiation protection;protection against electromagnetic irradiation
  1. 对理疗科电磁辐射防护的研究

    A study on the protection from electromagnetic radiation in the physiotherapy department

  2. 医用核磁共振成像系统电磁辐射防护调查与评价

    Investigation and evaluation on electromagnetic radiation protection of medical MRI

  3. 化学镀电磁辐射防护织物表面电阻的形成机理和影响因素的探讨

    Form Mechanism and Effect Element of Electroless Plating Fabric ′ s Surface Resistance

  4. 高频电磁辐射防护材料的研究

    Study on high frequency electromagnetic radiation protective material

  5. 电磁辐射防护监测

    Protection from and Monitoring of Electromagnetic Radiation

  6. 文化遗产的完整性与整体性保护方法电磁辐射防护材料人体防护性能评价研究

    Integrity of Cultural Heritage and Integrated Approach for Conservation ; SHIELDING EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION OF EM SHIELDING MATERIAL

  7. GB8702-1988电磁辐射防护规定

    Regulations for electromagnetic radiation protection

  8. 然后扼要介绍了一种符合人机工程设计思想的新型电磁辐射防护器具;

    Furthermore , it refers to a new-style radiation protection appliance which accords with the thinking of the human-machine engineering .

  9. 本文主要论述了电磁辐射防护中常用的一些技术措施、方法、测量仪器以及对人民进行电磁辐射防护培训的问题。

    This paper mainly deals with the technical steps , methods , measurement instruments and training program for protection of personnel from electromagnetic radiation .

  10. 通过对其危害辩识、险评价和危险控制措施进行分析,为电磁辐射防护提供了一种新的研究方法。

    An new way to study protection from electromagnetic radiation based on the analysis of hazard identification , hazard evaluation and hazard control actions is presented .

  11. 文章介绍了防紫外线织物、电磁辐射防护织物、抗静电导电织物、高能见度纺织品等安全防护功能纺织品的研究现状。

    The article introduces the progress made in the research of safety and protective textiles such as ultraviolet-resistant fabric , anti-electromagnetic radiation fabric , anti-static fabric and high-visibility textiles .

  12. 文章介绍了非电离辐射危害机理及国外电磁辐射防护规定的制订情况。

    The mechanism of the hazard of the electromagnetic radiation to human bodies is analyzed and the limits of international regulation IRPA and that of several countries are reviewed .

  13. 以国家环保局于1988年颁布的《电磁辐射防护规定》为依据,进行了上海电视台的电磁辐射环境影响评价及新建电视台的电磁辐射环境影响预评价。

    Based on the NEPA " Protection Regulation of Electromagnetic Radiation " issued in 1988 , the environmental impact assessment of both TV transmitting Station and proposed station has done .

  14. 这种新型织物克服了现有屏蔽织物在生产、使用中的不足,满足了普通大众在日常工作和生活中对电磁辐射防护的要求。

    The new fabric overcomes the defect in the production and service of the shielding fabrics at present and satisfied the people 's requirement in the routine job and life .

  15. 电磁辐射防护材料人体防护性能评价研究同时需要过热保护,使系统在安全限制内运行,防止收集器流体腐蚀和分解。

    SHIELDING EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION OF EM SHIELDING MATERIAL Overtemperature protection is necessary to ensure that the system operates within safe limits and to prevent the collector fluid from corroding or decomposing .

  16. 另外本文还分析了系统间干扰隔离并给出了具体施工原则,最后针对环境保护分析了电磁辐射防护距离。

    This thesis also analyzes isolation interference between systems , and gives the fundamental of specific implementation . In the last , the protective distance of electromagnetic radiation is analyzed aimed at environmental protection .

  17. 电磁波辐射防护织物和服装的开发

    Development of electromagnetic shield fabric / clothing and its application

  18. 高频感应淬火机电磁辐射的防护

    Protection against electromagnetic wave of high frequency quenching machine

  19. 舰船电磁辐射危害及防护

    Hazards and protection of shipboard electromagnetic radiation

  20. 电脑和手机电磁辐射强度测试及防护对策

    Electromagnetic Radiation Intensity Test of Computers and Mobile Phones and the Countermeasures

  21. 电磁污染及电磁辐射防护材料

    Electromagnetism Pollution and Protection Materials for Electromagnetic Radiation

  22. 浅谈电磁辐射的危害及其防护

    Discussion on Harm and Defence of Electromagnetic Radiation

  23. 电磁辐射的评价与防护

    Assessment and protection of the electromagnetic radiation

  24. 通信基站的电磁辐射水平及其安全防护研究

    Research of the Radiated Emission Level from Telecommunication Base Stations and the Protection against these Radiations

  25. 电磁屏蔽复合材料是新型电磁辐射防护材料。

    Electromagnetic shielding Composite materials are the new electromagnetic radiation protection materials .

  26. 电磁屏蔽涂料是应用广泛的电磁辐射防护材料,本文介绍了电磁屏蔽的基本原理,分析了国内电磁屏蔽涂料的研究状况,并展望了其应用前景。

    Electromagnetic shielding paints are widely used in the field of electromagnetic radiation protection . On the basis of introduction of the theory of electromagnetic shielding , This article has analyzed the domestic research status for electromagnetic shielding paints , and predicted the applications in future .

  27. 论述了电磁辐射对人体健康产生的危害以及目前居室内电磁辐射污染现状,为提高人们日常的电磁辐射防护意识提供理论和技术指导。

    It was discussed the influence of the electromagnetic radiation pollution on human health and the present situation of indoor electromagnetic radiation pollution in this article .

  28. 城市地铁是城市电磁辐射污染源之一,结合工程项目,本文对地铁制造商和地铁运营公司提出电磁兼容规划和管理的建议,和需要采取的电磁辐射防护措施。

    The City Subway is one of main electromagnetic radiation sources . The paper gives some advices and protective measures to subway car manufacturer and Operation Company combining with project , and then researches the EMC of the equipments and systems of Subway car in microscopic scales .