
  • 网络Capacitor voltage transformer;Cvt;TYD
  1. 电容式电压互感器现场测试技术的探讨

    Discussion of Field Test Technology of High Voltage CVT

  2. 电容式电压互感器的暂态特性及其对微机继电保护装置影响的研究

    Research on Transient Characteristics of CVT and Corresponding Impacts on Microchip Relay Protection

  3. 采用CVT自激法测量电容式电压互感器的tgδ值

    Measuring tg δ Value of Capacitance Voltage Transformer by CVT Self-excited Method

  4. 35kV电容式电压互感器高压熔断器熔断的原因分析

    Analysis of High-voltage Fuse Blow for 35 kV Capacitor Voltage Transformer

  5. 220kV电容式电压互感器计量误差的现场检测

    Field Detection on Calculation Error of 220 kV Capacitor Voltage Transformer

  6. 介绍了一起电容式电压互感器(CVT)分频谐振事故。

    In this paper , a frequency-dividing resonance fault of capacitive voltage transformer ( CVT ) happened in Hunan province is described at first .

  7. 电容式电压互感器(CVT)的补偿电抗器不但影响电压比的准确度,而且还影响它的额定容量。

    Compensating reactor in a Capacitive Voltage Transformer ( CVT ) influences not on-ly its ratio error , but also the rated output capacity .

  8. 35kV电容式电压互感器故障原因分析

    Causes Analysis on Faults in 35 kV Capacitor Voltage Transformer

  9. 500kV电容式电压互感器误差现场检验方法的分析

    Analysis on Site Inspection Method of Error for 500 kV Capacitance Voltage Transformer

  10. 500kV电容式电压互感器运行损坏原因分析

    Cause Analysis on 500 kV CVT Damage During Service

  11. 两台500kV电容式电压互感器故障分析

    Faults Analyses of Two 500 kV Capacitive Voltage Dividers

  12. 分析了利用并联补偿电感升压法进行电容式电压互感器(CVT)误差测试的原理,给出了测试线路,提出了测试过程中补偿电抗器补偿值的计算与选择方法。

    This paper analyzes the error test principle of capacitor voltage transformer ( CVT ) by using the boosting voltage method of the parallel compensation inductance .

  13. 浅析两起110kV电容式电压互感器故障

    Analysis of Two Faults of 110 kV Capacitive Voltage Transformers

  14. 500kV电容式电压互感器不拆高压引线预试方法探讨

    Discussions on Preventive Test of 500 kV Capacitive Voltage Transformer without Disconnecting High Tension Leads

  15. 对测量用电容式电压互感器(以下简称CVT)的误差特性进行了理论分析,介绍了CVT中重要部件对测量误差的影响以及误差的调整方法。

    It analyzed error of Capacitive Voltage Transformer theoretically and introduced influences of cut important parts to the measuring error and gave regulating method of the error .

  16. 35kV电容式电压互感器一次熔断器异常熔断原因的试验研究

    The Test Study on Abnormal Fusing of the Primary Fuse for 35 kV Capacitor Voltage Transformer

  17. 本文介绍了电容式电压互感器用新型阻尼器&半导体阻尼器的原理、特性和CVT瞬态特性、准确度方面的优点及其应用价值。

    This article introduces the principles , characteristics of a new semiconductor damper and its advantage in respect of transient characteristics and accuracy when applied to capacitor voltage transformers .

  18. 应用该测量系统测试高压电网中的谐波,可以避免因高压电网中取自电容式电压互感器(CVT)的谐波测量信号失真的问题。

    The system can measure the harmonic in HV power network , and avoid the problem of harmonic measure signal distortion caused by capacity type voltage transformer ( CVT ) .

  19. 电容式电压互感器(CVT)的传统等效电路模型中忽略了电容分压器电容电压初值对等效电路模型的影响,然而在CVT暂态时这一因素的影响不能简单地看成是一个误差问题。

    The traditional equivalent circuit of CVT ( Capacitor Voltage Transformer ) neglects the influence of initial capacitor voltage value of capacitor voltage divider , but it is not neglectable in CVT transient process .

  20. 阐述了根据我国CVT产品制造和运行实际,通过试验验证制定新国标GB/T4703-2001《电容式电压互感器》的情况。

    According to the production and operation of CVT in China , this paper elaborates the situation of working out new national standard GB / T4703-2001 " capacitive voltage transformer " through testing verification .

  21. 电容式电压互感器(CVT)目前正常运行在大电流接地系统中,但在特定的操作下,可能运行于不接地系统。

    Now the capacity-voltage transformer ( CVT ) is normally operating in a system earthed with large current , under a specific operation , however , it may run in a system without earthing .

  22. 500kV电容式电压互感器、避雷器不拆线试验方法青光眼小梁切除术后高眼压拆线方法降眼压的探讨

    Testing of Capacitor Voltage Transformer and Arrester without Removal of the Lead The practical suture lysis methods for high intraocular pressure after trabeculectomy

  23. 针对现有的电能质量监测仪功能虽强,但却不便于普及推广的缺点,开发了一种与电容式电压互感器(CVT)一体化的电压质量监测系统。

    Although the existing power quality monitoring instruments have excellent performances , they are not convenient to be popularized . A voltage quality monitoring system integrating with the Capacitor Voltage Transformer ( CVT ) is developed .

  24. 电容式电压互感器(CVT)在输入电压信号发生突变时,其输出不能很快地跟随一次电压的变化而形成暂态误差。

    With the sudden change of the input signal of the capacitive voltage transformer ( CVT ), the primary voltage can not been quickly tracked by the CVT output so that a transient error will be made .

  25. 西宁变750kV电容式电压互感器误差试验特高压变压器差动保护动态模拟试验研究

    Dynamic Simulation on Differential Protection of Ultra-high Voltage Transformer

  26. 介绍两起500kV电容式电压互感器运行中发现故障的过程,并对故障的原因进行了分析,提出了具体反事故措施的建议。

    Two accidents of 500 kV capacitor voltage transformers are analyzed in this paper . The measures to avoid accidents of 500 kV capacitor voltage transformers are put forward .

  27. 该文利用测量电容式电压互感器(CVT)的入地电流行波来检测线路电压行波,设计了行波传感器,提出了硬件行波波头检测方法,并应用于基于整个电网的行波故障定位。

    A new sensor to detect the voltage traveling-wave is designed in this paper . It can measure the current traveling-wave from CVT to ground . The incipient times of traveling-wave appearing in every station are measured and a new fault location system for the whole grid is implemented .

  28. 对500kV变电所2种安装形式的电容式电压互感器(以下简称CVT)不拆线预试进行了分析,特别对线路侧CVT不拆线对测试的影响作了探讨。

    This paper analyzes the preventive test of two installations of capacitive voltage transformers ( CVT ) in 500 kV substation . It also analyzes the impact to the test results without disconnecting the high tension leads , especially for the CVT installed on the line side .

  29. 该方法简单有效,同时,它还可以用来建立电容式电压互感器(CCVT)的宽频传输模型。

    The method is simple and effective ; it can be used to constructed the wide frequency models for the transfer function of the coupling capacitor voltage transformer ( CCVT ) as well .

  30. 电容式电压互感器附加相位差对绝缘在线监测的影响

    Effect of CVT additional phase error on insulation monitoring on site