
  • 网络Movie Lovers;cinephile;cineaste
  1. 这部电影对于任何香港电影爱好者都有一定意义。

    The movie has something for any Hong Kong cinephile .

  2. 今晚,电影爱好者们,我在和你说话。我们将会给你一个无法拒绝的出价。

    Tonight , movie lovers , we 're talking to you . We 're going to make you an offer you can 't refuse .

  3. 曾亲自执导过数百部影片的电影爱好者金正日(kimjong-il)得到了一个他一直渴望的圆满结局。

    Kim Jong-il , the film buff who directed hundreds of movies himself , got the happy ending he always craved .

  4. NetflixAPI使得开发者可以利用Netflix数据,为Netflix会员或者广泛电影爱好者开发新颖独特的应用。

    The Netflix API gives developers the ability to create new and novel applications using Netflix data for Netflix members or movie fans in general .

  5. 在国内,在公众面前宣扬党的路线的同时,这位身材矮小的电影爱好者喜欢好莱坞(hollywood)动作片,并从自己在瑞士接受教育的孩子们口中了解西方的生活。

    At home , the diminutive film buff enjoys Hollywood action movies and hears tales of life in the West from his Swiss-educated children , while trotting out the party line in public .

  6. 电影爱好者们分析了这两个动物形象,发现NickWilde和Finnick属于不同类型的狐狸:红狐狸和小狐狸。

    Moviegoers have taken it upon themselves to research the characters and discovered that Nick and Finnick are actually two different types of fox : red and fennec .

  7. 他是狂热的电影爱好者,喜欢玩滑雪板和山地自行车。

    He is a major film buff who enjoys snowboarding and mountain biking .

  8. 电影爱好者仍然能够复述她的一些台词。

    Movie-lovers can still repeat some of her lines .

  9. 多数电影爱好者并不在意电影是如何制作的。

    Most people who enjoy movies do not really care how they are made .

  10. 我出去吃爆米花了;和其他人一样,我也是个电影爱好者。

    I had gone out for popcorn ; I 'm a movie-goer like anyone else !

  11. 纽约是电影爱好者之城,电影论坛是影迷的圣地。

    New York is a film-lover 's town and Film Forum is Mecca for the city 's cinephiles .

  12. 故事发生在“鹅城”,一些带有政治倾向的电影爱好者认为“鹅城”象征着中国。

    The Goose Town , the central setting for the movie , has come to symbolize China for some film buffs with a political leaning .

  13. 来自世界各地的电影爱好者将会被吸引到这里来,因为在这里他们将有机会看到正在制作中的国际大片。

    Movies fans from around the world will be drawn to CNX Movie World where they will have a chance to see the international film industry in action .

  14. 除了组织进行各种现场演出之外,麻雀瓦舍还斥资投入了一套标准的数字影院设备,电影爱好者俱乐部也在筹建之中。

    In addition to the exctied shows , MAKO had budgeted a set of advanced digital film equipment while a club for the movies fans are now under construction .

  15. 上个月,热切的电影爱好者们第一次看到了《无敌破坏王》的续集,这部电影第一次聚齐了迪士尼的所有公主。

    Last month eager film fans were given their first look at the Wreck-It Ralph sequel , which will feature all of the Disney Princesses together for the very first time .

  16. 电影爱好者将休·杰克曼新上映的超级英雄电影《金刚狼》送上了本周的票房榜首位,票房达到5500万美元。

    Movie goers have voted for the super hero , Wolverine , starring Hugh Jackman debut in first place at the box office this weekend with a take of about $ 55 million .

  17. 无论你是不是电影爱好者,都无法否认,电影是大多数人最喜欢的艺术形式,所以去看几部电影你就会知道人们对什么东西有反应了(更不用提有多有趣了。)

    Whether you 're a movie buff or not , there is no denying that films are the preferred art form for most people , so catching some flicks could offer you a hint about what people react to ( not to mention it will be fun ) . 9 .

  18. 除非你是一个恐怖电影的爱好者,不然去《闪灵》外景中令人毛骨悚然的林边酒店的想法可能并不吸引你。

    Unless you 're a horror movie lover , the idea of going to the hotel that was used as the exterior for the creepy hotel in The Shining probably doesn 't really appeal to you .

  19. 但结果往往不能如其所愿。我认为,对于一个制片人或者导演或者制作电影的的爱好者们来说,所有人都需要有一个很好的合作伙伴,或是听取制作何种电影的好建议。”

    we like it . ' But it doesn 't always work out that way and I think it 's important for a producer or director or someone who 's inclined to make movies for the Chinese market to have a good partner over there or good voices to give them advice on what to make .

  20. 谨以此片献给广大电影及电影台词爱好者。

    I would like this film dedicated to the movie and film lovers lines .

  21. 它的艺术在于寻找大众媒体上最精彩的片段——电影、电视或爱好者拍摄的视频——通过无休止的重复突显它们的精彩。

    The art lies in detecting the richest slices of popular media - film , TV or amateur video - and punctuating their greatness by setting them on infinite repeat .

  22. 一直以来,观众被简单的认定为一部或另一部电影观者、一类或者另一类电影类型的爱好者、亦或是某一明星的粉丝。

    For a long time , audience has been simply identified as a viewer of one or another movie , the lovers of one or another type of film , and a fan of one star .

  23. 电影还借鉴了《僵尸先生》中的一些场景,让该系列电影爱好者大饱眼福。

    The movie also includes visual references to ' Mr. Vampire , ' offering ample rewards for movie-goers familiar with the series .

  24. 他直截了当地说:不,我没有刻意在电影里掺杂政治观点。故事发生在鹅城,一些带有政治倾向的电影爱好者认为鹅城象征着中国。

    " No , I did not mean to embed political meanings into the story ," he says straightforwardly . The Goose Town , the central setting for the movie , has come to symbolize China for some film buffs with a political leaning .

  25. “这部电影将尝试探索什么才是真爱,”张瑜在一次发布会上说。她还说她的这部电影也会吸引当今的电影爱好者。

    " The film will try to explore what real love is ," Zhang said at a press conference , adding that her film would appeal to today 's movie-goers .