
  • 网络calcium carbide furnace;furnace of calcium carbide
  1. 电石炉中几个重要参数的确定

    Determination of Several important Parameters for Calcium Carbide Furnace

  2. 可编程控制器在半密闭电石炉节能控制上的应用

    Application of programmable controller in energy saving control of semi-hermetic calcium Carbide furnace

  3. 这种最优PID控制器用于电石炉控制系统中可达到良好的动态性能和鲁棒性能。

    The optimal PID controller offers excellent dynamic performance and robustness in CaC_2 furnace control system .

  4. 改进型Elman神经网络在电石炉控制系统中的应用

    Application Discuss Based on Elman Developmental Neural Network in Calcium Carbide Furnace Control System

  5. 结果显示氧热法电石炉中,部分碳与氧气燃烧生成CO炉气的燃烧反应具有较大的不可逆性,为过程支付了热力学代价。

    The results show that the combustion reaction between partial carbon and oxygen to produce carbon monoxide in the oxy-thermal carbide furnace has great irreversibility and pays most of thermodynamic penalty .

  6. 黄磷尾气及密闭电石炉尾气是一种富含CO的宝贵资源,如能对其中的杂质气体实现深度净化,两者均可成为宝贵的C1化工原料。

    Phosphorus tail gas and exhaust gases from confined calcium carbide furnace are precious resources which are rich in CO. They can become the raw material of Cl if they can be purified .

  7. 鉴于高温CO炉气既具有化学能又具有热能,可采用融碳酸盐燃料电池/蒸汽联合循环回收电石炉气联产电和热,实现能量的梯级利用。

    Because of chemical and thermal energy of high-temperature CO off-gas , the molten carbonate fuel cell / steam combined cycle can be used to recycle the off-gas for generating electricity and heat and then the entire system can realize the energy cascade utilization .

  8. 介绍了电石炉主要设备的改造过程。改造后,平均排放含尘质量浓度为40.3mg/m3,除尘效率达99%。

    As a result of the refitment of its main installations , 40 3 mg / m 3 of average mass concentration of dust emission , with dust removing efficiency 99 % , is reached .

  9. 9MVA电石炉低压侧补偿装置设计与经济分析

    Low - voltage compensation apparatus design and economical analysis of calcium carbide furnace

  10. 通过密闭电石炉工艺改造,减少裸露电极700mm,降低电石电耗98kW·h/t,取得明显经济效益。

    The closed calcium carbide furnace is renovated by reducing 700mm_long bare electrodes , the current drain of calcium carbide fumace is cut down 98kW · h / t with the remarkable benefits .

  11. 废热锅炉在密闭电石炉生产装置上的应用

    Application of the waste heat boiler in closed calcium carbide furnaces

  12. 电石炉自焙电极事故分析及处理措施

    Analysis and Treatment Measures of Calcium Carbide Furnace Self-baking Electrode Accident

  13. 开放型电石炉绝缘问题浅见

    Preliminary Study on Insulation Problems of Open Calcium Carbide Furnace

  14. 半密闭式电石炉生产工艺的改进

    Innovation on the Production Process of Semi-hermetic Calcium Carbide Furnace

  15. 电石炉新型炉底技术及其结构特点

    New Technology and Structure for the Bottom of Carbide Furnace

  16. 密闭型电石炉电极壳的制作改进

    Making and Improvement on Sealed Calcium Carbide Furnace Electrode Shell

  17. 完善密闭电石炉装置的认识和实践

    Practice and Recognition for Seal of Calcium Carbide Furnace Equipment

  18. 电石炉炉底温度控制与节能

    Bottom Temperature Control and Energy Conservation of Calcium Carbide Furnace

  19. 浅析电石炉生产中自焙电极焙烧问题

    Analysis of Problems of Spontaneous Combustion Electrode Roasting in Calcium Carbide Furnace

  20. 国产开放式电石炉导电颚板的改进

    Modification of Conducting Jaw of Domestic Open Calcium Carbide Oven

  21. 全密闭电石炉尾气治理及综合利用

    Tail Gas Treatment and Comprehensive Utilization of Full-Airtight Carbide Furnace

  22. 矮烟罩在电石炉上的使用效果

    The result of using low petticoat pipe in a calcium carbide furnace

  23. 2~密闭电石炉电极水冷密封套渗漏原因初探

    Seepage Cause of Water-Cooled Cartridge for Electrode in No.2 Closed Carbide Furnace

  24. 30MVA密闭电石炉余热发电论述

    Discussion on cogeneration of 30 MVA hermetic calcium carbide furnace

  25. 电石炉电极升降模糊控制系统设计与应用

    Electrode - Lift Fuzzy Control System in Calcium Carbide Furnace

  26. 电石炉烟气净化技术探讨

    Probe into the Purification Technology of Calcium - carbide Furnace Off - gas

  27. 电石炉循环冷却系统水垢的危害与处理措施

    Harm and Treatment Measures on Circulation-cooling System Water Scales of Calcium Carbide Kiln

  28. 屋顶电除尘器在电石炉烟气治理上的应用

    Application of Roof Electrical Precipitator in the Calcium Carbide Furnace Flue Gas Treatment

  29. 电石炉烟气净化问题的探讨与实践

    Discussion and Practice on Purifying Problems for Flue Gas of Calcium Carbide Furnace

  30. 减少密闭型电石炉炉面热损的工艺技改

    Technology Modification for Reduction of Furnace Surface Heat Loss in Sealed-Calcium Carbide Furnace