
diàn yǐnɡ yīn yuè
  • Movie music;film music/score
  1. 电影音乐要想让人记住不难,因为它的主旋律贯穿影片始终。

    Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film .

  2. LadyGaga保持真我的决心也体现在她对这部电影音乐的投入上。

    Lady Gaga 's determination to be her true self can also be seen in her devotion to the film 's music .

  3. 但对电影音乐我的确很感兴趣。

    But I really have an interest in film music .

  4. 绵延与显现:新时期以来电影音乐研究

    Duration and Presentation : The Film Music during New Period of Time

  5. 20世纪30年代中国左翼电影音乐创作

    On the Left-wing Movie Music Creation of the 1930s

  6. 电影音乐作为开启一部影片的钥匙,是至关重要的。

    Film music as a key to open a movie , is essential .

  7. 我收集了许多电影音乐录音。

    I 've got quite a big collection of records of film music .

  8. 五四以来中国电影音乐的发展流变及民族特色

    The Development and National Characteristics of Chinese Film Music since the May Fourth Movement

  9. 电影音乐创作的多元化态势

    The Analysis on the Diversification of Movie Music

  10. 使电影音乐更生动、更感人。

    Make the music more vivid and moving .

  11. 论电影音乐对观众接受的积极影响

    The Influence of Film Music on Audience

  12. 电影音乐白皮书好莱坞的黄金年&1939年

    The Golden Age of Hollywood : 1939

  13. 四弦千遍语一曲万重情&谈琵琶曲在中国新武侠电影音乐中的应用

    The Emotions in the Lute Music & the Use of Lute in Chinese Gongfu films

  14. 十面埋伏之电影音乐随想

    Film Music of House Of Flying Daggers

  15. 全球语境下的中国现代电影音乐多元化特征解析

    On Chinese Modern Film Music in Globalization

  16. 论电影音乐创作

    On the Musical Creation of Film

  17. 可以说,所有的艺术风格都打上了时代的烙印,对于电影音乐风格的形成而言,也不例外。

    All the art styles click the era branding , besides the shape style of film music .

  18. 科普兰论电影音乐论影视的审美交往问题

    Copl and on Movie Score

  19. 电影音乐与幻想

    Imagination and Music in Movie

  20. 这会导致中国对外国电影音乐等的抵制。

    It will also challenge Chinese restrictions on the distribution of foreign films , music and more .

  21. 女朋友(三个女人),为小号,弦乐四重奏和钢琴而作的电影音乐。

    The Girl Friends ( Three Women ), film score for trumpet , string quartet & piano .

  22. 结合以上理论分析,本文对动画电影音乐制作流程和设计方法进行了研究。

    It researches the process and design of music making in the animation film with the theory analysis .

  23. 本文从新感受力美学的视角,分析了电影音乐感性叙事、极致抒情以及风格化等主要功能。

    This article makes an analysis on the function of narrative , lyric and stylization of film music .

  24. 电影音乐研究是电影艺术理论探讨中,不容忽视的一部分。

    The study of film music which could not be neglected is the part of the film theory .

  25. 电影音乐具有很强的描绘功能。

    The third experiment demonstrates that : 1 . Film music has great power in depicting the plot .

  26. 对热爱电影音乐艺术的人来说,这里就是他们心中的“圣地”。

    It was the " Holy Land " to the person who love the art of music and film .

  27. 为新时期的我区电影音乐的创作研究提供理论依据和相关文献资料。

    For the new era of film music I created to provide theoretical basis for research and related literature .

  28. 免费之家-免费注册码注册机破解补丁,免费电影音乐电子书等免费版资源

    Ranslated Title : Free House-RI crack free registration key patch , free movies , music e-books and other free resources

  29. 音画统一与视听合一&电影音乐特性研究

    The Unity of Image and Sound , and the Combination of Seeing and Listening . A Study on Film Music

  30. 电影音乐是专门为电影创作,并与影片同步放映而展示的音乐。

    Movie music is designed for film creation , and with the film and the music show music synchronous projected .