
  • 网络Film Legend;Story of Movie
  1. 张艺谋的电影传奇

    Zhang Yimou : A Legend of Movies

  2. 电影传奇20世纪福克斯:《双雄》

    20th Century - Fox Film Corp.

  3. 虽然已经62岁,但作为中国功夫电影传奇人物的成龙,短期内丝毫没有停止在电影中加入大量玩命特技的打算。

    He may be 62 , but Chinese kung fu legend Jackie Chan has no plans to stop performing death-defying stunts anytime soon .

  4. 电影传奇武侠传奇的人,奥斯卡金像奖获得者,金马奖获得者,香港电影金像奖获得者和大多数其他生意上各奖项的人们。

    Film legends , martial arts legends , people who have won Academy awards , Golden Horse awards , Hong Kong film awards , and most every other award in the business .

  5. 这位两度获得奥斯卡奖的电影界传奇人物,在74岁时出演美剧《好运赛马》(luck),这是他首次出演电视剧。

    At the age of 74 , the two-time Oscar-winning movie legend is starring in luck , his first television drama .

  6. 相对论传媒(RelativityMedia)已投资中国的Skyland影视文化发展有限公司拍摄本土电影,传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)也与最大的中文内容生产商和分销商中国电影合作制片公司(ChinaFilmCo)成立合资企业。

    Relativity Media has invested in China 's Skyland to make local films , while Legendary Entertainment has a joint venture with China Film Co , the largest producer and distributor of Chinese content .

  7. 正因为此,卢拉领导下巴西的发展历程,远不止是一段适合拍成电影的传奇。

    That is why the story of Brazil under Lula is much more than a movie-friendly myth .

  8. 首先,分别研究继汤亭亭之后美国华裔文学另一高峰的谭恩美和中国电影的传奇人物张艺谋就已经非常有价值。

    First , it is very valuable to just carry out respective researches on Amy Tan , another peak of Chinese American Literature after Maxine Hong Kingston , and Zhang Yimou , the legendary figure of Chinese Film .

  9. 梁朝伟凭借出演这部电影的传奇人物咏春拳宗师叶问入围最佳男主角提名,章子怡凭借出演另一位宗师的女儿功夫高手宫二入围最佳女主角提名。

    Tony Leung Chiu-wai was nominated for best actor for his portrayal of legendary wing chun kung-fu master Ip Man , while Zhang Ziyi picked up a best actress nomination for her role as Gong Er , a kung-fu expert and the daughter of another powerful martial-arts master .

  10. 1月的早些时候,大连万达(DalianWanda)以35亿美元收购了电影制片公司传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment),此前万达多年在好莱坞寻购内容(2012年该集团以30亿美元将连锁影院AMC娱乐收入囊中)。

    Dalian Wanda , earlier in January , acquired film studio Legendary Entertainment for $ 3.5bn after sniffing around Hollywood for years looking for content ( in 2012 it grabbed cinema chain AMC Entertainment for $ 3bn ) .

  11. 这部电影以中年传奇小说家体面地结婚做为结局。

    The film ends with the middle-aged romancers respectably married .

  12. 赛斯麦克法兰:艾玛斯通是新电影《匪帮传奇》的主角。

    Seth MacFarlane : Emma Stone is the star of the new film Gangster Squad .

  13. 他还说,他的手印和脚印与众多电影界的传奇人物放在一起是他所有成就的最高峰,包括帮助湖人队五次登顶美国职业篮球联赛。

    He said having his prints alongside those of Hollywood legends was " right at the top " of his many accomplishments , including helping the Lakers to five NBA championships .

  14. 他作为特写,登上了以2013年传记电影《42号传奇》为主题制作的邮票上。该电影以罗宾森为原型,由哈里森·福特饰演BranchRickey;

    He was featured on a commemorative stamp , was made the subject of a 2011 biopic starring Harrison Ford as Rickey and Chadwick Boseman as Robinson , and starred in a 2014 Mazda3 commercial , the greatest of all honors .

  15. 三部电影讲述一个传奇冒险的故事为此增加了一层复杂性,他解释道。

    There 's a layer of complexity in getting the story to work as a saga across three films , he explained .

  16. 这部电影是由“传奇娱乐”工作室制作的,在今年年初,这个电影工作室被万达以35亿美元的价格收购。

    The studio behind the movie , Legendary Entertainment , was earlier this year acquired by Chinese conglomerate Dalian Wanda for $ 3.5bn .

  17. 妮娜·杜波夫很美,但是她是不是打算通过在这部经典电影中扮演这个传奇角色来转跳到大银幕上呢?

    Nina Dobrev is beautiful , but is she ready to make the leap to the big screen in such a legendary role ?

  18. 但对于许多游客来说,它更为知名的身份恐怕是电影史上最传奇的监狱之乡。

    But for a large number of visitors , it is better known as the home of perhaps the most storied prison in movie history .

  19. 里奇兰德县因其特征与地理位置,号称“俄亥俄的心脏'。但对于许多游客来说,它更为知名的身份恐怕是电影史上最传奇的监狱之乡。

    Richland County refers to itself , because of its character and geographical location , as the " heart of Ohio . " But for a large number of visitors , it is better known as the home of perhaps the most storied prison in movie history .

  20. 许多影评人认为这部电影是有史以来最优秀的电影,这让传奇批判家-罗杰·艾伯特开玩笑地说:“就这么定了,公民凯恩是最伟大的官方电影”。

    Many film critics consider Citizen Kane to be the best film ever made , which has led legendary critic Roger Ebert to joke : " So it 's settled : Citizen Kane is the official greatest film of all time . "

  21. 由台湾裔导演林诣彬执导的电影《速度与激情6》,续写了街头赛车系列电影传奇。该部电影获得了16亿美元的电影票房,成为全球第22部最卖座电影。

    Directed by Taiwan-born Justin Lin , " Fast & Furious 6 " continues the legendary street-racing series , which has grossed 1.6 billion US Dollars in total , and ranks as the 22nd biggest franchise globally .

  22. 恐怖模仿类电影《鬼屋大电影》以1880万美元票房排名第二,匪徒类电影《匪帮传奇》以1670万美元的票房位居第三。

    Horror parody " A Haunted House " debuted in second place with $ 18.8 million , while mobster drama " Gangster Squad " opened third with $ 16.7 million .